EHRD-OP 2000 /06 Programme Complement 28B

©1. Sub-Measure Overview


/ Training of Trainers


Training of Trainers- FAS


/ Adaptability

Operational Prog

/ Employment & Human Resources Development
Ex Ante Evaluation /
Relevant OP
Objective B / To mobilise all potential sources of labour supply and enhance its quality in order to address skills and labour shortages across the economy as a whole;
Priority 8 / To enhance the quality of labour supply and ease of adaptability by developing and deploying an improved framework of certification and qualifications
Intended Impact / To improve the quality of the training imparted to its clients by FAS staff
Overall Aim & Objective / To improve the performance quality of FAS training staff and hence the quality of service provided
Measure Description / Re-training of trainers to meet changing technology, training in pedagogic skills to achieve recognised qualifications and to meet new needs including awareness of equality and diversity issues. This will ensure trainers have the competences necessary to train effectively, meet future challenges and keep up-to-date in training methodology and technology. In addition, the professional status of FAS trainers will improve through formal qualifications. Training will also be provided in current and emerging pedagogic approaches to help their work with a broader range of clients including people with disabilities, travellers and long-term unemployed.
Description of ESFCo-Financed Element / None
Intended Beneficiaries / FÁS Trainers & FAS Trainees
EU Intervention Field Code / 23
Budget(€/m.00/0) / SAE 2.443 / BMW 1.058 / NAT 3.501

2. Horizontal Issues

Gender Equality /
Current Beneficiaries
of Such Expre
FAS trainers
Women/Men (1999)
Data Source
Differential Impact Factors Explaining Status Quo
/ a)FAS has traditionally provided most of its training courses in areas of industrial skills. In particular, a significant proportion of FAS trainers are in apprenticeship areas. Most qualified crafts-persons are male
FAS records
Ways to Change Factor Impacts
Mainstreaming Actions / a.) FAS operates a policy of equal opportunity in recruitment
b) .FAS training of trainer programmes are operated in a flexible manner, many involving open learning methods, so as to be open to all relevant FAS instructor staff.
c) FAS will consider establishing a consultative process with female trainers to examine if particular needs arise.
d) To encourage work life balance, instructors who undertake courses outside normal work hours receive compensation.
e) FAS publicity materials will show women and men trainers across different areas of training.
f) FAS will monitor, by gender, activity and results under this Measure.
Wider Equality / FAS staff will attend a NUI Maynooth programme leading to a Certificate in Equality Studies in Training and Development. This will equip FAS trainers who work with people in diverse workplaces to become more effective trainers in diverse needs and workplace equality. The course takes into account the 9 grounds under the Equality Act, 2000. To the extent possible, FAS will gather and report data on training of trainers’ activities related to the wider equality grounds.
/South Elements / No specific actions at present. / Estd Cost(€/m.)
Environmental / Module/Element? / Participants to Benefit / Overall Env Impact
No / None
Nature of Module/Element? / Incorporated in technical training as needed.




/ Positive. This Measure will ensure that FÁS trainers have the necessary technical and pedagogic skills to competently carry out their training duties. This will result in the most appropriate training strategies being implemented to meet the particular training needs of different client groups. This is particularly important to ensure that trainees from marginalised groups get the maximum benefit from participating in courses.
Rural Proofing Impact / Positive. Measure valid for both urban and rural trainers.
3 .Financial

EU Co-Financing?



/ ESF Contrib.€/m. /


Treatment of ESF


Not Applicable

National Co-Financing Basis (Net/Gross) / Not Applicable
Max. ESF Co-Financing % / Not Applicable
Max. Total Public Support % / 100
Exch. Vote& S/Head / D/ETE Vote subhead K1 / ESRI Intervention Type / I
Description of Financial Flows / Payment by D/ETE to FAS. Payments by FAS to meet costs incurred to conduct( FAS is the final beneficiary)
4. Financial Control (Co-funded Measures &Sub-Measures)
Paying Authority / Not Applicable / Managing Authority / D/ETE
Intermediary Body(ies)
Implementing Body(ies) / FAS
Final Beneficiaries
Nature of
Support / Training in relevant technical and pedagogic skills for FÁS trainers. / Operation of Scheme / Multi-annual
Implementation Arrangements
(Sub-Contracting ?) / This Measure will be implemented by FÁS. Many of the training programmes will be run by external contractors on behalf of FAS. In particular, it will continue to operate its certificated trainer development programmes in conjunction with the NUI Maynooth and Galway.
5. Payment Roles (Co-funded Measures & Sub-Measures)
Claims to be submitted by / will be submitted
to / Ex-Ante Expenditure Certification by: / Ex-Ante Expenditure Verification by: / Ex-Post Expenditure Verification (>5%) by: / System Checks
Not Applicable
6. Project Selection
Project Selection Process / See below
Project Selection Criteria / Activities under this Measure will support the aims of the Adaptability pillar by ensuring a supply of trainers who are skilled and adaptable to meet the changing needs of employed and unemployed trainees.
Composition of Project Selection Committee / Not Applicable
7. Publicity/Information Plans
/Information Plans for measure / All FAS Training Centres, Employment Offices and FAS-funded community projects will exhibit signage regarding National Development Plan (NDP) or NDP/ESF funding as appropriate FÁS will promote actions under this Measure through the distribution of promotional literature at national level. Applications, brochures, reports and promotional materials will equally publicise the appropriate funding source in line with NDP requirements and those of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1159/2000 of 30 May 2000 on information and publicity measures to be carried out by the Member States concerning assistance from the Structural Funds.
8. Measure Monitoring Indicators (See Below)Cumulative)
9. Financial Plan for Measure /Sub-Measure
Financial tables are presented separately to the Monitoring Committee every six-months. Total expenditure is given in Section 1 above.
10. Implementation Contact
Body / Name / Secretary, Fas or Manager, European Finance
P.O. Box, 456,
27/33 Upper Baggott St.,
Dublin 4.
/ 01 - 6070500
/ 01 - 6070600

Version 7. 13/5/20051

EHRD-OP 2000 /06 Programme Complement 28B

Version 7. 13/5/20051