2015/2-DOC3 (info)
INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group (MIG)
Information Document on ongoing activities and developments of relevance for the MIG-P
Type / Information documentCreator / DG ENV
Date / status / 27/11/2015
Addressee / INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Policy Group (MIG-P)
Identifier / MIG-P of 4 Dec 2015, document no. 3
Description / Information on activities and developments of relevance for the MIG-P.
MIG-P members are invited to take note of this information and to share it with relevant colleagues and communities, as appropriate.
1. INSPIRE Conference 2016 2
2. INSPIRE Marine pilot 2
3. INSPIREInteractiveData Specification Toolkit V1.3 3
4. European Union Location Framework (EULF) action 3
4.1. EULF: Delivering savings, growth and better services through location-enabled eGovernment 3
4.2. EULF / INSPIRE Transportation Pilot 4
4.3. EULF / INSPIRE Energy Pilot 5
5. European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) 6
6. ARE3NA action 7
6.1. Re3ference Platform 7
6.2. Re3gistry 8
6.3. AAA and licencing 8
6.4. Linked data – RDF (Resource Description Framework) 8
6.5. Validation and Compliance Test Suite (CTS) 8
7. Call for Proposals: 2015 CEF Telecom Call – Public Open Data (2015-CEF-TC-2015-1) 8
8. Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe – (finished FP7 project addressing the NMP.2013.4.1-3 - European Intelligence Network on the Supply of Raw Materials) 8
1. INSPIRE Conference 2016
The INSPIRE Conference 2016 will take place in Barcelona, 26-30 September 2016.
The conference will focus on application of INSPIRE within the environmental domain and beyond, and the use of INSPIRE as an enabling interoperability framework. As such, the INSPIRE Conference 2016 also aims to show how the implementation of INSPIRE contributes to the European Interoperability Framework and the EU's digital economy in general.
The logistics and the budget for the conference are under control. The thematic content of the conference (focus on Environment & Digital Single Market) is more or less set, but still needs some limited tuning. The INSPIRE Conference 2016 website is up and available at: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2016/page/overview.
The call for papers will open in January 2016.
MIG-P members are invited to:
- Promote participation in the INSPIRE conference 2016 of environmental and e-government policy makers in their Member State.
2. INSPIRE Marine pilot
The aim of the INSPIRE marine pilot is to help improve the understanding of INSPIRE in the management of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)-related spatial information, and to provide guidance and tools that facilitate the mentioned obligations.
The activity is funded by the ISA programme as part of the EULF Action, by DG ENV, and by JRC. The EEA, NL, DE, and DK are partners in the first phase project and are contributing in-kind.
The pilot will take a few datasets needed to underpin the MSFD reporting, and work-out complete examples of INSPIRE-based data management. In the first phase of the pilot this is done for data holdings in NL, DE, and DK. In the second phase the guidelines, tools and expertise are promoted in other countries participating in MSFD Working Group Data Information and Knowledge Exchange (DIKE).
To-date, the main outcomes of the pilot are the Requirements analysis, the Data models, recommendations for the alignment of EMODnet and INSPIRE, and Tools to implement the data flow (publishing metadata and services, data transformation). Also, a training package has been put together that will be made public in the second phase of the pilot.
MIG-P members are invited to take note of the following intermediate findings of the pilot:
· Better coordination, training and awareness raising is needed to fully link the marine community to INSPIRE at national level.
· Many data sets that are underpinning MSFD reporting requirements are not included in the national INSPIRE infrastructures and therefore not visible in the INSPIRE geoportal.
The CIRCABC website of the pilot is https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/c6da6a6c-b142-4f88-950c-c25e19d27599. MIG-P members interested in getting access can write to Paul Smits, .
3. INSPIREInteractiveData Specification Toolkit V1.3
This application, developed in the framework of the official EU INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Framework (MIF) and supported byARE3NA, Action 1.17 of the EU ISA Programme, offers INSPIRE data providers two new applications to support them in the implementation of the INSPIRE data specifications:
· The applicationData Specificationsfacilitates the reading of INSPIRE Data Specification – Technical Guidelines documents by enabling to study only selected parts of the INSPIRE technical documentation. Furthermore the selected parts can be compared with the same parts (e.g. Use case descriptions) from up to 2 data themes.
