GE Aviation Sourcing Quality Specification


Specification Number: S-1002

Issue Date: 8/12/2010


Issue Date: 1/18/2010Subject to restrictions on the cover or first page.

GE Aviation Sourcing Quality Specification


Issue Date: 1/18/2010Subject to restrictions on the cover or first page.


AviationSourcing Quality Specification

This specification is in addition to and in no way limiting, superseding, or abrogating any contractual obligation as required by the applicable procurement document.

Table of contents

Paragraph Title

AReferenced Document Links


CApplicability and Use

DEstablishment of Accountable Characteristics

EFirst Article Inspection

FSupporting Elements of eCAV

GQuality Planning

HChange Management

IProduct/Process Audit

JSupplier Designed Products

KLife Controlled Parts

LGE-A Subsidiaries


Appendix A: Quality Planning and Acceptance Plans

Appendix B: Measurement Equipment

Appendix C: Preferred Statistical Methods

Appendix D: Operator Acceptance Plan (OAP)


GT1002-1 - Part Number Accountability

GT1002-2 - Product Accountability: Raw Material, Special Process, Functional Testing

GT1002-3 - Characteristic Accountability, Verification and Compatibility Evaluation

GT1002-4 - Product Audit Part Family Designation

GT1002-5 - Product Audit Proposal/Completion

GT1002-6 - Product Validation Checklist

SSPCT – Small Sample Process Capability Tool

SSPCT Training package


  1. To ensure that all GE-Aviation (herein after referred to as GE-A) accountable characteristics of a product are addressed by the supplier in the manufacturing and quality plans, and that planning includes controls adequate to ensure continued conformance of these characteristics.
  2. To provide requirements for documenting the results of First Article Inspection (FAI) and evaluations of changes subsequent to FAI documentation. NOTE: This requirement also applies to Supplier Participant and Revenue Share Participant accountable characteristics whose drawing part numbers appear on a GE-A Engineering Parts List.


  1. This specification defines characteristic accountability, verification, and quality planning for initial approval and ongoing production. This applies to product supplied to GE-A by GE-A Suppliers, Supplier Participants and Revenue Share Participants.
  2. The supplier is responsible for performing characteristic accountability, verification and development of the quality plan in accordance with this specification. This shall be completed and GE-A approval obtained prior to initial shipment of production hardware (includes Engineering Class “Y” and Class “F” hardware). The purchaser reserves the right to witness the supplier’s inspections and/or tests to determine the degree of conformance.
  3. The CA&V web application shall be used for production and Class “Y” hardware. Use of the web application may be required for Class “F” by GEQR. Any exceptions to the required use of this application shall be approved by the GE Quality Representative (GEQR) and shall contain the elements of forms GT1002-1, GT1002-2 & GT1002-3.
  4. This document applies to GE-A drawings for all levels of parts within an assembly, including castings and forgings, and to all Suppliers who are responsible for producing the accountable characteristics of the product. Suppliers who receive the Purchase Order from GE-A are responsible for flow down of the requirements of the latest issue of this specification to their sub-tier suppliers.
  5. When a GE-A or GE-A Affiliate production facility is used to produce product or provide processing, a Certificate of Conformance shall be provided as evidence of the work performed. For product that is utilized by the supplier and has been purchased by a GE-A or GE-A Affiliate, evidence of receipt of material from GE-A shall be provided.
  6. In the event of conflict, requirements in other S-specifications referenced on the PO/PA take precedence over the requirements in this document.
  7. When a supplier has developed an internal process/system addressing all requirements of this specification, supplemented by effective auditing to assure compliance, the supplier can request GEQR approval of that alternate internal process/system
  8. An approved CA&V package by the GEQR is a sufficient means of indicating approval for alternate documentation or methods allowed (e.g. “unless otherwise approved by the GEQR”).
  9. A supplier eCAV support website is available. The website includes; training material and schedules, expert cases, tech plan information, and “how do I” help instructions, etc.
  10. Data shall be recorded in US Customary Units (US Units), unless the drawing or P.O. specifies International System of Metric Units (SI Units) as prime. Conversion of dimensional measurements from SI Units to US Units is covered by GE-A specifications P1TF3/P1TF108. The Drawing Revision entry on form GT1002-1 is the revision applicable to the First Article part shipped. Drawing revision entries on form GT1002-2 are to be kept current as required to reflect any changes in required characteristics.
  11. Drawings may reflect both units of measure (US units and SI units), with one unit designated as prime and the other unit designated as alternate. In these cases, the manufacturer may utilize either unit of measure, but shall consistently apply the same unit measuring system to all drawing characteristics.
  12. Alternate materials, processes, and configurations that are permitted by drawing shall be ballooned and annotated on eCAV. With GEQR approval, annotate on form GT1002-3 and document applicability.
  13. A new CA&V shall be completed per this specification for any part that has a lapse in manufacturing of 24 months or more (between the completion of the manufacturing cycle of the last part produced and the start of a new part). The CA&V shall be submitted for approval if requested by the GEQR.


