University LGBT Subcommittee of Equity & Diversity

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

12:00 - 1:00 PM


Donna Coghill, Cristina Ramirez, Jeff Wing, Meirav Edlis-Matityahou, and Dorothy Fillmore


The May 18, 2010 LGBT Subcommittee Meeting Minutes were approved with no changes.

Equity and Diversity

There is no update from Equity Diversityat this time. They have not met since the Subcommittee last met.

2011 Burnside-Watstein LGBT Award Ceremony and Reception

The date and time for the Burnside-Watstein LGBT Award Ceremony & Reception has been confirmed with SarahWatstein and Chris Burnside, the two for whom the award is named. The ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, April 7, 2011 from 3:30-5 p.m., location TBA. Jeff Wing will contact President Rao’s, Provost’s Warren, and OSMA offices to request that the ceremony be added to their calendars. Because Sarah Watstein’s award from March 26, 2007 was never mailed to her, we will present that to her at that time. Jeff Wing will also contact the Scott House to see if it is available to reserve for the ceremony.

Follow-up to Campus Forums

There is a workday to review and organize the comment cards and transcripts (from the notetakers) from the Provost's March forums in response to the Attorney General's letter to VCU and other state universities. This has been scheduled for Thursday, June 24th from 9-4 in the Honors’ College Multipurpose Room. Volunteers from the Subcommittee’s listserv and from Equity and Diversity have been invited to assist. Three volunteers (Jeff, Dorothy, Steve) are available all day; two volunteers are possible for most of the day (Donna, Cristina); and two volunteers are available for part of the morning (Cindy and Carrie).

Ongoing meetings with Wayne Turnage

Several dates have been forwarded to Wayne Turnage in the President’s Office as possible meeting times with the LGBT leadership. No new agenda items are needed for the meeting. An outline was forwarded in the late spring, listing LGBT Subcommittee goals and projects.

Subcommittee Monthly Meetings

Dorothy will submit the reservation to the Alumni House for 2010-11 meetings of the Subcommittee. The recent survey determined that 12-1 on the 3rd Tuesday of the month was still the best time for the majority of survey respondents.

Fall Reception

The Fall Welcome Reception is scheduled for Thursday, September 9, 2010 from 3:30-5 p.m. at Rodney’s at Shafer Street Dining. Jeff will confirm with OSMA that they received the changes to the poster. It was important to the Subcommittee that the poster indicate that this is the 11th Annual Fall Welcome Reception. The catering menu will rollover but based upon last year’s experience, the Subcommittee will confirm with catering prior to the event that they have everything ordered in the quantities requested. Jeff Wing met with Terri Atkinson and was reassured that the Provost’s office has a firm commitment to supporting financially these type of events.

LGBT Event on the Medical Campus in the Fall

Jeff Wing is arranging a meeting with the co-chairs, Sara Watson, and the new student coordinating the LGBT group on the medical campus. Ideas discussed include pizza and discussion or bagels and discussion and/or a movie. Jeff will invite Napoleon Peoples and Chris Woleben, Associate Deans, Student Affairs, and Cameron Hunt, President, Queer Action, once the date is set.

Note to Listserv and Facebook

Donna Coghill plans to e-mail everyone aThank You for their work and commitment this year and to remind everyone that if they would like to assist in sorting and organizing the comment cards from the March forums, that a workday has been scheduled. Donna will also forward information about Njeri Jackson’s health at the request of Jan Altman, Liz Cramer and Njeri Jackson’s daughters.

Next Meeting

We will not meet in July. Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 17, Alumni House, 924 W. Franklin, 1st floor conference room.

DF 06.15.10