United States Representative, District 4 2-year term
Clint Didier
(Prefers Republican Party)
Elected Experience: No information submitted
Other Professional Experience: 2000, Presidential appointment to Federal Farm Service Agency; eight year term. 1980, Drafted by Washington Redskins as a tight-end where he played for seven years (including three Super Bowls), followed by two years with the Green Bay Packers. Following his NFL career, he and wife, Kristie and four children returned to Eltopia where today he’s still a hands-on farmer with his three sons. Clint also owns and operates an excavation company.
Education:1976, Connell High; 1980. Portland State. Degree in Political Science.
Community Service: Coached Connell High School football eight years, two state championships. Active Republican Party member.
Statement:I’ve lived the American Dream. Where else can a son of a potato farmer rise to play in the stardom of three Super Bowls? I want to preserve that opportunity for future generations. Following my NFL career, I returned home to farm, raise my children, and coach high school football. Today, we’re witnessing the effects of years of a runaway federal government whose countless bureaucratic agencies encroach on the most intimate areas of our lives; accessing our bank accounts, invading our private phone and email conversations, and warrantless snooping on our citizens. These acts violate our cherished rights embedded in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Rather than being its guardian, the federal government has now become a threat to freedom and the American Dream.
We need to follow our founders’ plan for limited government. I’ve pledged in writing to never vote for new or increases in existing taxes, nor to support any budget that grows the federal government even one dollar - regardless of party. I’m weary of a government that has lost respect for the fruits of the people’s labor and is now squandering our children’s inheritance. I am endorsed by FreedomWorks, Campaign For Liberty and other liberty minded groups who also want to shrink the size and scope of the federal government.
Don’t allow Seattle and west side power brokers to dictate who we elect here in our district. Your choice is simple: vote for the establishment party insiders who will grow government, or you can choose a small town boy who means what he says with the fire in the belly to stand for you. My further pledge to you is that I will serve you honestly and honorably. My door will always be open to you! I would be humbled to have your vote.
Contact: (509) 380-1387; ; Didier4Congress.org
Dan Newhouse
(Prefers Republican Party)
Elected Experience: Washington State House of Representatives, 15th Legislative District 2003-2009. Director of the Washington State Department of Agriculture2009-2013.
Other Professional Experience: Operates a600-acrefarm near Sunnyside where he grow hops, tree fruit, grapes and alfalfa. Past President of Hop Growers of America, Hop Growers of Washington, Yakima County Farm Bureau, member of the Columbia River Task Force, NRA, Central Washington Fair Board.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics, Washington State University and graduate of the Agriculture and Forestry Leadership Program.
Community Service: Daybreak Rotary Club, Sunnyside Republican Club, Future Farmers of America, Elder at Sunnyside Presbyterian Church.
Statement:Dan Newhouse’s goal: represent you in Congress and stop Washington, D.C.’s wasteful spending spree. He’ll stand up to the big spenders regardless of party. He’ll solve problems and serve our Central Washington families and communities.
Dan is a farmer who understands hard work. He’s worked the family farm most of his life. He knows that for Americans to create jobs, we must get government out of the way. Dan will fight for balanced budgets and against bloated bureaucracies. Dan supports making land use decisions locally, and not by D.C. administrators.
Newhouse believes that Obamacare is a failure. Because of this law, Central Washington residents are dealing with more government bureaucracy, cancelled health plans, higher premiums, Medicare cuts, loss of doctors, and even job losses. Dan will fight to replace Obamacare with a health care plan that actually works for doctors, patients and the economy.
Born and raised in Central Washington, Dan Newhouse knows what matters to us. He will make sure Congress remembers that it’s the Federal Government’s responsibility to clean up Hanford. He has led on water issues throughout his time in public service and will be a strong advocate for more water storage and conservation. And he’ll work to fix our broken immigration system.
Most candidates will say the right things, but Dan has a proven track record to back up his words. As State Ag Director Newhouse cut budgets and reduced overhead, and Washington’s agricultural exports doubled. As a legislator, Dan was commended by business groups, Second Amendment supporters, pro-life organizations and land rights associations for his rock-solid commitment to pro-jobs policies, traditional values and individual liberty. He will bring conservative Central Washington values to Washington, DC.
Please vote Republican Dan Newhouse for Congress.
Contact: (509) 910-0528; ;