Summer, 2012


Course Number: CISC 3360

Course Title: Computer Organization and Architecture

Number of Credits: 3

Location of Class: Room 101 & 122 DAV

Meeting Time: 10:30 – 12:50 pm Monday - Thursday

Professor: Dr. William G. Tanner, Jr.

Office: Room 119 Davidson Building

Office Hours: See Professor’s schedule posted in Davidson

Office Phone: (254) 295 - 4645



This course will investigate the basic components of any Intel microcomputer system. Included will be discussions of the component parts composing the microcomputer system, i.e. gate, register, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, adder, multiplier, bus, memory, I/0 devices, interfaces, and clocks.

In addition, will be included detailed discussions of specific microcomputer system concepts, i.e. CPU cycles, control signals, micro-programs, assembler language, and virtual machines. Extensive quantitative analysis of computer architecture will be conducted in order that the student may be made aware of the essential components comprising an "ideal" computer system.

Students will become well acquainted with the fundamental aspects of a microprocessor as fully described in the texts assigned for this course. However, this course will be hands-on intensive in that the student will be expected to create working programs that both emulate and employ various components of a microcomputer. To that end the Object-Oriented Language LabVIEW developed will be learned and employed by the students to create working models of a CPU, to test "pipelining" of instructions and to measure the level of optimization achieved by each method.

The average student spends between 3 - 8 hours per week working on programs and projects (keep up, if you start falling behind, ask for help early). Assignments will be given out in class and posted on the CISC 3360 web-page, along with the BBS - used for class interaction and help; Web-link: /~wgt/cisc3360/


The student must gain a good understanding of a microprocessor functions and assembly language in order to perform specific tasks using that microprocessor. The skills attained through the creation of assembly language and LabVIEW programs may be applied to advanced programming classes irrespective of the programming platform utilized to accommodate the activity.

Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:

1. Demonstrate proficiency in the creation of assembly and LabVIEW programs

2. Identify each function of all major components of a microcomputer system

3. Optimize various program components to create "parallelizeable" programs.


J.L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 5th ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-12-383872-8

Other items:

A flash drive is required for this class (an 8 GB drive to a 16 GB USB drive is recommended).


Current account on the CS / NAS server (Sirius) will be provided for which you have paid a laboratory fee. Sufficient disk space on the server should be available, but if you wish to maintain a backup copy of your work, you will need to purchase a sufficient number CDRs to do so.


1.  Grading: The final grade calculation will be reached according to the distribution described on page 68 of the 2011 - 2012 UMHB Catalog. The final course grade will be computed by the following percentages:

Class participation & Laboratory Assignments 20%

Tests (3) + FINAL 80%

2. Attendance: The student is expected to attend ALL scheduled classes and will be held responsible for all class work and assignments. Continued absences will result in an unsatisfactory grade report for the course. To be counted present, a student must be in the classroom during the scheduled class or lab time for as least 80% of schedule time.

3. Tests: All students are required to be present for a test. If an extreme emergency occurs, and you cannot make the test time, the student should make every effort to contact the professor by email, telephone or in person to receive permission to miss the test. Permission will be granted only in the case of extenuating circumstances.

4. Makeup Tests: Students desiring a Makeup Test must make arrangements with the professor to take the test. A Makeup Test must be scheduled during office hours BEFORE the next scheduled test. If a student fails to take a Makeup Test before the next scheduled test, that student will receive a ZERO for the test missed.

5. Assignments: All assignments will be due on the DUE-DATE. They are due at the beginning of a class period.

6. Final Exam: The final exam will be comprehensive and will be requisite for all students. NO MAKEUP WILL BE GIVEN FOR THE FINAL EXAM.


Month Date Reading Assignment Text Laboratory Assignment

June 04 Introduction COA Introduction

05 Chapter 1: 1.1 -1.12 COA Digital Logic Lab 1 - 2

06 Chapter 2: 2.1 – 2.6 COA Digital Logic Lab 3

07 Chapter 2: 2.7 – 2.12 COA Digital Logic Lab 4

07 EXAM #1 (Chap 1) DUE 14 June COA LAB ASSIGNMENT #1 - #4(DLL 1)

June 11 Chapter 3: 3.1 – 3.3 ASEE Conference Digital Logic Lab 5

12 Chapter 3: 3.4 – 3.6 ASEE Conference Digital Logic Lab 6

13 Chapter 3: 3.7 – 3.8 ASEE Conference Digital Logic Lab 7

14 Review for Examination #2 COA Digital Logic Lab 8

14 EXAM #2 (Chap 3) DUE 18 June COA LAB ASSIGNMENT #5 - #8 (DLL 2)

June 18 Chapter 4: 4.1 – 4.6 COA Digital Logic Lab 9

19 Chapter 4: 4.7 – 4.9 COA Digital Logic Lab 10

20 Chapter 5: 5.1 – 5.6 COA Digital Logic Lab 11

21 Chapter 5: 5.7 – 5.10 COA Digital Logic Lab 12

21 EXAM #3 (Chap 4 & 5) DUE 25 June COA LAB ASSIGNMENT #8 - #12 (DLL 3)

June 25 Chapter 6: 6.1 – 6.3 COA Review of DLLs

26 Chapter 6: 6.4 – 6.6 COA Review of DLLs

27 Chapter 6: 6.7 – 6.10 COA Review of DLLs

28 Review for Final Examination COA Review of DLLs

28 FINAL (Chaps 1 - 6) IN CLASS COA LAB ASSIGNMENT #1 - #12 (DLLS)