
All talks will take place in the St. Lawrence Room. Please upload your presentation before the session you will be presenting in.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 31st, 2014

7:00 – 10:00 pmMeet and Greet Social inthe Cedar Knoll House


7:30-8:00 Breakfast at the Watermark Restaurant

8:00-8:15 Welcome and Introduction (St. Lawrence Room)

Session 1: Biogeochemistry and Mining (Chair:Trent University)

8:15-8:30David Camacho, McMaster University

Towards new monitoring tools for microbial acid generation in mine tailings contexts

8:30-8:45Samuel R. Morton, University of Ottawa

Development of an aquifer capability screening tool: pilot study, Clarence-Rockland, ON

8:45-9:00Michelle Reid, McMaster University

Sulfur biogeochemistry in an Athabasca oil sands composite tailings deposit undergoing reclamation wetland construction

9:00-9:15Sean Winland-Gatez, McMaster University

A community-level analysis of iron-sulfur geochemical effects on microbiological mercury methylation in contaminated sediments

9:15-9:30PriyankaChandan, University of Toronto

Understanding mercury sources and biogeochemical cycling in natural systems using stable Hg isotopes

9:30-9:45Shirley Ngai, University of Western Ontario

Determining effects of warming temperature and changing precipitation on physical and chemical properties of Uinta Mountain Lakes, Utah, USA.

9:45-10:00Daniel Gregoire, University of Ottawa

Maintaining redox homeostasis in an anoxygenicphototroph and its effects on mercury redox cycling

10:00-10:30Coffee Break

Session 2: Biogeochemistry and Mining Continued

(Chair: National de la RechercheScientifique (INRS)/Universite de Montreal)

10:30-10:45Daniel Arriaga Flores, McMaster University

Microbial Fe-S-C cycling in oil sands fluid fine tailings

10:45-11:00Tara Colenbrander Nelson, McMaster University

Sulfur cycling in oil sands composite tailing by non-endemic sulfur metabolizing microbial communities

11:00-11:15Francois Clayer, INRS

Modeling methane diagenesis in the sediments of a seasonally anoxic lake basin

11:15-11:30Ed Bryson, University of Ottawa

Geochemical characterization of stream waters in the MacMillan Pass, Yukon: Metal mobility and implications for mineral exploration.

11:30-11:45AnežkaRadková, Queen’s University

Geochemical behavior of antimony in mine drainage and tailings

11:45-12:00DamilareOgungbemide, Trent University

Investigation of fugitive dust emissions from a mine tailings site in Southern Ontario

12:00-1:00Lunch at the Watermark Restaurant

Session 3: Toxicology (Chair: University of Ottawa)

1:00-1:15Kira N. MacDougall, Queen’s University

Acute toxicity of diisoheptylphthalate and diisononylphthalate in Oryziaslatipes

1:15-1:30Claire Laperuque, INRS

Atmospheric deposition of organochlorine contaminants in Southern Québec lakes

1:30-1:45Sandy Edmison, Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)

Bioaccessibility of arsenic in plants

1:45-2:00Julia Matheson, University of Western Ontario

Effects of changing ocean acidity on the growth, physiology, and toxicity of the marine raphidophyte Heterosigmaakashiwo.

2:00-2:30ReneShahmohamadloo and Kevin White, University of Guelph

Effects of triclosan and triclocarban on emergence and growth of agricultural crops in biosolidsamended soil

2:30-2:45Michele Parisien, RMC

Environmental and human health risk associated with cadmium in an organic matter rich soil

2:45-3:00RabiaNasir, Wilfrid Laurier University

Cu Toxicity to Americamysisbahia in estuarine environments: Effects on growth, survival and sexual maturation

3:00-3:30Coffee Break

Session 4: Toxicology Continued (Chair: McMaster University)

3:30-3:45Mackenzie Denyes, RMC

Production and characterization of carbon sorbents for in situ remediation technologies

3:45-4:00PrachiDeshpande, Wilfrid Laurier University

Nickel and copper mixture toxicity to Daphnia pulex-pulicaria in soft water

4:00-4:15Philippe El-Akl, Universite de Montreal

Relating truly dissolved cerium to its bioavailability

4:15-4:30Camille Guilleux, INRS

Silver uptake by liposomes used as a model membrane

4:30-4:45Mason L. Lam, Queen’s University

Teratogenicity and gene expression effects of two phthalate diesters in Siluranatropicalis frog embryogenesis

4:45-5:00CedrickBeaubien, INRS

Toxicity of three lanthanides on the green alga Chlorella fusca

5:00-5:15Lori Manoukian, Queen’s University

Environmental risks associated with mining high-sulfidationepithermal gold deposits

