United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base


“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.”


The second Saturday of each month at 1030 at the
Springfield American Legion Post, 6520 Amherst Avenue,
Springfield, VA /


Base Commander: Ray Stone: (703) 913-9843,

Vice Commander: Curt Haggard: (540) 720-0462,

Secretary: Mark Riethmeier: (703) 490-3679,

Treasurer: Art Esposito: (703) 437-3996,

Chaplain: Al Friedrich: (703) 370-4496

Storekeeper & Veterans Affairs Officer: Lou Maruzo: (540) 727-7610,

Chief of the Boat (COB): Robert “Dex” Armstrong: 703-921-0067,

Base Commander’s Log

Greetings fellow shipmates,

Well, we’ve now reached the ‘mid-point’ of our term and I think our Northern Virginia base has made some pretty remarkable progress so far this year. A significant indicator has been a marked increase, not only in our total membership numbers, but also in attendance at the monthly meetings. This has resulted in our having to negotiate with the post to use their larger meeting room on the main floor. They agreed, so in June we moved out of the small game room upstairs, into our new ‘digs’ on the first floor. If need be, we can now easily accommodate 70 attendees at our regular meetings!

The June meeting proved to be yet another great gathering, capped by a wonderful presentation from our own ‘Bard of the After Battery,’ Dex Armstrong. We’ve all come to enjoy reading his exploits as a ‘Career E-3 and self-ascribed one and two-way trash dumper,’ but to experience the ‘tale’ coming straight from the ‘horse’s mouth’ is something else again. His portrayal of ‘Popeye Meets a Technical Marvel,’ a dissertation on his visit onboard USS Toledo (SSN-769), was nothing short of magnificent. This was a trip down memory lane for any submariner, liberally laced with raucous humor from start to finish, interspersed with moments of deep reflection and true raw emotion. Fortunately, the presentation was videotaped, so hopefully, I will soon be able to make videotape copies available, in addition to sending one off for the crew of the Toledo to enjoy.

Next month will be our base picnic, held at the Moose Club pavilion on July 10. Lots of good food and great entertainment for one and all. Plan to be there and bring a friend, if you can.

Well mates, here's looking forward to the next six months. I want to thank all of you whose contributions and efforts have made this base an outstanding success - the guest speakers, the programs and all of the folks 'behind the scenes' who are responsible for all the fun that we've had so far. I truly look forward to many more really interesting, exciting and fun times ahead.

Let's continue to go 'FULL ON FOUR!!’

Cheers mates,


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United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Meeting Minutes – JUNE 2004

Base Commander Ray Stone

The meeting was held 12 June, 2004 and was called to order at 10:30 AM. The meeting was held at the American Legion Post 176, Springfield, Virginia.

The Base Chaplain, Al Friedrich, read the Invocation.

The Base Commander, Ray Stone read the boats lost in the month of May. Boats lost were:

/ USS O-9 / SS-70 / 20-June-1941
USS S-27 / SS-132 / 19-June-1942
USS R-12 / SS-89 / 12-June-1943
USS HERRING / SS-233 / 01-June-1944
USS GOLET / SS-133 / 14-June-1944
USS BONEFISH / SS-223 / 18-June-1945
The USS R-12

Sailors, Rest your Oars

The Chief-of-the-Boat (COB), Dex Armstrong, lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Base Secretary and Historian, Mark Riethmeier, read a brief history regarding the loss of USS R-12. The historian then displayed a pennant from the R-12.

The Base Commander began with the introduction of members who shared their submarine careers.

Members and guests in attendance were:
Dex and Solveig Armstrong, Art Bivens, James Bryant, Dan Burke, James Chenvert, William Creighton, Art Esposito, Al Friedrich, RADM Ralph Ghurmley, Curt Haggard, Alvin Hernandez, Chris and Sherry Herst, Steve Jaeger, Colleen LeClair, Bruce Miller, Paul Nelson, Todd Nemeth, Benny Parker, Pete Petruy, Joe Phoenix, Rod Puffer, Mark Riethmeier, David Rivera, Art Rosen, Tim Shannon, Art Smith, Ray Stone, Ron and Peggy Williams, and Reb Wootten.

New Members

We wish to welcome aboard new members Dan Burke, Rodney Batiza, Chris Herst, Ralph Ghormley, Robert Glover, and Todd Nemeth.

