University of Louisville Staff Senate - Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2011
DRAFT Minutes
(Pending Motion to Approve at the July 11, 2011 Senate Meeting)
Members of the Staff Senate of the University of Louisville met at 2:35 p.m. on Monday, June 13, 2011, in the Chao Auditorium of Ekstrom Library, on Belknap Campus, with members present and absent as follows:
Present: Brent Fryrear, Chair
David James, Vice Chair
Dhiane Bradley, Secretary/Treasurer
Present: William Adamchik, William Armstrong, Nancy Ashmore, James Atkinson, Ruth Aultman, S. Michael ben-Avraham, Kathy Brashear, Ginger Brown, Valerie Browning, Carolyn Burton, Cheryl Busch, Valerie Casey, Bob Cochran, Jessica Corona-Cox, Janice Freiberger, Christian Gamm, Tammy Green, Josh Hardy, Kristie Helm, Sue Hilburn, Cynthia Jeffery, Susan Jenkins, Cynthia Keeney, Michael Keibler, Sandra Kelly, Nancy Knadler, Martin Kramer, Tammy Lawson, Lisa London, Mary Marlatt, Sally Molsberger, Patricia Moon, Chadwick Moore, Karen Nalley, Heather Parrino, Sandy Russell, Stacey Schoen, Melissa Shuter, Caroline Stephens, Tatyana Tarakanova, William Taylor, Mylantha Williams and Doug Wilson
Absent: Patricia Allen, Annette Conley, Bonnie Dean, Paul Detwiler, Debra Evans, Suzanne Galbreath, Kent Gardner, Jr., Kim Hendricks, Rachel Hodge, Skip Hurley, Debby Kalbfleisch, Peter Kilfoil, Robert Klein, Angela Lewis-Klein, Wendy Metcalf, Laurie O'Hare, Michael Radmacher, Vickie Tencer, Tammi Thomas, Bridgett Thornberry, Marian Vasser and Martyna Warren
Guests: Sam Connally, Bill Forman, Margo Smith and Janene Zaccone.
I. Call to Order
Having determined the presence of a quorum, Chair Fryrear called the meeting to order at 2:35 p.m.
II. Birthdays and Special Announcements
a. Birthdays in June: 1st Patricia Moon, 13th Caroline Stephens, 17th Rachel Hodge and Karen Nalley, and 30th Angela Lewis-Klein.
b. Special Announcement: James Atkinson received service award for his work for the Staff Senate upon his departure to take a position at Berea College.
III. Approval of Minutes
May 9, 2011 meeting, Senator ben-Avraham moved to approve, seconded by Senator James. Minutes passed without changes.
IV. Action Items
a. Appoint Bob Cochran to seat MED11, a 2012 seat to open the VPHR01 seat for unit representation.
i. Recommendation from C&N to appoint Bob Cochran to MED11 seat
ii. ACTION- Motion from Chair to seat Bob Cochran in MED11, all in favor, no opposed, motion carried.
b. Appointment of At-large Senators
i. Recommendation from C&N to appoint new at-large candidates to 2013 seats
1- Laura McKinney (DTL01) to DTL01
2- Jennifer Hall (MED03) to MED09
3- Steven Colston (VPBA06) to MED14
4- Angela Napier (KNT01) to MED22
5- J. Chandler Hora (PROV01) to ATH01
6- Michael Grillo (PROV02) to VPIT02
i. ACTION- Motion from Chair to seat at-large senators all in favor, no opposed, motion carried.
c. Appointment of Senators in Uncontested 2013 Seat, twenty-four applicants filed to be seated in 2013 seats to represent their particular work unit. Each candidate filed by the deadline of April 13th. The following twenty-four candidates had their candidacy uncontested.
i) Continuing Senators
1. A&S, ANS01- William Armstrong
2. A&S, ANS04- Ginger Brown
3. Business, BUS01- Tammy Green
4. Education, EDU02- Mylantha Williams
5. SIGS/Graduate, GRD01- Christian Gamm
6. Medical, MED01- Sue Hilburn
7. Medical, MED03- Ruth Aultman
8. Medical, MED05- Nancy Knadler
9. Medical, MED10- Cheryl Busch
10. Medical, MED21- Pattie Allen
11. Nursing, NUR01- Patty Moon
12. Provost, PROV01- Kathy Brashear
13. Provost, PROV03- Valerie Casey
14. Speed, SPD02- Wendy Metcalf
15. VP- Business Affairs, VPBA01- Caroline Stephens
16. VP- Business Affairs, VPBA03- Paul Detwiler
17. VP- Business Affairs, VPBA04- Nancy Ashmore
18. VP- Business Affairs, VPBA06- Melissa Shuter
19. VP- Business Affairs, VPBA10- David James
20. VP- Finance, VPF01- Martyna Warren
21. VP- Health Affairs, VPHA01- Kristie Helm
22. VP- Research, VPR01- Brent Fryrear
23. VP- Student Affairs, VPSA01- Suzanne Galbreath
24. VP- University Advancement, VPUA02- Tammy Lawson
ii) ACTION- Motion from Chair to seat these 24 senators in 2013 seats, motion carried
d. Unit-wide elections for contested 2013 seats (Provost and Human Resources) is underway and the results will be reported next month.