5:15-6:00 pmBreak

5:30-6:30 pmPoster Session (St. Lawrence Room)

7:00-8:00 pm Dinner at the Watermark Restaurant

8:00-10:00 pmSocial the Cedar Knoll House


7:30-8:00 Breakfast at the Watermark Restaurant

Session 5: Method Development (Wilfred Laurier University)

8:00-8:15Samantha Clay, McMaster University

Identifying microbial carbon sources during ethanol, toluene, and MTBE biodegradation in an experimental aquifer system using isotopic analysis

8:15-8:00Maya Ashoka, Wilfrid Laurier University

Evaluation of fluorescence quenching as a speciation method for divalent metal cations and lanthanides in model and natural systems

8:15-8:30Nicholas Baggaley, Queen’s University

Optimization of a green chemistry method for the synthesis of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI)

8:30-8:45Carol Cheyne, University of Toronto

Using lead isotopes to understand contamination and to verify sediment dating methods in two northern Ontario lakes

8:45-9:00IldephonseNduwaez, Universite de Montreal

Speciation of samarium using an ion-exchange resin

9:00-9:15Kim Proulx, Universite de Montreal

Separation, detection and characterization of engineered nanoparticles in environmental matrices using hydrodynamic chromatography coupled to light scattering and multiple off-line detectors

9:15-9:30Alyssa Dunbar, University of Ottawa

Optimizing surficial geochemical sampling methods as a tool for future exploration of blind VMS deposits

9:30-9:45Felix Morin, University of Ottawa

Development, application and ecotoxicological validation of microbial biosensors of oxidative stress

9:45-10:00Marc-Andre Suthiere, RMC

Fuel cells: clean energy for the future

10:00-10:30Coffee Break

Session 6: Remediation (Queens University/RMC)

10:30-10:45Katie Kendra, McMaster University

Bacterial community responses to fen-style reclamation development in Athabasca oil sands composite tailings

10:45-11:00KawinaRobichard, Universite de Montreal

Innovation of a bioremediation system for hydrocarbon and metal contaminated soils using an ecosystem- based approach in a sub-arctic climate

11:00-11:15Scott Robinson, Wilfrid Laurier University

Effect of mixing on phosphate removal in effluent wastewater

11:15-11:30Holly Gray, Wilfrid Laurier University

Nitrogen and phosphorus recycling from wastewater treatment plant effluents using commercially available sorbents

11:30-11:45Kelly Milliken, RMC

Preparation of solid support resins for the removal of radionuclides from contaminated water

11:45-12:00Kelly Martin, McMaster University

Examination of carbon sources on microbial mediated arsenic release in contaminated Bangladesh drinking wells

12:00-12:15Lauren Bradford, McMaster University

Tracking changes in microbial population size and carbon source using lipid and isotope analysis

12:15-12:30Closing Remarks

Poster Presentations

Adelaide Jane Fearnley, Royal Military College of Canada

The protective effect of sub lethal levels of iron on apoptotic stimuli

Alexandra Carvajal, Wilfrid Laurier University

Determination of lanthanides speciation in freshwater using the fluorescence quenching technique

Brandon Khan, University of Ottawa

Impacts of gamma (y-) sterilization on the physio-chemical properties of bactierogenic iron oxides (BIOS)

Chris Cooper, Wilfrid Laurier University

Influence of dissolved organic carbon concentration and source on chronic nickel toxicity to the mysid, americamysisbahia

Gaganprit Gill,Wilfrid Laurier University

Nickel binding to marine/estuarine organic matter determined using Ni2 ion selective electrode: implications for biotic ligand model development

IldephonseNduwaezu,Universite de Montreal

Speciation of samarium using an ion-exchange resin

Jake Nesbitt,Queens University

Combination of principal component analysis and mineral liberation analysis

Jessica Henry, Royal Military College of Canada

The interrelationship between hormesis and anti-apoptosis

Leosveys Alessandra Diaz, Universite de Montreal

Characterization of nanoparticles by analytical ultracentrifuge

Lorena Torres, Universite de Montreal

Characterization of alkylammonium surfactant self-assembly at solid/liquid interfaces using a combined TIR RAMAN/SHG technique

Maria Eloisa Sia, University of Western Ontario

Effects of fish stocking on sedimentary chlorophyll-a concentration in oligo-mesotrophic

Mary Coulas,University of Western Ontario

Canadian food security: loal food policy in municipal agendas

Melissa JocelyneDjap,McGill University

Removal of CECs from wastewater using AclarusOzonation technology

SébastienMaillette, Universite de Montreal

Agglomeration and heterocogulation of nanosilver in freshwaters

Shegufa Merchant, Trent University

Synthesis and Molecular weight control in entirely lipid derived Aliphatic polyester diols