United States History Vocabulary Content List
Gilded Age
Rutherford B. Hayes
Samuel Tilden
Marcy “Boss” Tweed
Political Machine
Thomas Nast
Compromise of 1877
Gilded Age (1877 – 1900)
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)
Election of 1880
James Garfield
Laissez-Faire Leadership
Charles Guiteau
Chester Arthur
Civil Service Reform Act of 1883
‘Pendleton Act’
Homestead Act of 1882
Railroad Act of 1882
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 (ICC)
Dawes (Severalty) Act of 1887
Social Darwinism
Gospel of Wealth
Robber Barons
Rural to Urban
New Immigrants
Settlement House Movement
Tenements / Slums
Nativism / Nativist
Bread and Butter Benefits
Court Injunction
13th Amendment
14th Amendment
15th Amendment
Plessey vs. Ferguson (1896)
Jim Crow Laws
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B DuBois
Great Migration
Marcus Garvey
Back-to-Africa Movement
“Unlimited Coinage of Silver”
Election of 1884
Grover Cleveland
Election of 1888
Benjamin Harrison
Pan American Union
McKinley Tariff (1890)
Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)
Populism (Populist Party)
Election of 1892
Panic of 1893
Railroads and
the Frontier
Manifest Destiny
Homestead Act of 1862
Pony Express
Railroad Act of 1862
Transcontinental Railroad
Union Pacific / Central Pacific
Promontory Point, Utah
Standard Gauge
Standard Time Zones
Credit Mobiler Scandal
Open Range
Abusive Railroad Practices
Granger Laws
Wabash vs. Illinois (1886)
Interstate Commerce Commission 1887 (ICC)
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Reservation system
Destruction of the Buffalo
Battle of Little Big Horn (1876)
General George Custer
Crazy Horse / Sitting Bull
Chief Joseph / Nez-Perce Tribe
“I will fight no more forever”
Wovoka /Ghost Dance
Pine Ridge Reservation S.D. / Wounded Knee (1890)
Helen Hunt Jackson Century of Dishonor
Dawes Severalty Act (1887)
Indian Reorganization Act (1934)
Frederick Jackson Turner Frontier Thesis
Census Bureau “Frontier Closed” (1890)
Bessemer Process
Watt’s Steam engine
Holding Company
Robber Baron
Andrew Carnegie
Vertical Integration
John D. Rockefeller
Standard Oil Trust
Horizontal Integration
“What a Funny Little Government”
J.P. Morgan
U.S. Steel Corporation
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
“Survival of the Fittest”
Gospel of Wealth
Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)
Yellow-Dog Contract
Court Injunction
The Great Railroad Strike of 1877
Knights of Labor
Terence Powderly
Skilled / Unskilled Labor
McCormick Harvester Farm Equipment
Haymarket Square Bombing of 1886
American Federation of Labor – AFL (1886)
Samuel Gompers
Collective Bargaining
Craft Unions
Homestead Strike of 1892
Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Steel Workers Union
Pullman Car Strike of 1893
Pullman Palace Car
American Railroad Union
Eugene V. Debs
Socialist Party of America
Jacob Coxey’s March to Washington
and Immigration
Old Immigrants
Irish Potato Famine (1848)
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
New Immigrants
Push Factors
Farm Mechanization
Push Factors
Oklahoma Land Rush
Cultural Diversity
Statue of Liberty
“Give me your tired, your poor . . .”
Cultural Pluralism
Melting Pot Theory
Nativism / Nativist
Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
Settlement House Movement
Jane Addams - Hull House / Chicago
Social Gospel Movement
Walter Rauschenbusch – Hell’s Kitchen
Tenement Living
Industrial Pollution
Child Labor
New Middle Class
Managerial Class / White-Collar Worker
Louis Sullivan / Father of the Skyscraper
Elisha Otis – Elevators
Leisure Time
Mass Circulation Newspapers / Magazines
Yellow Journalism
Joseph Pulitzer – New York World
William Randolph Hearst – New York Journal
Horatio Alger
Mark Twain
Tom Sawyer – Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Jack London - Call of the Wild – Naturalism
Ashcan School of Art
Macy’s Department Store
Coney Island
Barnum & Bailey Circus
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show
Spectator Sports (Big Three)
1919 World Series (Black Sox Scandal)
African Americans
and the New South
Civil War Amendments
Freedmen’s Bureau
“40 Acres and a Mule”
Solid South
Exodusters / Kansas
Ida B. Wells
13th Amendment – ‘Freedom’
14th Amendment – ‘Citizenship’
14th Amendment – ‘Equal Protection’ and ‘Due Process’
Slaughterhouse Cases
15th Amendment – ‘Right to Vote’
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
Grandfather Clause
Plessey vs. Ferguson (1896)
‘Separate but equal’
Jim Crow Laws
DeJure Segregation
Booker T. Washington
Tuskegee Institute, Alabama
Atlanta Compromise
Gradualism / Assimilation