Last month’s minutes were discussed. A motion was made to accept the minutes as posted on the web. The motion was seconded and passed.

The Base Treasurer, Art Esposito, presented the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The motion was seconded and passed.

The Executive Committee Report for the meeting held 19 May is included in the posted One MC. A motion was made to accept the Executive Committee Report. The motion was seconded and passed.

The Base Vice-Commander, Curt Haggard, reported on the following:

·  Membership Committee. Members are encouraged to update personal data in the membership database. National USSVI is raising dues. If you wish to become a life-member of National, do it soon. Base rates remain the same.

·  Arrangements for a bus to Saratoga Springs has been cancelled as only one member sent payment.

·  Flyers are available for the Picnic on 10 July.

·  Holland Club members will all receive certificates. Ray Stone is working on this.

·  Lineup of speakers is 14 Aug – Northrop Grumman to speak on ASDS; 11 September - Hoping USCG will speak on homeland security; 9 October – Norman Polmar scheduled.

·  Next month’s raffle will be two CDs by Bobby Reed and Tommy Cox.

The Storekeeper and Veteran Affairs Report: The Base Commander said that the Base Storekeeper, Lou Maruzo, has added items for sale on the NOVA web site.

By-Laws Committee (Paul Nelson) – A line-by-line review comparison with the National By-Laws is being conducted. Draft is expected by the next EXCOM meeting.

The COB recommends the base make a plea to get Bill Kreher to return to SUBVETs.

Old Business:

The membership committee needs a volunteer to be chair.

Junior Submarine Sailor Sponsorship – Three applications will be sent to the Northern Virginia Base from the Washington Naval District. A selection will be made by a board. Selection is expected by 11 December. The family of the selectee will receive $200 from the base.

The District 3 meeting was attended by Ron Williams. Ron said that about 33 WWII SUBVETs were present. Minutes of that meeting follow the EXCOM meeting.

Any interested in attending the commissioning of the VIRGINIA in October, should contact the Navy Submarine League at 703-256-0891 for tickets.

The Northern Virginia Base Website has a “members only” contact list. This requires a password to access. If you don’t know what the password is, contact one of the base officers.

New Business:

The USSVI National Ballot is coming up. Members are encouraged to set up for voting on-line to save mailing expenses.

District 3 Ballots are out. Ron Williams is running unopposed. Please send your vote for Ron or a Write-In candidate to Ray Stone by 27 June.

There are two individuals running for Eastern Regional Director. Ray Stone will supply biographies.

The RAZORBACK is due into Key West the week of 13 June. It will later be towed to New Orleans.

A lecture on Slade Cutter was held 15 June at the Washington Navy Yard museum.

There is a periodic push to get a Virginia USSVI license plate. Lou Maruzo, Tim Shannon and Ron Williams have been looking into this. Needed are 350 paid applications. It is possible that there may be an additional fee that often is included for organizations. Bruce Miller suggested that in lieu of the USSVI logo that only Dolphins be used. That would have better results in brining in active duty applicants.

The Base Historian provided a copy of the Christening Booklet of the USS JIMMY CARTER. He also briefly discussed the quarterly meeting of the Michigan Escolar Base and the Memorial Ceremony conducted at the USS SILVERSIDES memorial located in Muskegon, Michigan.

Binnacle List: Please keep the following in your prayers. Ruri Wootten.

Birthdays For The Month of JUNE
Donald Basham / 1 June / Dan Burke / 15 June
Deborah McGonnell / 6 June / Art Rosen / 19 June
Carl Wootten / 7 June / Dawn Moore / 21 June
Marcy Bivens / 10 June / Antonio Poblete / 25 June
Teresa Pendola / 11 June / Curt Haggard / 29 June
William Moore / 14 June

A recommendation was made to personally invite John and Teresa Pendola back to the meetings.

The Base Chaplain read the benediction.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 11:44 AM.

A 50/50 raffle was held. The winner received $55. From that received by the Base Treasury, $40 went to the bar.

Dex Armstrong – June Speaker

Our own COB, Dex Armstrong read one of his typically light-hearted stories. This story described the difference he noted between the ‘smokeboat’ navy and nukes based upon his tour of the USS Toledo, SSN 769.

