Chapter 30: the Causes of the Great Depression

Name ______Date ______Period ___

Chapter 30: The Causes of the Great Depression


Black Tuesday

Stock Market Crash

Buying on Margin



Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act


1.  How did a shaky market trigger a banking crisis?

2.  Explain how the 1920’s demonstrated a bull market?

3.  Give me an example of buying on margin.

4.  What did investors try and do when the market took a turn for the worse in 1929?

5.  Even during the good times in the 1920’s how many banks closed per day?

6.  What happened to banks between 1930-31?

7.  Why was overproduction a problem in the 1920’s?

8.  How did underconsumption cause farm failures, bankruptcies, and layoffs?

9.  What happened to the unemployment rate between 1929-1933?

10.  Why did economists blame the Fed for the bad economy?

11.  How would more money in the economy have helped during the beginning of the depression?

12.  How was Europe’s economy after WWI?

13.  Why did the Hawley Smoot Tariff Act make the economy worse?

14.  Reading the political cartoon on page 389, list the causes of the great depression.

15.  What is a speculative bubble?

16.  What was the bubble in the 1600’s? What about the bubble in the 1990’s?

17.  What is the most recent bubble in the US between 2000-2005?

18.  Do you think another bursting of a bubble could lead to another depression?

Name ______Date ______Period ___

Chapter 31: The Response to the Economic Collapse


Bonus Army


Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)

New Deal

First Hundred Days


1.  What did the Bonus Army do in 1932?

2.  What is FDR’s Quote say to do about the tree?

3.  Conservatives felt that if the economy was left alone it would….

4.  What followed the panics of 1870’s and 1890’s?

5.  Liberals realized that limited government could offer individuals little protection from….. (list 3 things)

6.  Give 5 examples of the public works government funded projects.

7.  How do radicals seek change?

8.  What did Hoover feel Federal Relief would encourage people to do?

9.  Where do you think the name Hoovervilles came from?

10.  How did Hoover deal with failing banks?

11.  Why was the trickle-down theory not working?

12.  How did Hoover try and remove the Bonus army on July 28th 1932?

13.  Roosevelt promised the people a New Deal, to do whatever was needed……

14.  Roosevelt won the Election of 1932 defeating Hoover, What were the electoral votes?

15.  FDR presented Congress with a broad array of measures focusing on_____.

16.  What is the AAA and who was it geared towards?

Name ______Date ______Period ___

Chapter 32: The Human Impact of the Great Depression


Soup kitchen


Black Blizzard

Dust Bowl

The Grapes of Wrath


Great Flood of 1936


1.  Who is Harry Hopkins?

2.  From 1929-1933 what percentage of Americans were out of work?

3.  When companies would lay people off, who would they let go first?

4.  Why were the farmers in trouble even more during the Great Depression than in the 1920s?

5.  What did men loose along with their jobs?

6.  What did the marriage rate decline too?

7.  Why were people facing eviction?

8.  Why did teenagers ride the railroads?

9.  What did the surveys show us in the 1930’s about children and malnutrition?

10.  What natural disasters affected the Great Plains?

11.  What states were in the Dust Bowl Region?

12.  What factors contributed to desertification?

13.  What route did those in “The Grapes of Wrath” follow?

14.  Which state was hit the hardest in the Great Flood of 1936?

15.  How many students had to drop out of college in 1932-33?

16.  What happened to charitable donations from 1930-1932?

17.  What did Al Capone do in 1930?

18.  What happened to the state and local public assistance funds?

Name ______Date ______Period ___

Chapter 33: The New Deal and It’s Legacy


National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Works Progress Administration (WPA)

Wagner Act

Social Security Act

Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO)

New Deal Coalition


1.  What were FDR’s radio chats called? What were they about?

2.  FDR tried to fix the financial sector by passing the Banking Act of 1933, what did this act create? What did that insure our bank accounts up to?

3.  What commission was created in 1934 to require companies to publish information about their businesses?

4.  What three groups were targeted by the NIRA?

5.  How did farmers loose purchasing power?

6.  What did the TVA build?

7.  What did the Right Wing critics of the New Deal think? What did the Left Wing critics think of the New Deal?

8.  Who are Huey Long and Charles Coughlin?

9.  What did the WPA build? Why did it generate controversy?

10.  The Wagner Act created this Board which had the right to supervise union elections to ensure they were free & democratic.

11.  Who did the Social Security Act benefit?

12.  What bill was rejected in 1937 that dealt with the Supreme Court? FDR’s downfall as president.

13.  What did the Economy Act of 1932 prohibit?

14.  How did the New Deal affect American Indians and Mexicans?

15.  Who was included in the New Deal Coalition?

16.  What rights emerged from the New Deal?

17.  How did FDR fund the Deficit?

18.  List three legacies of the New Deal? (still last today)