· The applicationFind your scopesupports data providers with identification of the INSPIRE spatial data themes and spatial object types that are relevant to the dataset(s) they administer. This application, providing two ways to find the relevant INSPIRE spatial object types, is foreseen to be useful especially in situations when datasets fall under two or more INSPIRE data themes / application schemas.
4. European Union Location Framework (EULF) action
4.1. EULF: Delivering savings, growth and better services through location-enabled eGovernment
The European Union Location Framework (EULF) Project is an action within the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme. The EULF is an EU-wide, cross-sector interoperability framework for the exchange and sharing of location data and services, consisting of a package of recommendations, guidance, methodologies, case studies, training, pilots and collaborative action in different thematic areas to facilitate the free flow of location data and ensure its effective use in e-government services.
The EULF will set up an open and interoperable framework that public authorities should use for their procurement, design and implementation of location-based solutions. It will complement and extend the implementation of INSPIRE to facilitate the introduction and use of the infrastructure in new thematic sectors.
The EULF activities focus on five priority areas, agreed upon with Member States: policy and strategy alignment, e-government integration, standardisation and interoperability, return on investment and effective governance and partnerships. In essence, the purpose of the EULF is to help "location-enable" e-Government, by adopting best practices in these areas.
Key outputs of the EULF are:
· EULF Strategic Vision - a shared vision and rationale for the European Union Location Framework, defines its scope and highlights the governance and implementation approach;
· Assessment of the Conditions for a EULF - an assessment of the state of play in the five focus areas of the EULF, and the need for EULF action in these areas.
· EULF Blueprint - recommendations, guidelines, methodologies and best practices in the EULF focus areas. Specific guidance has been prepared on procurement, standards and architectures and assessment of benefits;
· EULF References - provides inventories, links and supplementary information related to the EULF.
· EULF Roadmap - consists of a high level implementation plan for the EULF;
· EULF/ISA integration strategy and plan – an assessment of the integration opportunities between the products of the ISA Programme and the EULF;
· EULF pilots in key policy areas, to apply, evaluate and contribute to the EULF. Three pilots are currently underway, in the Transportation, Marine and Energy sectors.
Next steps
Completion of the work under the ISA programme will involve further evolution of the Blueprint and Roadmap, based on lessons learned from the pilots and emerging priorities. New guidance will be developed for "Policy Alignment" and "Implementation of Location Enabled e-Government Services", additional use cases will be assessed for the integration of location information and INSPIRE in e-Government processes, and an initial EULF training package will be created. There will also be activities to improve integration between EULF and other ISA Actions, such as:
· Contributing to the revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and improving the alignment of the EULF with the EIF interoperability levels, principles, and recommendations
· Supporting the use of the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA)
· Contributing to the European Federated Interoperability Repository (EFIR) and European Interoperability Cartography (EIC)
· Providing input to the ICT implications of EU legislation impact assessments
· Elaborating recommendations on access to base registries
· Input on benefits methodology and case studies
· Sharing expertise and exploring further re-use and reinforcement opportunities.
MIG-P members are invited to:
- Take account of the EULF in your activities
- Volunteer initiatives that might be of interest as best practices or opportunities for MS collaboration
4.2. EULF / INSPIRE Transportation Pilot
The EULF Transportation Pilot aims to improve the flow of up-to-date road safety data between road authorities and private sector map providers in different countries, supporting the aims of the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive and drawing on INSPIRE, by implementing the TN-ITS exchange protocol and evaluating the use of the European Location Framework (ELF) platform with seamless cross-border mapping information in Norway and Sweden, and assessing the wider applicability of these solutions in other countries.
To date, TN-ITS services for the exchange of road safety data between public road authorities and private map providers have been implemented in Norway and Sweden, a linear referencing approach has been included in the TN-ITS data exchange method, a draft technical specification has been prepared which will be submitted to CEN/TC 278 for the adoption of a formal TN-ITS standard, and an initial benefits assessment has been undertaken.