  1. Suppliers are responsible for all accountable characteristics, including those generated by their sub-tier suppliers. If sub tier suppliers do not account for their characteristics as a separate/linked task in eCAV, the prime supplier is responsible for initiating a separate eCAV document or including the characteristics in their eCAV FAI document.
  2. A ballooned drawing shall be generated and accountable characteristics numbered for the manufactured part by either of the following methods. Regardless of method, the supplierhas the ultimate responsibility for assuring completeness and accuracy of the Characteristic Accountability.
  3. GE-A generated ballooned drawings (S500 drawing) and a GE-A created document (Master Spec) in the eCAV web application are available for some, but not all drawings. Suppliers may use these documents as an aid for characteristic accountability and first article inspection. Requests to GE for ballooned drawings may be submitted through eCAV web application.
  4. Suppliers may balloon the drawing themselves using the guidelines in this Section.
  5. Characteristic numbers shall be assigned to each of the following drawing features:
  6. Dimensional features, except
  7. Reference dimensions are not considered accountable characteristics and need not be ballooned.
  8. Basic dimensions need not be ballooned but should be referenced in relation to the respective measurable characteristic. (See Figure 1 below for an example)

Figure 1

b. Specifications

  1. Accountable characteristics within specifications shall be broken out and listed for characteristic accountability and first article inspection (Only specifications listed on the drawing are required to be documented in eCAV. However, the supplier should evaluate any specifications that are referenced within those specifications listed on the drawing for additional accountable characteristics.)
  2. GE-A has generated ‘Templates’ of product acceptance characteristics for selected GE-A specifications and many industry documents (MIL, AMS, etc.). These shall be used when available. The supplier is responsible for verifying the revision, and the accuracy and completeness of these specification templates as they apply to their CA&V. Documents for which these “Templates” are not available shall be reviewed by the supplier for characteristic breakout. Requests to GE for creation or revision of specification templates can be submitted via the eCAV Support Central web site.
  1. The eCAV web application contains more comprehensive specification breakouts for selected specifications. These breakouts, referred to as “IntelliDocs”, are specification wizards that are built within the application and will retrieve accountable characteristics based on criteria input by the user. These IntelliDocs shall be used when available in the eCAV web application.
  2. Unless otherwise approved by GEQR, the “Part Marking Wizard “ or “IntelliDoc” (if available) shall be used for all first article inspections. Results shall be included as part of the CA&V package. Wizards are available on the GE-A SCWC. (SCWC/Quality/Tools and Training)

c. Drawing Notes

  1. Measurable features within notes
  2. Non-measurable characteristics: It is required that each non-measurable characteristic (including those in notes) be assigned a number.
  3. Sequence of Operations - The sequencing of operations as defined on the drawing is considered an accountable characteristic and should be ballooned. (e.g. heat treat prior to weld, etch prior to FPI, coating required prior to heat treat).

d.Tables (on drawing) - All tables shall be ballooned using a letter and/or number grid as appropriate. Except as follows

  1. NDE tables can be ballooned as one characteristic unless otherwise requested by the GEQR
  2. Configuration control tables – Only cells associated with the part number being reported shall be ballooned.
  3. Information tables such as datum tables need not be ballooned.

e. Supplementary views, tabulated features and alternate methods of manufacture views

  1. When required for the part number being reported, all characteristics shall be ballooned.
  2. When not required for the part number being reported, a single characteristic may be used.

4. When working to an issued drawing plus CID(s), the CID number(s) shall be listed on Form 1.


First Article Inspection – a complete, independent, and documented physical and functional inspection procedure after all part processing unless the drawing or processing dictates that the characteristic be inspected prior to all processing being completed. FAI part shall be representative of a production run.