e. Appointment of At-large Senator
i) Recommendation from C&N to appoint continuing at-large candidates to 2013 seats
a. Valerie Browning
b. Jessica Corona-Cox
c. Bonnie Dean
d. Michael Keibler
e. Angela Lewis-Klein
f. Heather Parrino
g. Tatyana Tarakanova
h. Vickie Tencer
i. Bridgett Thornberry
ii) ACTION- Motion from Chair to seat these 9 senators in 2012 at-large seats, motion carried.
f. Preference Forms for FY12
i) The Senate office will be distributing an electronic request to have all 2012 and 2013 senators complete a senator profile and committee preference form. This document will be used to verify existing information and assist with the committee appointments for the coming year. Deadline June 27th
g. Officer Elections
i) The candidates made a joint statement as a Leadership Team regarding the goals of the FY12 Staff Senate, question and answer period for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer.
a. Office of Chair candidate: David James.
b. Office of Vice Chair candidate: Dhiane Bradley.
c. Office of Secretary/Treasurer candidate: Lisa London.
d. ACTION- Motion entered by Chair Fryrear, the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer and carried by acclamation.
V. Report – Secretary/Treasurer
a. Dhiane Bradley, Senate Secretary/Treasurer, reported that for the month, ending May 31, 2011, the Staff Senate Account incurred operating expenses of $4,323.58 and the S.H.A.R.E. Account carried a balance of $15,361.78.
See staff senate financial reports for details.
VI. Reports – Standing Committees- Chair Fryrear
a. Credentials & Nominations (C&N)
Ginger Brown, C&N Chair, reports a joint meeting with the officers for committee selections will be held 06/28th. The next C&N meeting is 6/30th.
b. Policy, Economics & Development (PED)
Lisa London, PED Chair, reports they will meet next Monday, the last FY meeting, will look at the RIF policy and review annual report and submit to the Staff Senate office.
c. Assistance Morale and Outreach (AMO)
Tammy Lawson, AMO Chair, reports UPS has agreed to ship all donations to Alabama. No requests for SHARE funding at this time.
d. Staff Grievance Committee (SGC)
Christian Gamm, SGC Chair, reports next month will review the revised policies that will be posted before the next meeting.
e. Services & Facilities (S&F)
Skip Hurley, S&F Chair, could not attend.
VII. Report of the Vice President for Human Resources- Sam Connally
Review of 2010-2011 joint policy initiatives including salary increase for FY12, tuition remission guideline changes, new grievance policies for FY12 and preliminary policy initiatives for 2011-2012. VPHR Connally thanks the staff senate for their hard work in the last year.
For the latest items of interest from the Human Resources department, please refer to their website,
VIII. Report – Faculty Senate Representative
Dr. Dennis Hall, Faculty Senate Representative was unable to attend but minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting are available online at
IX. Report – Student Government Association (SGA) Representative
John Weber, SGA Services VP was unable to attend but minutes of the SGA meetings are available online at
X. Report – Staff Senate Chair
Brent Fryrear, Staff Senate Chair, provided a brief report of events and activities that have taken place since the previous senate meeting. A full report from the Chair is available on SharePoint at:
XI. Report – University-wide Committees
a. Faculty Senate academic programs committee report ADD DETAILSprogram reported by Cynthia Jeffery
Mylanta Williams update on Email, cardmail/groupwise migration of student email, instant messaging updates, email archive updates, Retiree email accounts, either stopping the offer for new retirees or an email forwarding ADD DETAIL OF CMTE
Bill Forman, UofL Retiree rep, has enjoyed the year, our big effort is to improve their communications, they have a new website and would like feedback\retired
XII. Other Business
XIII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 3:55pm. Senator Atkinson, second Senator ben-Avraham.