PPG Meeting – 12 December 2017

Present; JL, VS, LS, JJ, HK, CC


Initial 30 minute meeting not attended by VS and CC to discuss results of recent recruitment events. We have been able through recruitment sessions and contacting interested parties to invite 3 applicants to our meeting on 9 January. We are following up several others and may have the opportunity of inviting them to come along as well. Each attendee will have a pack which will include the constitution. We will return to surgery recruitment sessions around next March. CC has informed us that Derby Healthwatch will offer advice on how to recruit for a PPG.

1. Previous minutes – 14 November–agreed after corrected spelling of staff member.

2. Matters Arising;

Maintenance of Practice Website

Following explanation by VS previously of issues re updating the website, this has now been resolved and changes can be made in a day. Recent phone problems were posted on the site. PPG minutes will also be able to go on the site.


These will be amalgamated for combined results in due course and posted on the website. Some quotes from Patients comments on the questionnaires, and where appropriate, Practice replies, can also be posted. The same Patients quotes can be displayed ‘bubble style’ on a noticeboard. Action; VS suggested that SR, the apprentice for business admin could do this.

Action Plan for Patient Feedback

As the replies on the questionnaires are anonymous no direct feedback to Patients is possible. It is deemed adequate that the quotes and replies option be taken up. This will be discussed next year. PPG could combine recruitment sessions with asking Patients if they could complete questionnaires.


At our January meeting it is hoped that the DNAs will be decided and can be included in a poster which will also advise Patients of the approx. 68,000 appointments made available in the past year and the average waiting time until a Patient is seen for their appointment. This will also be for the website.

Booking Report

A short report outlining Patient groups, ie gender and age, and the numbers of appointments issued to each, could also be made into a pie chart for the website and possibly the noticeboard. Action; VS and CC.

48 hr Repeat Prescriptions

A new system, currently piloted, launched on 4 December for Village and other Derby surgeries. This involves those requesting repeat prescriptions will now need to ring a central number and request through them. The Medicine Order Line Operatives, or MOLOs, will have access to individual medical records and will discuss medicine requests with the Patient before the request is forwarded to the Village Surgery. The new scheme aims to cut medicine costs by preventing over issuing of prescribed medicines and therefore possible hoarding. It will also cut the work load for prescription clerks allowing them to take on other duties. A leaflet and letter will be given to those attending the Surgery explaining the system and the repeat prescription box is now sealed off. Information on the leaflet asks Patients to allow 5 working days from phoning the central number and receiving their medicine. It is too soon for feedback from either the Surgery or Patients and VS hopes to review how the scheme is running at the February meeting.

Date and Frequency of meetings

JL asked if Members would like to keep to monthly meetings. It was agreed that monthly was just right and we would keep Tuesdays at present with a start likely to carry on being 6pm.

2017 Achievements CC , attending her first meeting since her return, said that she felt things have progressed and we are more positive. VS felt she was supported by PPG at times of difficulty during the past year. HK says, now during her second membership, that there is an improvement in the PPG and more progression made. JL said the group is very supportive, with a variety of skills. It has been a difficult year in some respects, which we have overcome. VS also commented that JL is a good Chair for the PPG.

Practice News

A variety of changes will take place at the Practice in the coming few months. There will be changes to staff, the triage system and the CCG. NHS England has instructed that Practices must open late or make medical staff available to Patients 365 days a year, from 8am to 8pm.


JL received some complaints from Patients in the waiting room during her recruitment session. One set of automatic doors has needed attention and therefore the waiting room has become very cold at times. VS said the Surgery was aware of this and should be remedied soon. There was discussion re a screen which was, in the past, placed inside the waiting room to shield patients from the draught from the opening doors, which could be reinstated.

Next Meeting Tuesday 9 January 2018 and will start at 6pm

Agenda Please e mail JL or LS with suggested agenda items for January