Erin M. Reynolds, Ph.D.


University of IowaCollege of Public Health, Iowa City, IA

Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 2012

BostonUniversitySchool of Public Health, Boston, MA

Master of Public Health, 2006

Concentration in International Health

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology with Honors, 2002

Bachelor of Arts in History, 2002


Assistant Professor

August 2013-present

University of Southern Indiana

College of Nursing and Health Professions

  • Responsible for teaching HP 302 Biostatistics, HP 305 Structure and Theory of Worksite Wellness, HP 306 Evaluation and Application of Worksite Wellness, HP 377 Foundations for Health Promotion, HP 378 Community Health Education Methods, PH 385 Disease Control, PH 485 Epidemiology, and MHA 628 Epidemiology
  • Participation in College level faculty committees (International Studies and Wellness)
  • Participation in University level faculty committees (Endeavor! and Presidential Scholars selection committee)
  • Participation in two Faculty Learning Communities (Teaching with Technology and Grant writing)
  • Faculty advisor to HOSA executive board secretary

Adjunct Professor

October 2012-present

The University of the Gambia

  • Professor, teaching Epidemiology Methods to Masters level students
  • Design and implement exams to assess students’ academic progress during the semester
  • Develop interactive methods for teaching the difficult concepts related to case-control and cohort study design
  • Utilize Blackboard Collaborate for distance teaching Fall 2012, 2013, and 2014
  • Two week teaching in person in the Gambia during Fall 2012 and the full semester Spring 2013

Peace Corps Response Volunteer: Lecturer Gambia College

January 2013-June 2013

Peace Corps Response

  • Professor, teaching Epidemiology Methods and Writing Skills for Gambia College
  • Professor, teaching Human Health and Risky Behaviors for the University of the Gambia
  • Mentor master’s students as they complete their theses
  • Mentor faculty in conducting research
  • Aid Ministry of Health in conducting research in special interest areas

Research Assistant, Department of Pediatrics

January 2010-August 2010, January 2011 to January 2013

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA

  • Data abstraction from medical records
  • Data entry
  • Management of several National Neonatal databases
  • Creation and use of access database queries and reports

Teaching Assistant, Department of Epidemiology

June 2009-Decemeber 2009, June 2010-August 2010, July 2011-May 2012

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

  • Recorded and produced lecture video using Camtasia/Panopto software
  • Posted lecture videos and other materials to course website
  • Maintained a database for student participation points
  • Held weekly Office Hours for student assistance
  • Conducted informational chat sessions prior to exams for student assistance
  • Guest lectured on Sources of Data and Epidemiologic Investigations during Fall 2009 semester
  • Guest lectured on Epidemiology and Public Policy and Epidemiologic Literature during Fall 2011, Spring and Summer 2012 semesters


Master Thesis

Boston University, School of Public Health

A critical review of the existing literature concerning Willingness to Pay studies on insecticide-treated bednets and an analysis of the National Bednet Campaign in Togo, Africa.

Ph.D. Thesis

University of Iowa, College of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology

Can a low-cost educational intervention result in a change in chikungunya knowledge and prevention practices? Developing and testing an intervention to prevent chikungunya in rural Tamil Nadu, India.

Guest Lectures

Reynolds E. Careers and experiences in Global Health. Guest lecture SWI Career Camp, University of Southern Indiana. June 17, 2014, Evansville, IN.

Reynolds E. Global Health Research: Chikungunya in India and Malaria in the Gambia. Guest lecture NURS 715, University of Southern Indiana. April 15, 2014, Evansville, IN.

Reynolds E. My path to Public Health and Nutrition/Wellness. Guest lecture NUTR 203, University of Southern Indiana. November 25, 2013, Evansville, IN.

Reynolds E. Peace Corps Togo Community Health and AIDS Prevention (CHAP) 204-2005. Global Salon guest lecture, University of Southern Indiana. October 22, 2013, Evansville, IN.

Reynolds E. Chikungunya: A Re-emerging disease that has nothing to do with chickens! Applied Epidemiology guest lecture, University of Iowa. June 7, 2012, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E. Uncommon or Emerging diseases: Hendra virus, Marburg Fever, and Leishmaniasis. Zoonotic Diseases guest lecture, University of Iowa. May 23, 2012, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E. Exploring Chikungunya Fever in Southern India: A Needs Assessment, Educational Intervention, and Evaluation. Global Health Seminar, University of Iowa. March 1, 2012, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E. Exploring Chikungunya Fever in Southern India: A Needs Assessment, Educational Intervention, and Evaluation. Department of Epidemiology Seminar guest lecture, University of Iowa. February 16, 2012, Iowa City, IA.


Reynolds E. Exploring chikungunya fever in Southern India: Developing an educational intervention and a guide to global health research and Uiowa’s IRB. Iowa Graduate Global Health Symposium: Connecting the University of Iowa Oral Session. November 7, 2012, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E. Exploring Chikungunya Fever in Southern India: A Needs Assessment to Identify Gaps in Knowledge and Prevention. American College of Epidemiology Poster Session. September 9, 2012, Chicago, IL.

Reynolds E. Exploring Chikungunya Fever in Southern India: A Needs Assessment to Identify Gaps in Knowledge and Prevention. Great Plains Emerging Infectious Diseases Conference Poster Session. April 27, 2012, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E. and Wallis A. Exploring Chikungunya Fever in Southern India: An Intervention to Address Gaps in Knowledge and Prevention. Great Plains Emerging Infectious Diseases Conference Oral Presentation. April 27, 2012, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E, Caspell C. Survey of chikungunya knowledge from women and adolescents in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. Experiences in Collaborative Learning: Innovations in Healthcare, Affordable Housing, Social Entrepreneurship, Cultural Exploration, Women’s Empowerment and Rural Development: A Student Moderated Conference. April 17, 2010, Iowa City, IA.

Reynolds E, Mitros F, Good M, Tamboli C. Upper gastrointestinal tract inflammation in patients with Microscopic Colitis. Digestive Diseases Week Poster Session. June 1, 2009, Chicago, IL.


Tamboli C. Good M. Reynolds E. Sharma P. Mitros F. Anti-Yersinia antibodies are not associated with microscopic colitis in an American case-control study. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2011; Early Online: 1-7.

Feiss M, Reynolds E, Schrock M, Sippy J. DNA packaging by lambda-like bacteriophages: mutations broadening the packaging specificity of terminase, the lambda-packaging enzyme. Genetics. Jan 2010;184(1):43-52.


USI Summer Research Award for Junior Faculty 2014