Songbird Essentials Buy One-Get One Grant Program
In an effort to assist in the establishment or enhancement of martin colonies, the Purple Martin Conservation Association has teamed up with Songbird Essentials to offer a buy-one get one grant opportunity. Songbird Essentials is a family owned company specializing in unique patented products that help consumers attract the beautiful songbirds they love to their homes, work place, or public sites like schools and parks. Under the Songbird Essentials Buy One-Get One Grant Program, successful applicants who purchase one Lonestar Alamo Martin House System (house, pole, pole guard, perching rods, winch, and ground socket) from the PMCA will be granted a second system free, courtesy of Songbird Essentials*.
Individuals and privately-owned sites may be considered for the program, however preference will be given to unincorporated groups, nonprofit organizations, or other public or quasi-public entities whose properties and proposed projects will benefit the public as well as Purple Martins. Preference will also be granted to those sites where special needs or opportunities exist. Special needs and opportunities include, but are not limited to; cases where martin populations are in decline, where otherwise healthy colonies have been damaged by natural disasters or accidents, or where good opportunities for martin-related conservation and education occur.
To apply, send the completed application to:
Purple Martin Conservation Association
301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 6
Erie, PA 16505
In replace of mail, applications can be emailed to .
Lonestar Alamo Martin House System
Lonestar martin houses are the top-of-the-line in aluminum housing and incorporate many features designed to enhance nesting success and facilitate colony-site management. The Alamo has 14 deep compartments (6"x6"x12"), which aid in protecting your martins from owls and hawks, easy-access hinged doors for nest checks, an easy-to-use winch system for raising and lowering, offset holes with round or crescent entrances, individual porches with guard rails, designed to accomplish 100% occupancy, and fully-insulated attics.
*The awardee is responsible for paying shipping cost associated with the Songbird Essentials Buy One-Get One Grant Program.
*The awardee is responsible for providing a short summary report of his/her experiences and successes with the grant program for use in the Purple Martin Update, a quarterly magazine published by the PMCA.
Songbird Essentials Buy One-Get One Grant Program
Directions: Complete all questions of the application. Utilize additional paper if necessary. Mail completed application to PMCA, 301 Peninsula Drive, Ste. 6, Erie, PA 16505 or email to .
Applicant Name (Individual or Organization)-
Applicant Address -
Contact Person – (Name) (Phone Number) (Email)
- Describe the proposed site for your Lonestar Alamo Martin House System(s). Note specifics such as approximate distance from trees and a water source, approximate height of closest trees, and proximity to human activity. If applicable, provide a site address. Pictures are helpful.
- What is the need for your colony? For example, note if your site is a case where martin populations are in decline, where otherwise healthy colonies have been damaged by natural disasters or accidents, or where good opportunities for martin-related conservation and education occur.
- What are the anticipated benefits of your colony? Do you have plans for incorporating Purple Martin education at your site?
- Describe plans for the maintenance and continuation of the colony. Who will be responsible for year round maintenance including spring preparation, nest checks, colony care, and repairs?
- When do you anticipate installing your new Lonestar Alamo Martin House System(s)?
- Does your project include any additional contributions, either financial or in-kind? Please describe.
The Songbird Essentials Buy One-Get One Grant Program requires that:
The awardee is responsible for paying shipping cost associated with the Songbird Essentials Buy One-Get One Grant Program.
The awardee is responsible for providing a short summary report of his/her experiences and successes with the grant program for use in the Purple Martin Update, a quarterly magazine published by the PMCA.
The Purple Martin Conservation Association is grateful for the generosity of Songbird Essentials. Their partnership in this grant program will help to ensure the continued growth of martin populations!