/In-Country/In-RegionScholarships – Application form for institutions
In-RegionScholarships–Application form for Institutions
Information for applying networks: networks are asked to provide detailed information onallmember institutions where scholarship holders will be admitted. Please use the form “Information on member institution” (Annex II) accordingly.
- Summary
Name of academic institution/ network
Name of study programme/department/ faculty/school
If more than one study programme/department/
faculty/school should be included in the application, please use the additional form “Information on study programmes/departments/ faculties/schools” (Annex I)
Discipline(s)/Field of studies
Type of degree offered (Master/doctoral studies/both – please indicate if your institution differentiates between ‘professional’ and ‘academic’ Master degree)
Desired starting date of funding period
(not before XXXX, not after XXXXX)
Requested number of scholarships:
Doctoral studies
Previous funding by DAAD
DAAD Programme
Starting date of previous funding period
End of previous funding period
Number of scholarships receivedper intake (average)
General motivation and objectives for applying to this programme - max. 3.200 characters
The text should align in the box and when it gets to the end of the box it automatically jumps to the next line. When maximum of characters are reached then no more text can be integrated.
- Further information on applying institution/network
Name of academic institution
Head of applying institution
Job Title
Title(Mr, Mrs, Dr, Prof,...)
Postal address
Institution’s bank account
Bank name
Account number
Bank and branch code
Swift code
Head of study programme/ /department/ faculty/school
Job Title
Title(Mr, Mrs, Dr, Prof,...)
Postal address
One-stop contact partner for scholarship holders
Job Title
Title(Mr, Mrs, Dr, Prof,...)
Postal address
Contact partner for financial administration
Job Title
Title (Mr, Mrs, Dr, Prof,...)
Postal address
- Contents, aims and structure of the study programme/individual doctorate (selection criterion 1to 4)
Presentation of the aims, structure and contents of the study programme/individual doctorate with special regards on – max. 10.000 characters (approx. 2 pages).
- Academic expertise (with special regards on the advancement/ improvement of the academic portfolio)
- Relevance to development and capacity building as described in the programme objectives,
- Cooperation and networking,
- Professional training
Same as textbox under 1)
- Accreditation and quality assurance measures through results-oriented monitoring; alumni concept (selection criterion 5)
Presentation of the institution’s accreditation and quality assurance/ improvement measures; including its alumni concept – max. 5000 characters (approx. 1 page)
Same as textbox under 1)
- Admission process and criteria including equality of opportunity measures and measures to enhance the participation of In-Region students (selection criterion 6)
Description of admission process and criteria including measures to enhance
- Participation of women and underprivileged groups and
- Admission of In-Region students (please include information on how many In-Region students are already admitted at the university/ network)
Same as textbox under 1)
- Infrastructure, management and staff development (selection criterion 7)
Description of infrastructure, management and staff development measures– max. 5000 characters (approx. 1 page)
- Support concept: Target group orientation and support services (selection criterion 8)
Presentation of target group orientation and support concept (including statistics on composition of the student body and applicant situation) – max. 5000 characters (approx. 1 page). Please explain which support services the applying institution offers to foreign students (e.g. Welcome-Days, administrative support, mentoring programmes etc.)
- Costs: University tuition and registration fees
Please provide a plausible overview of the regular university/network fees and verify that these fees are the regular ones being demanded from all students (Official confirmation/ fee structure needs to be handed in). It is not possible to define extra not regularly existing fees.
8.1 University/ Network fees for Master students
Item / Year ICosts per student per year in EUR / Year II
Costs per scholar per year in EUR
University/ Network fees (Master)
University/ Network fees (Master)
Explanatory notes - max. 600 characters
8.2University tuition and registration fees for PhD students
Item / Year ICosts per scholar per year in EUR / Year II
Costs per scholar per year in EUR / Year III
Costs per scholar per year in EUR
University/ fees (PhD)
University/ Network fees (PhD)
Explanatory notes - max. 600 characters
- Attachments
- Endorsement of the university’s/institute’s/ network`s leadership
- Module book/course plan/individual work plans
- Official fee structure
- If available, accreditation certificate/ Admission documents/ Testing and study regulations
- Marketing samples (e.g., flyer)
- If available, evaluation samples
- If available, statistics on applications, students, alumni, graduation rates, dropout rates, etc.
Please note:
- Deadline for applications is31/08/2017 at theDAAD Information Center San José, Costa Rica in both electronic and paper formats.
- The electronic version should be sent toMrs. Grettel González Altamirano, , identifying the application in ‘Subject’ mentioning “Convocatoria Programa Regional 2017”.
- The hard copy should be sent to:
Apdo. 1174-1200 Pavas
1,3 km Norte de la Embajada de los EE.UU.
Centro de Alta Tecnología (CENAT)
San José, Costa Rica
- The hard copy is the decisive version during the selection process!
- Only complete applications will be considered.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) P. O. Box 200404 53134 Bonn Germany
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