Module Specification

Health and Social Care Services (SO638)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module students will be able to:

a)  evaluate the main structures, resources and practices involved in funding health and social care at all levels

b)  critically examine the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of institutional health and social care for a given group

c)  analyse health and social care policies at the local level, in particular the changes which have occurred under different governments

d)  analyse ethical dilemmas involving care, specifically control, legal and moral issues

e)  evaluate anti-discriminatory practice in a health and social care setting.

A synopsis of the curriculum

In this module you will be examining the structure, resources and practices involved in health and social care and will analyse local health and social care policies and the changes which have occurred under different governments. You will take part in carrying out evaluation of issues regarding control, legal and moral ethical dilemmas in the health and social care services.

Indicative Reading List:

Allott M & Robb M (eds), 1998, Understanding Health and Social Care: an introductory reader, Sage Publications, ISBN 0761956867

Brazier M and Lobjoit M (eds), 1991, Protecting the Vulnerable: Autonomy and Consent in Health Care, Routledge, ISBN 0415046971

Brechin A, Sampson Katz J and Walmsley J (eds), 1998, Care Matters: Concepts, Practice and Research in Health and Social Care, Sage Publications, ISBN 0761955666

Brechin A, Brown H, Eby M and Eby M A, 2000, Critical Practice in Health and Social Care, Sage Publications, ISBN 0761964932

Gomm R and Davies C, 2000, Using Evidence in Health and Social Care, Sage Publications, ISBN 0761964959

Gomm R, Needham G & Bullman A, 2000, Evaluating Research in Health and Social Care, Sage Publications, ISBN 0761964916

Hughes J and Baldwin C, 2006, Ethical Issues in Dementia Care: Making Difficult Decisions, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, ISBN 1843103578

Leathard A and McLaren S (eds), 2007, Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care, Policy Press, ISBN 1861347553

Montgomery J (2003), Health Care Law, Open University Press, ISBN 0198765746

Pollock A M and Talbot-Smith A, 2006, New NHS: A Guide to its Funding, Organisation and Accountability, Routledge, ISBN 0415328411

Learning and Teaching Methods

The module will be delivered by means of lectures and seminars over the academic year. There will be a one hour lecture to deliver the key themes and a two hour seminar based on issues brought up in the lectures, on a weekly basis for 24 weeks. There will be examination of case studies, group discussions, guest speakers and projects, undertaken in the seminar sessions. There will be a one hour tutorial each week to further explore the issues.

You will be expected to carry out weekly independent study – for research, assignments and reading/notetaking of required texts and other resources as directed.

Assessment methods

Presentation of appx 10 mins, using appropriate media and supporting documentation (10% weighting), to assess l.o. a

Written assignment of 2,000 words (20% weighting) to assess l.o. b

Written assignment of 2,000 words (20% weighting) to assess l.o. c

Three hour written examination (50%) to assess l.o. d & e