Coaching Call Prep Form/Client: Date:
Get the most out of your coaching call by preparing for it!! Please respond to the following questions and feel free to modify this form so that it fits your needs. The prep form is first and foremost for you! The space will expand as needed – so write as little or as much as you like). At the time of our call, here’s my number: 775.853.5510
How am I today, right now? How has my week been? What’s been going on for me?What have I accomplished since our last call? How have I shifted? What has resulted from these shifts/accomplishments? (Remember nothing is insignificant. Rejoice in your progress!)
What was my “homework” or the action steps I committed to take (if not already reflected on in the previous question)?
What did I get done? Why was I able to get this done?
What didn’t I get done, although I had intended to? No need to flog yourself on any that you didn’t get done. Ask yourself, “Is this truly important?” If not, drop it. If so, try again this week.
What am I learning?
What challenges am I facing now?
What opportunities are available to me right now?
What I’d like to get out of this week’s coaching call with Meggin is:
What I am committing to do as a result of this week’s coaching call:
Anything else?
Actions/Assignments (you’ll fill this in during our coaching times).
Just type in your responses and then email to me prior to your coaching appointment:
Note: I encourage you to print out a copy of what you send to me. It’s a good idea to keep a notebook for your notes and thoughts related to your coaching.