  1. The first article inspection should be performed using an independent gaging method rather than the normal product acceptance plan. Production gaging may be used for first article inspection in cases where it is the only method of accurately checking a characteristic.
  2. Inaccessible characteristics: A characteristic inaccessible at final inspection may receive first article inspection when accessible during the process in lieu of disassembly/destruction. The supplier shall ensure that subsequent processing does not cause the characteristic to become nonconforming or unintentionally alter the characteristic.
  3. Characteristics that cannot be evaluated non-destructively on a finished part may be re-evaluated using component parts prior to final assembly or by using hardware not useable because of reasons unrelated to the characteristic being re-evaluated.
  4. Non-measurable characteristics: result such as “Acknowledge” or “Conform” or “For Information Only” shall be entered.
  5. Dimensional Specifications (e.g. P1TF9,10,11 shop run tolerance). Measure all occurrences of every characteristic and provide summary of results using minimum/maximum values unless additional data is required by the GEQR.
  6. Multiple characteristics (e.g. bolt circle, dovetail slots): Provide variable data for all occurrences of every characteristic or minimum/maximum readings along with the number of measurements taken unless additional data is required by the GEQR.
  7. Continuous characteristics (e.g. radius along circumference, weld seams, edge breaks, surface finish, slot dimension, wall thickness and continuous features invoked by specifications): Measure a sufficient number of locations over the total extent of the characteristic to ensure total conformity. Provide variable data for all measurements or minimum/maximum readings along with the number of measurements taken unless additional data is required by the GEQR.
  8. Nonconformances: Characteristics that are identified as nonconforming during first article inspection shall be documented appropriately in eNMS. Additionally, the eNMS document number shall be linked to the characteristic in the eCAV results or referenced in the GT1002-3 results. Any nonconforming characteristic found on the FAI requires 100% characteristic evaluation until justification for an alternate acceptance plan per Appendix A is approved by the GEQR.


Items of this paragraph are required supporting elements of the CA&V Data Package (for FAI and product audit).

1. Part marking wizard (when applicable), planning/operation sheets for the marking operations and a photo of all marking required unless otherwise directed by the GEQR.

  1. Manufacturing routing sheets unless otherwise directed by the GEQR.
  2. Applicable Source Problem Report (interpretations/specification options) (GT3601). The SPR web application is available via the SCWC and shall be utilized unless use of Form GT3601 is authorized by the GEQR. NOTE: An eSPR or GT3601 does not authorize shipment of material that doesn’t meet engineering definition. A CID or approved nonconformance document is required prior to shipment for all SPR types, except when GE-A approves a Specification Option type SPR.
  3. Certificates of conformance for all material, testing and sub-tier special processes, unless otherwise directed by the GEQR. Certificates shall be traceable to the documented information in the GT1002-3 form results column.
  4. Ballooned drawing (drawing with characteristic numbers assigned).
  5. Special process Tech plans.

Note: For initial FAI of VSE parts, items other than 1 and 5 may be attached to the VSE in lieu of attaching them to theCA&V unless otherwise specified by the GEQR.


  1. Manufacturing and quality planning shall be in place before final acceptance of deliverable hardware to ensure that all accountable characteristics are included in the plans. See Appendix A for a recommended quality planning process map. The FAI shall be completed for the GE drawing and the supplier MED (Master Evelope Drawing) where applicable. Where supplier/sub-tier product and process drawings exist that contain GE-A design characteristics, the supplier shall complete a compatibility assessment.
  2. The adequacy of the measurement system shall be considered when selecting inspection equipment for first article inspection and ongoing production. See Appendix Bfor recommended standard inspection equipment. Suppliers should also use the gage selection functionality within the eCAV web application when appropriate. If standard gages are not used, the functional or single-purpose gage number should be noted.
  3. The required acceptance plan is 100% inspection of each characteristic on every piece manufactured, except when implementing a Product Acceptance Plan per Appendix A, Table 1.
  4. Documented justification for less than 100% inspection is required and shall be available upon request by the GEQR. The documented justification shall be referenced in the CA&V. The documentation shall contain the following information tags.
  5. Study number (if applicable) and supplier code
  6. Date study complete
  7. Part Number
  8. Gage Used for Study
  9. Machine/process that generated the feature
  10. Characteristic number/description
  11. Gage R&R results when required by GEQR
  12. The documentation shall consist of the raw data that is used to generate capability and the results of the study. Statistical methods defined in Appendix C are the preferred methods to use for Cpk calculations.
  13. Data utilized for process capability calculations shall be representative of the planned process and shall not include rework or work outside the normal process.
  14. The operation where each characteristic is verified shall be recorded on the CA&V. Consideration should be given as to whether subsequent operations could affect the final characteristic.
  15. Measurement of characteristics for product acceptance, whether completed during manufacturing or at final inspection, shall be performed by qualified inspectors or certified operators. Certification shall be achieved through a supplier certification program that meets the requirements of Appendix D.


