Email:______Student ID:______
- What degree will you receive at graduation?
____Bachelor’s with single major
____Bachelor’s with 2 or more majors
____Double degree (receiving two separate Bachelors’ degrees)
____Master’s (terminal)
____Master’s (completed on way to Doctorate)
____Dual Masters/Doctorate (PhD/MPH, JD/PhD)
- What is your primaryschool of enrollment?
____Education and Social Policy
____McCormick Engineering and Applied Sciences
____MedillSchool of Journalism
____BeinenSchool of Music
____School of Continuing Studies
____Weinberg Arts & Sciences
- If you are enrolled in a dual degree program, please list your other schools:
____Education and Social Policy
____The GraduateSchool (MA, MS, Ph.D.)
____McCormick Engineering and Applied Sciences
____MedillSchool of Journalism
____BeinenSchool of Music
____School of Continuing Studies
____Weinberg Arts & Sciences
- Please list your current major(s)
- Please list your current minor(s)
- If you are enrolled in an undergraduate certificate program, please indicate which one.
Financial Economics (Kellogg)
Managerial Analytics (Kellogg)
Engineering Design (McCormick)
Integrated Marketing Communications (Communication)
Service Learning (SESP)
- Which category best describes your PRIMARYcareer status immediately after graduation, beginning Summer, 2009 or Fall, 2009? (Choose only one)
____Full time employment
____Full time employment offer(s) pending
____Temporary or contract job
____Self-employed or freelance work
____Employed part time at one or more jobs
____Military service full time
____Post graduate Internship/Practica/Student Teaching
____Post graduate Fellowship
____Will perform community/volunteer service full time
____Will continue my education next fall
____Unemployed & actively seeking work
____Voluntarily unemployed & not seeking work
- Did you search for post-graduation employment while at NU?
Yes ______No ______
IF YES, complete questions 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14
IF NO, skip to question 15
- How long did you search for post-graduation employment from the time you started your active search?
Enter the number of months you searched______
- From the time you started your job search for post-graduation employment, how many offers did you receive?
____7 or more
____not applicable to me
- With how many employers did you have job interviews during your search for post-graduation employment?
Please enter the number of employers with whom you interviewed______
- Please rate how extensively you used each job search method listed below to generate job leads, employer interest, or job interviews:
Please rate each one on degree of use: “1”=Not at All to “4” Always
A. NU Career Services on 620 Lincoln St./UCS Career Lab
1 2 3 4
B. NU job listings on Internet
1 2 3 4
C. NU campus interviews
1 2 3 4
D. NU job/career fair
1 2 3 4
E. NU faculty
1 2 3 4
F. NU alumni
1 2 3 4
G. Professional contacts
1 2 3 4
H. Family/personal friends
1 2 3 4
I. Other job/career fair
1 2 3 4
J. Employment agency
1 2 3 4
K. Direct application to employers
1 2 3 4
L. Job ads in publications/print media
1 2 3 4
M. Prior experience with employer
1 2 3 4
N. Professional association(s)
1 2 3 4
O. Internet site(s)
1 2 3 4
P. Other method(s)
1 2 3 4
13.Of the job search methods listed above, which were the two most useful to you?
Enter the letter of your two choices: ______
14. If you used University Career Services, when did you first make contact?
Freshman year
Sophomore year
Junior year
Senior year
15. Will you be employed full-time after graduation?
____Yes (include pending offers) ____No
IF YES, complete questions 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22
IF NO, skip to question 23
16.When did you accept your job? (Please choose from list below)
____Prior to this academic year
____Summer before graduation
____Fall quarter before graduation
____Year of graduation, Winter quarter
____Year of graduation, Spring quarter
17.What will be your annual salary?