Executive Leadership Meeting – 19 May 2004

On 19 May 2004 at 1900, the Leadership Team Meeting of the Northern Virginia Base of United States Submarine Veterans Incorporated (USSVI) was held at the American Legion Post 176, in Springfield, Virginia.

Attendees were Ray Stone (Base Commander), Curt Haggard (Base Vice Commander), Dex Armstrong (Base COB), Art Esposito (Base Treasurer), Mark Riethmeier (Base Secretary), and Ron Williams (District 3 Commander).


o  Revised format for base meetings – Review & discussion

o  National SK and Base SK issues

o  Replacement SK or additional SK

o  SK items at meetings

o  Holland Club certificates for our members - Ray

o  Base photographers - Ray

o  C & B Rewrite committee report – Ron

o  Add 1st. and 2nd Vice Commanders

o  Discuss action plan and milestones

o  July picnic (Moose lodge) report – Ron

o  Long term plan / Tentative list of speakers - Curt

o  Fundraising raffles – Curt

o  Saratoga convention travel plans – Ron, Curt

o  ONE MC layout proposals and discussion – Ray, Mark, Curt

o  ‘Members Only’ contact list – Ray

o  Post WW II Memorial ceremony, prep cleanup - Ray

Minutes of USSVI District 3/Southeastern Region SUBVETS WWII Joint Meeting

Salisbury, N.C. 14 May 2004

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am by Vice Commander Dick Kanning, Tarheel Base, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Brawley gave the opening prayer.

Thirty-three WWII/USSVI members were present. The District 3 Commander, Ron Williams, and his wife, Peggy, an Associate member, were introduced.

Dick Kanning introduced Ms. Judy Newman, Salisbury Visitor’s Center, who welcomed remarks and thanked the group for selecting Salisbury. Ms. Newman introduced Mrs. Susan Kluttz, Mayor of Salisbury, and commented that Mrs. Kluttz is the second female mayor to serve Salisbury. Mayor Kluttz welcomed all, told of the attractions in the area and invited the organizations to come back soon.

Ron Williams welcomed all to the third District Three meeting and thanked Commander Chuck Jensen, Dick Kanning, and the Tarheel Base for hosting this meeting.

District 3 New Business:

1.  Establishing New Bases:

Presently only West Virginia and Alaska do not have bases. There are several MALs living in West Virginia. Chuck Jensen and Ron Williams will contact the MALs in an effort to establish a new base. A suggestion was made to set a time and place and then notify the MALs.

2. Increasing Membership:

a. Business Cards. Print business cards with base information including POC for each member to hand out to prospective members.

b. Show Your Colors. March in parades, wear Submarine hats and/or shirts, display decals on your vehicles etc. Tarheel base will be in the Memorial Day parade in Thomasville with their submarine on 31 May 2004.

c. Establish a School Presentation Program. Northern Virginia base has presented their “History of the Submarine Service” program to 6th and 7th graders this year. Several members mentioned their particular school programs. Howey Rice, Tarheel base, was presenting such a program at the time of the meeting. Ron Williams offered to provide copies of the Northern Virginia base presentation to all who request it.

d. Conduct Joint WWII and USSVI Meetings. The floor was open to discussion on this issue. All present agreed to a joint meeting in 2005. Ed Kracker, Southeaster Regional Director SUBVETS WWII, offered to host the 2005 meeting in Virginia Beach, VA. No date was set. Ed Kracker will chair this effort and Ron Williams will assist.

3. Proposed Amendments/Dues Increase:

a. Dick Kanning brought up the problem of national rejecting proposed amendments, which is in direct violation of USSVI By-Laws. Ron Williams carry this concern to the National convention and present it at the BOD meeting.

b. Discussion concerning the dramatic increase in Nationals dues was held. All agreed that a dues increase is warranted but that the drastic increase may not be justified. Ron Williams suggested that those who are attending the National Convention bring their concerns up at the annual business meeting.

4. Chuck Jensen presented Ron Williams a Certificate of Appreciation from Pat Ulman, USSVI Eastern Regional Director.

The USSVI portion of meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.


As after every monthly meeting, interested members retired to the Post 176 lounge for refreshments. The winner of the raffle for the single malt scotch and tumblers was Felipe Mendoza (not a subvet, but a patron at the post).

Peggy Williams provided snacks and Ray Stone provided an episode of the 1950’s series “The Silent Service.”