University Curriculum Committee

To: Hepsi Kumpaty, Faculty Senate Chair

From: John Stone, UCC Chair

Re: Transmittal of UCC actions on January 20, 2012

The following Information Only Items are to be Received and Recorded.
A motion to approve the proposals was made by Marshall Anderson and seconded by Meifang Xiang. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously.

A. Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics.

1. Action from the Department of Economics
1.1 Pre-requisite Change ECON 401 – “International Economics”

2. Action from the Department of Information Technology and Business Education

2.1 Pre-requisite Change, add Cross-listing (ITBE 314) MCS 314 – “Advanced DataBase”
2.2 Add Cross-Listing (ITBE 325), Prerequisite Change, and Title Change
from “Web Development 1” to “Web Development” - MCS 325

2.3 Add Cross-Listing (ITBE 321) and Pre-requisite Change - MCS 331 “Systems Analysis and Design 1”

2.4 Add Cross-Listing (ITBE 425), Pre-requisite Change, and Title Change
from “Web Development 2” to “Mobile Development” - MCS425

2.5 Add Cross-Listing (ITBE 421) and Pre-requisite Change - MCS 431
“Systems Analysis and Design 2”

B. Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies
1. Actions from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction

1.1 Pre-requisite Change – SECNDED 441 – “Methods of Accounting”

C. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences

1. Action from the Biology Department

1.1 Pre-requisite Change – BIOLOGY 257 - “Introduction to Ecology”

2. Action from the Mathematical and Computer Sciences Department

2.1 Add Cross-Listing (COMPSCI 220) – MCS 220 – “Concepts of Programming”

2.2 Add Cross-Listing (COMPSCI 231) – MCS 231 – “Concepts of Data Structures”

3. Action from the Philosophy and Religious Studies Department

3.1 Pre-requisite Change – PHILSPHY 281 – “Social Philosophy”

4. Action from the Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Department

4.1 Add Cross-Listing (ANTHROPL 352), Pre-requisite Change and Title
Change – SOCIOLGY 352 - “Urban Sociology”
4.2 Pre-requisite Change – SOCIOLGY 476 – “Methods of Social Research”
4.3 Pre-requisite Change – SOCIOLOGY 494 – “Seminar in Sociology”

D. Special Courses
Special courses approved from 12/03/11/11 to 01/17/12 (information only)

Course # / Title / Term / Approved
ITBE Workshop 490/690 / Online Teaching Workshop / 2123 / 12/08/11
CIGENRL Workshop 490/690 / Teach Elem Keyboarding / 2123 / 12/14/11
SOCWORK Special Study 496/696 / Immigration Today / 2123 / 12/14/11
EDFOUND/CIGENRL Workshop 490/690 / Intv Whtbds & Flpd Mthods / 2121 / 11/28/11
BIOLOGICAL SCI Workshop 490/690 / Water Quality Assessment / 2123 / 12/20/11
CIGENRL/COUNS 490/690 / Cultural Studies/Gaming / 2123 / 01/04/12
LIBMEDIA Workshop 790 / Superv LibMedia Prac / 2121 / 12/20/11
SPECED Workshop 490/690 / Outdoor Rec/Education / 2127 / 01/10/12
SAFETY Workshop 490/690 / Facilty Water Management / 2127 / 01/17/12

E. Administrative Actions

1.  Other Administrative Action from the College of Business and Economics Eliminate “Pre-Business” Add “Business-Undecided”
Now that students can declare business majors as freshmen, the “pre-business” classification is outdated. However, because not all business majors are ready to declare a specific business major and yet know that their area of interest is business, the “Business – Undecided” classification would allow such students to get business advising, information on business majors, organizations, events, etc. Students would need to make the business major decision when being admitted to the upper division business courses at the end of the sophomore level.

IV. New Business

A. Curricular Actions from the College of Arts and Communication

1.  Actions from the Art and Design Department

The following proposals are a result of a curricular overhaul. Mike Allsen made a motion to
approve the proposals and second by Marshall Anderson. There was no further discussion
and the motion carried unanimously.
1.1 Change in Major – BFA – Fine Art
1.2 Change in Submajor - BFA – Fine Art Emphasis in Graphic Design
1.3 Change in Major – BA - Art

1.4 Change in Submajor – BA-Art Emphasis in Graphic Design
1.5 Change in Major – BSE-Art Education
1.6 Change in Degree Stipulations – the following degrees are affected:
BA-Art BA-Art Emphasis in Graphic Design BFA-Fine Art
BFA-Fine Art Emphasis in Graphic Design BSE-Art Education