(Example, $30,000)______
18. If you received a signing bonus, how much was it?
(Example, $5,000)______
- Please indicate your title/occupation
20. Please indicate your employer
- Please indicate the type of position you obtained (job function) (place an “x” by
your selection)
Commercial Banking (Consumer)
Commercial Banking (Lending)
Financial Analysis
Investment Banking (Corporate Finance)
Investment Banking (Mergers & Acquisitions)
Investment Banking (Real Estate)
Sales & Trading
Portfolio Management/Brokerage
Public Administration
Executive, Legislative, & General
Law Enforcement
National Security
Urban/Regional Planning
Computer Science
Computer Programming
Computer Systems Analysis
Network Administration
Technical/Computer Support
Other Computer Related (NEC)
Social Services
Administrative (Social Services)
Social Work
Administrative (Healthcare)
Medical Technology
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Radiation Therapy
Registered Nurse
Respiratory Therapy
Speech Pathology/Audiology
Other Health Related (NEC)
Field Engineering
Hardware Design & Development
Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety
Power Systems
Process Engineering (Chemical)
Production Engineering
Project Engineering
Quality Control
Research & Development
Software Design & Development
Other Engineering (NEC)
Brand/Product Management
Customer Service
Marketing Research
Design/Graphic Arts
Media Planning
Production (Communications)
Public Relations
Other Functional Categories
Agricultural/Natural Resources
Human Resources/Industrial Relations
Insurance (Claims)
Insurance (Underwriting)
Management Trainee (Entry-Level Management)
Management, General (Mid to Upper Level)
Performing Arts/Entertainment
Religious Occupation
Research (Nontechnical)
Research (Technical/Scientific)
22. Please indicate the primary industry of your employer (Place an “x” by
your selection)
Business and related
___Banking – Investment
___Banking – Commercial
___Financial Services
___Human Resources
___Organization Change/Development
___Real Estate
Communications Marketing and/or Media
___Arts Management
___Broadcasting TV and Radio
___Design – Fashion, Web
___Event Planning
___Public Relations
___Performing Arts – Drama, Music, Theater
___Visual Arts
Engineering and Sciences
___Chemical Engineering
___Civil/Transportation Services
___Computer Engineering
___Electrical Engineering
___Engineering Management/Project Management
___Environmental Engineering
___Information Technology
___Industrial Engineering
___Life Sciences
___Material Sciences
___Mechanical Engineering
___Healthcare/Public Health
___Higher Education
___International/Teaching Overseas
___Public Policy
___Social Services/Counseling/Community Development
___Teaching – Elementary, Secondary,
- Have you applied and/or been admitted to graduate or professional school?
IF YES, please respond to Questions 24, 25, 26, and 27
IF NO, go to Question 27
24. Number of schools you applied to
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
25. Number of schools that admitted you
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
26. Names of the graduate or professionalschools where you were admitted:
27. Do you plan to attend graduate or professional school within the next academic
_____Yes _____No
IF YES, please respond to Questions 28, 29, and 30
IF NO, go to Question 31
28. What degree will you be seeking?
_____MD or equivalent
29. Where will you be attending graduate/professional school next year?
30. What will be your major field of study next year?
Please enter field of study ______
- While attending NU, did you participate in any of the activities listed below?
Please indicate the number ofquarters were you involved (from 1
to 9+; 0 = Did not participate)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Coop Experience
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Practica/student teaching
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Research with faculty
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Summer jobs
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Part-time jobs during school year
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Student activities/organizations
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Community/volunteer service
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Study abroad
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Field studies
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Varsity Athletics
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
Summer Music Festivals
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+
32. While earning your current NU degree, did you change your academic major?
_____Yes _____No
IF YES, complete Question 33
IF NO, skip to Question 34
33. How many times did you change majors?
____ 1
____ 2
____ 3
____ 4
____ 5 or more
34. When did you decide upon your current career direction?
_____ Prior to Freshman year
_____ During Freshman year
_____ During Sophomore year
_____ During Junior year
_____ During Senior year
35. What is the highest degree you plan to earn during your lifetime?
_____MA or MS
_____MBA or equivalent
36. What is your primary long term career interest?
_____Arts, Performance,Music
_____Business, Consulting, Finance, Management, Sales
_____Communication, Journalism, Media
_____Community, Public or Social Service
_____Government, Public Policy, Politics
_____Technology or Engineering
_____Other: ______
_____Uncertain/undecided at this time
37.What is your expected final GPA? Please approximate the best you can.
38.What is your ethnic/racial background?
_____Asian/ Asian American//Pacific Islander
_____Black, African-American
_____Latina/o, Mexican-American, Chicano
_____Middle Eastern
_____Native American, Alaskan American
_____White, Caucasian
_____Prefer not to answer
39.What is your gender?
_____Prefer not to answer
- What is your citizenship status?
_____U.S. Citizen
_____Permanent Resident
_____Student Visa
_____Prefer not to answer
- Where will you reside next fall?
City: ______
State or Country: ______
Future Contact Information (Optional)
We hope you will be willing to give advice to NU students/alumni regarding your career field, employer or graduate/professional school. If so, please include your post graduation contact information below, this will be provided to Northwestern Alumni Association and NU Clubs:
Mailing Address:
Thank you for completing the graduation survey. Congratulations on earning your degree and best wishes in your future endeavors.