Change Management –

  1. All requirements of this specification apply to accountable characteristics impacted by any of the changes listed below including those invoked by drawing specifications. The GEQR may require additional characteristic accountability as deemed necessary. When GE-A approval is not required, changes shall be documented and locked in eCAV. If eCAV is not used (as approved by GEQR), changes shall be documented on the GT1002-1,2,3 forms and be available for review.
  2. Changes to a configuration of a previously approved part (i.e. P01 to P02, G01 to G02): Note, ALL changes; additions, deletions, and modifications of characteristics shall be accounted for and submitted to GE-A for approval.
  3. Drawing or specification changes that do not change the part or assembly number (P# or G#): Note, ALL changes; additions, deletions, and modifications of characteristics shall be accounted for. Updated CA&V documentation need not be submitted to GE-A for approval.
  4. Process changes (including sub tier changes): Inspection method and/or frequency for affected characteristics of any process change shall be evaluated for impact. Updated CA&V documentation need not be submitted to GE-A for approval. This does not override S1001 requirements.
  5. Product Acceptance Change: Updated CA&V documentation need not be submitted to GE-A for approval.
  6. Change in product acceptance plan. (see Appendix A)
  7. Change in production inspection equipment (e.g. from micrometer to functional gage).
  8. Changes to the point of inspection relative to the manufacturing process. (e.g. move from final inspection to in-process)
  9. The most current quality plan (locked or approved) in eCAV shall match the inspection method and frequency being used at the supplier and/or sub-tier suppliers. Supplier shall develop a plan to update eCAV when manufacturing plans or inspection plans are revised.
  10. Supplier shall have a process to ensure all engineering and manufacturing changes to the manufacturing planning are reviewed against the current quality plan. Changes shall be submitted as required.


Supplier Product/Process Audit: This section defines the minimum requirements of product audits. These requirements shall be incorporated into a Supplier Product Audit procedure.

  1. The purpose of this audit is to verify that the established process controls and product acceptance plans continue to provide conforming material.
  2. This audit is a full eCAV for a fully processed production part. It is also an evaluation of the supplier’s planning and procedures to ensure compliance with the requirements of this specification. Evaluation shall include variable results, inspection equipment, and the current acceptance plan per Appendix A.
  3. The Product Audit module of the eCAV web application shall be used unless otherwise approved by the GEQR.
  4. Development hardware will not require a product audit unless specified in the Purchase Order.
  5. Whenever possible, the re-evaluation shall be performed using a method of acceptance measurement independent of the planned acceptance measurement method. In cases where the production method of acceptance is the most accurate (e.g. CMM), it may be used as long as program verification or an independent check is completed. Characteristics that cannot be evaluated non-destructively on a finished part may be re-evaluated using component parts prior to final assembly or hardware that is not useable because of reasons unrelated to the characteristic being re-evaluated.
  6. The supplier shall handle Product Audit non-conforming findings per the current revision of S-1000, Quality Systems Requirements.
  7. Any finding during product audit will subject the supplier to additional audits at the GEQR’s discretion.
  8. RSP with GE-A Delegated Design Responsibility: The RSP shall establish product audit criteria, frequency of audit, and the format to be used for documenting audit results. This information shall be documented in a procedure. Documented audit results shall be made available to GE-A Sourcing Quality Representative(s) upon request.
  9. Family designations and parts assigned shall be submitted to the GEQR for review and approval using form GT1002-4 (Product Audit Part Family Designation). This should be accomplished on an annual basis prior to developing the audit plan for the year. NOTE: Families defined either too broadly or too restrictively can defeat the purpose of a product audit, which is to evaluate effectiveness of the processes used to manufacture parts.
  10. A minimum of one part per part family shall be audited annually. The supplier part selection for audits shall be reviewed and approved by the GEQR using form GT1002-5 (Product Audit Proposal/Completion). Any changes to the plan shall be submitted and approved by the GEQR. Once the audits are complete, the GEQR shall approve the form as an acknowledgement of completion.
  11. Parts that have been audited should not be re-audited until all parts in the family have been completed. (Exception may be made for parts with quality issues, high volume parts or for parts not in production when the audit is performed).
  12. Every part identified for product audit shall have a Product Validation Review completed by the supplier. Form GT1002-6 (Product Validation Checklist) shall be filled out completely and included as part of the audit report.
  13. The supplier shall retain Product Audit documentation. The report content shall include forms GT1002-4, GT1002-5, and GT1002-6 along with supporting information including the completed CA&V package (or a reference to the document in eCAV web application) .
  14. Exception to Product/Process Audit Requirements: 100% lot-by-lot testing performed by a certified S-400 or S-450 Test Laboratory may satisfy the requirements of the product audit. This applies to raw material and to processes that generate a certification of conformance for every manufacturing lot. Processes that are verified by a certified S-400 or S-450 Test Laboratory, but do not get a certification for every manufacturing lot (e.g. EDM, Laser, Heat Treat) require a re-certification and shall meet the requirements of this specification.