By March 2016, a preliminary evaluation of the benefits usefulness of the ELF services will be performed by the private sector map providers. Norway and Sweden have comprehensive national road databases. The ELF services are anticipated to be of benefit to further EU countries with less mature road databases than Norway and Sweden. Finally, the benefits evaluation will be completed, a final report of the pilot produced, and lessons learned included in the EULF Blueprint.
A related Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) project will undertake similar implementations in France, Finland, Flanders, UK and Ireland in 2016 and 2017.
Watch the introduction to the transportation pilot at this link:
Paper: INSPIRE as a driver for up-to-date ITS digital maps in Europe – benefit assessment, presented at the 22nd ITS World Congress, 5-9 October 2015, Bordeaux, France, available in the circabc page of the pilot: https://circabc.europa.eu/w/browse/0f082e99-47a6-4c74-9993-b0b7087c06c4. MIG-P members interested in getting access can write to Maria Teresa Borzacchiello:
MIG-P members are invited to:
- Watch the video!
- Contact the team if there is interest in this type of data exchange
4.3. EULF / INSPIRE Energy Pilot
A feasibility study “Location Data for buildings Related Energy Efficiency Policies” was concluded in summer 2015. It confirmed an approach to support the data monitoring requirements of the Energy Performance and Buildings Directive (EPBD), the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) initiative, based on the re-use of INSPIRE components. The study made an initial analysis of the data flows relevant to EPBD, EED and CoM, identified relevant INSPIRE data themes, and carried out an initial mapping exercise. Because of the variations in available data and the need to link data at different administrative levels, there is a need to properly combine data of different nature (e.g. calculated vs. measured, static vs. dynamic). As these policies are linked to energy savings actions, validation and interaction with building owners and industry is important in the overall methodology.
A pilot project is now being mobilised, with an initial kick-off workshop held in Ispra from 24-26 November 2015 with participants from BE, DE, DK, ES, EL, IT, SE, TU and UK. Formal calls for participation will be made early in 2016. The pilot will involve a series of cities and regions to demonstrate how an integrated data approach can be established for planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting for the multiple policies and initiatives, considering energy performance of buildings, energy consumption of buildings and energy production at a local level. This will be done through:
· adoption of common structured data models (extending some INSPIRE core data models)
· use of common data access mechanisms (INSPIRE Network Services)
· re-use of (parts of) datasets for different planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting purposes
· data access agreements to use the relevant data
· development and application of relevant methodologies and models to fill data gaps
· use of both centralised and distributed ICT infrastructures which make accessible the data needed to fulfil planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting requirements
By the end of 2016, the initial phase of the pilot will be implemented and tested through a series of use cases (presently being finalized), involving different stakeholders (public authorities at local and regional level), businesses working in the energy sector and citizens (building owners).
MIG-P members are invited to:
- Share the findings of the feasibility study will relevant colleagues
- Identify potential contacts for the call for participation in the Pilot project
5. European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE)
European Location Interoperability Solutions for e-Government (ELISE) is a proposed action under the ISA2 programme. ELISE is a package of legal/policy, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability solutions to facilitate efficient and effective electronic cross-border or cross-sector interaction between European public administrations and between them and citizens and businesses, in the domain of location information and services, supporting Digital Single Market (DSM), Better Regulation (BR) and Public Sector Modernisation (PSM) goals. It is aligned with the proposed focus of ISA2 on European public administrations, businesses and citizens, and the need to ensure that best practice interoperable solutions are deployed across the European Union (EU).
The interoperability solutions produced by ELISE will include tools for data publication and access, building where possible on INSPIRE, “ready for operation” pilots in different sectors (e.g. marine, transport, energy) or cross-sector location-based statistics, and “common services” that address key priorities (e.g. addresses, gazetteer of geographic names). It will also act as the “geo knowledge base” for ISA2 and Commission services for aspects of legal, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability, where “location” is an important characteristic. This will include ensuring that the “location” aspects in the revised EIS and EIF are duly taken into account, providing “location” inputs to the assessments of ICT implications of new policies and the solution architecture being created with the EIC, and giving “location” advice to other ISA2 actions where relevant. See Figure 1.