Vocational Training
W.E.B. DuBois
Niagara Movement (1905)
Marcus Garvey
Back-to-Africa Movement
DeFacto Segregation
Black Nationalism
Great Black Migration
Push / Pull Effects
DeJure Integration
DeFacto Integration
“Dilemma of the Farmer”
High Risk
Crop Lien System
Farmers Alliances
Cooperative Stores
Granger Laws
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
Gold Standard
Free and Unlimited Coinage of Silver (Free Silver)
Bland-Allison Act (1878)
McKinley Tariff (1890)
Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890)
“Hoarding Gold”
Panic of 1893
National People’s Party (Populist Party)
Grover Cleveland
Third Parties… Single Issue
“Controlled Industrial Capitalism”
Public Ownership of Railroads
Graduated (Progressive Income Tax)
Direct Election of Senators
Australian Secret Ballot
Platform / Planks
J.P. Morgan
William McKinley (Republican)
William Jennings Bryan (Democrat)
Cross-of-Gold Speech
Front Porch Campaign (McKinley)
Stumping Campaign (Bryan)
Alaskan Gold Rush
Progressive Movement
Progressive Movement
Grass-roots Movement
Laissez-Faire Government
Social Gospel Movement
Mass Circulation Magazines
Mcclure’s / Cosmopolitan / Ladies Home Journal
Lincoln Steffen’s – Shame of the Cities
Ida Tarbell – History of the Standard Oil Company
Jacob Riis – How the Other Half Lives
Louis Hines – National Child Labor Committee
Upton Sinclair – The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act (1906)
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911)
Temperance Movement
Carrie Nations and her “Hatchetations”
Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)
18th Amendment (1919) – Prohibition
Lochner vs. New York (1905)
Mueller vs. Oregon (1908)
Louis Brandeis Brief
Women’s Suffrage Movement
Lucretia Mott
Elizabeth Stanton
Seneca Falls Convention (1848)
Declaration of Sentiments
Elective Franchise / Right to Vote / Suffrage
Susan B. Anthony (NAWSA)
Alice Paul
National Woman’s Party (NWP)
19th Amendment (1920) – Women’s Suffrage Movement
Margaret Sanger
“Persistence of Poverty”
“Birth Control”
Planned Parenthood
Robert “Fighting Bob” LaFollette
“The Wisconsin Idea”
17th Amendment (1913) - Direct Election of Senators
Galveston, Texas Hurricane (1906)
Commissioner type of City Government
Eugene V. Debs
Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies)
“Big Bill” Haywood
McKinley assassinated by Leon Czolgosa (1901)
Teddy Roosevelt’s “Bully Pulpit”
Anthracite Coal Strike
The Square Deal
Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
Northern Securities Company
Elkins Act (1903)
Hepburn Act (1906)
Interstate Commerce Commission (1887)
Conservation of Natural Resources
Newlands Reclamation Act (1902)
National Forest Service
Gifford Pinchot
John Muir
Sierra Club
Yosemite Park
Hetch-Hetchy Controversy
William Howard Taft
Dollar Diplomacy
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
The Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
New Nationalism
Election of 1912
New Freedom
Republican Party ÷ Bull Moose Party = Democratic Win
16th Amendment (1913) - Graduated (Progressive) Income Tax
Federal Reserve Act 1913 (Glass Owen Act)
“Elastic Money”
12 Federal Reserve Districts
Discount Rate
Clayton Anti-trust Act 1914
Federal Trade Commission
Imperialism/Spanish American War
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
Manifest Destiny
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Influence of Sea Power upon History
Steel Navy / Coaling Stations
Middle American Canal
Spheres of Influence
Social Darwinism / Spreading Christianity / Democracy
Purchase of Alaska by William Seward
Samoan Islands / Pago Pago
Gunboat Diplomacy
Midway Island / Wake Island
Hawaiian Islands
Pearl Harbor
Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaii for Hawaiians Movement
Sanford Dole
Pan-American Union (1889) James Blaine
British Guiana / Venezuela Boundary Dispute
Olney Doctrine
Cuba / Puerto Rico
General ValerianoWeyler
William R. Hearst vs. Joseph Pulitzer –
Yellow Journalism
Frederic Remington
DeLome Letter
Battleship U.S.S. Maine (Havana Harbor)
Declaration of War (1898)
Teller Amendment
The Splendid Little War
George Dewey
Manila Bay, Philippines
Assistant Secretary of Navy Theodore Roosevelt
Emilio Aquinaldo
Rough Riders - San Juan Hill
Yellow Fever / Dr. Walter Reed
Colonel William Gorgas
Puerto Rico / Guam / Philippines
Platt Amendment replaces the Teller Amendment
Guantanamo Bay
Philippine Nationalism
Anti-Imperialist League
Mark Twain
Andrew Carnegie
China’s Spheres of Influence
Secretary of State John Hay
Open Door Notes / Open Door Policy
Chinese Nationalists / Boxers Rebellion