2.  Actions from the Music Department

MUSC 195 was originally on the December 2, 2011 agenda. An in depth discussion took place among members regarding diversity, what constitutes a diverse class, and the role of the recommendations of the Diversity Committee. Meifang Xiang, who is also a member of the Diversity Committee, provided input and expressed the opinion that diversity does apply to this course. Marshall Anderson made a motion to approve the course (including the diversity option) and second by Elizabeth Olson. The motion carried.
2.1 Add Diversity Option – MUSC 195 – “Music as a World Phenomenon” Diversity Committee Response Justification Memo from M Allsen

B. Curricular Actions from the College of Business and Economics

1. Actions from the Department of Information, Technology and Business Education
Marshall Anderson made a motion to approve and was second by Angela Harlan. The
following proposals from ITBE were presented by Paul Ambrose. There was no further
discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

1.1 Change in Major – Information Technology BBA This change adds a new emphasis – Business
Application Development Emphasis

a.  New Submajor – Information Technology – Business Application Development Emphasis

b.  Change in Major – Business Education BSE

c.  Change in Major – Business and Marketing Comprehensive Education

C. Curricular Actions from the College of Education and Professional Studies

1. Action from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction
For the curriculum proposal from the Curriculum and Instruction Department,
Mike Allsen made the motion with a second by Scott Bradley to approve the
following proposal. There was no further discussion and the motion carried
1.1 Change in Existing Course – SECNED 441 “Methods of Accounting”

2. Actions from the Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Coaching Department
For the curriculum proposals from the Health, Physical Education, Recreation and
Coaching Department, Todd Loushine moved to approve Curriculum Proposals 2.1 and 2.2 and was second by Elizabeth Olson. There was no further discussion
and the motion passed unanimously.
2.1 New Course – PEGNRL 114 – “Beginning Racquetball”
2.2 New Course – PEGNRL 117 – “Introduction to Mountain Biking”

3. Action from the Department of Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health
A motion was made to approve the course by Todd Loushine and was seconded by
Marshall Anderson. Todd Loushine presented Curriculum Proposal 3.1 to the committee.
Liz Hachten indicated that the department may want to consider changing the prefix
from SAFETY to OESH for all of their courses to more accurately reflect the content of
the major. There was no further discussion. Without further discussion, the motion
carried unanimously.
3.1 Change in Major – Occupational Safety BS

4. Action from the Special Education Department
Scott Bradley made a motion to approve Curricular Proposal 4.1 and was second by
Angela Harlan. Liz Hachten raised the question as to why was SPECED 201 approved for diversity credit whereas ARTSTDIO 493 was not initially approved. Meifang Xiang echoed her concern. Chair Stone reiterated that this is an example of the types of issues that the Diversity Task Force will work on resolving. Without further discussion, the motion was passed unanimously.

4.1 Add Diversity Option – SPECED 201 – “Disability in Society” This course was approved for
diversity credit by the Diversity Committee.

D. Curricular Actions from the College of Letters and Sciences
1. Action from the Chemistry Department

A motion to approve Curriculum Item D1-1.1 was made by Elizabeth Olson and

seconded by Todd Loushine. Todd Loushine presented the logic for the new course proposal, Chem 112. Without further discussion, the motion passed

1.1 New Course – CHEM 112 – “Chemistry for Occupational and Environmental Applications”

2. Actions from the Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice Department
A motion was made by George Ferencz and second by Angela Harlan. Liz Hachten presented curriculum proposal numbers D2.1 – D2.5. Without any discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
2.1 Change in Major – Sociology BA/BS
2.2 Change in Major – Sociology with Honors Emphasis BA/BS Approved by the Honors
2.3 Change in Major – Sociology with Global Comparative Studies Emphasis
2.4 Change in Major – Sociology with Criminal Justice Emphasis BA/BS
2.5 New Course – SOC 295 – “Basic Social Statistic

3.  Other Curricular Actions

A motion was made by Elizabeth Olson and second by Marshall Anderson to approve the
following proposal. Liz Hachten explained to the committee that a few years ago, the
university had a shortage of diversity courses. With so many courses having the diversity
option available today, it is felt that core courses should not be designated as having
diversity credit. So, basically this removes the diversity credit option from GENED 130
courses. Without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
3.1 Remove Diversity designation for GENED 130 sections taught by Holly Denning.

Proposals approved by the December 8, 2011 Graduate Council