‘China’s Territorial Integrity’
Russo Japanese War (1905)
Treaty of Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Nobel Peace Prize for Teddy Roosevelt
San Francisco Earthquake (1906)
Gentleman’s Agreement
Great White Fleet
Venezuela / Dominican Republic (debtor nations)
‘Chronic Wrong-doing. . . requires International Police Power’
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Big Stick Policy
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1851)
Hay-Pounce-Fote Treaty (1901)
Nicaragua Route vs. Panama Route
Philippe Bunau-Varilla
George Washington Goethals
Lock-System Technology
William Howard Taft
‘Substituting Dollars for Bullets’
Dollar Diplomacy
Moral/Missionary Diplomacy
Mexico’s Madero / Huerta / Carranza
General Pancho Villa
Attack on Columbus, New Mexico
General John (Blackjack) Pershing
Zimmermann Telegram
Purchase of the Virgin Islands (Protect the Canal)
Franklin Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy
World War I
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Proclamation of Neutrality
Allies / Central Powers
Belligerent Nations
“Freedom of the Seas”
U-Boat (Submarine)
Lusitania torpedoed (1915)
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Sussex Pledge / Arabic Pledge
“He kept us out of the war”
Zimmerman Telegram
“Make the World Safe for Democracy”
Selective Service Act of 1917
General John ‘Black Jack’ Pershing
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
War Industries Board (Bernard Baruch)
Food Administration (Herbert Hoover)
Liberty / Victory Bonds (Loans)
Great Black Migration (Pushes / Pulls)
19th Amendment (Women’s Suffrage)
Women’s Peace Party
Espionage Act (1917)
Sedition Act (1917)
Eugene V. Debs
Schenckvs U.S. (1919)
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes
“Clear and Present Danger”
“Over the Top”-John Nash
“Gassed” – John Singer Sargent
Convoy System
“Over There” – George Cohan
Bolshevik Revolution
Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Chateau-Thierry / Belleau Wood
Armistice – November 11, 1918
German Weimer Republic
Wilson’s Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Self Determination
Collective Security
Treaty of Versailles
Article 231 / 232
Henry Cabot Lodge
Article X (10)
Battle for Ratification
Policy of Isolation
Seattle Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies) Strike
Boston Police Strike
Calvin Coolidge
Red Scare (1919ism)
Attorney General Mitchell Palmer’s Raids
Nicola Sacco / Bartolome Vanzetti
Quota Acts / National Origins Act (1921, 1924, and 1928)
Warren Harding
“Return to Normalcy”
The Washington Naval Conference (1921)
Charles Dawes Plan (1924)
Young Plan (1928)
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
The Roaring Twenties
James Cox – League of Nations
Warren G. Harding – “Return to Normalcy”
Creditor nation
Dawes Plan
Washington Naval Disarmament Conference (1922)
Kellogg Briand Pact
National Origins Acts
Quota System
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Calvin Coolidge
Boston Police Strike
Free Enterprise System
Henry Ford – Assembly Line – Mass Production – Model T
Thomas Edison – ‘Electrified Homes’
Closed Shops
Healthcare Plans
Sheppard-Towner Act 1921 (Maternity Act)
Dilemma of the Farmer
18th Amendment
Al Capone – Gangsters
Volstead Act
21st Amendment
Jazz Age
Great Migration
Harlem Renaissance
Jazz as an instrument of racial tolerance
Jelly Roll Morton, Duke Ellington
Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong
Cotton Club, Apollo Theater
Josephine Baker
Langston Hughes – ‘Poet Laureate’
“The Negro Speaks of Rivers”
Dreams Deferred
I, too, Sing America
Zora Neal Hurston – Their Eyes were Watching God
Jacob Lawrence – Great Migration
Aaron Douglas – Song of the Towers
Lost Generation – Gertrude Stein
Ernest Hemingway
Sinclair Lewis/F. Scott Fitzgerald
Georgia O’Keefe – Cow Skull, Flowers
Thomas Hart Benton – Regional Murals
Edward Hopper – Nighthawks
Hollywood, California – Movie Stars
Mary Pickford / Douglas Fairbanks
Charlie Chaplin
Al Jolson – The Jazz Singer
Babe Ruth
Black Sox Scandal (1919)
Charles Lindbergh – Spirit of St. Louis
Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
John Scopes
Clarence Darrow / American Civil Liberties Union
William Jennings Bryan
H.L. Mencken
Herbert Hoover
Alford Smith
Installment Plan
Stock Speculation
October 29, 1929 (Black Tuesday)
Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
“Rugged Individualism”
The Great Depression
Uneven Distribution of Wealth
Stock Market Speculation
Excessive use of Credit / Installment Plan
Overproduction / Under Consumption
Farm Debt
Traditional Government Policies
Hoovervilles / Hoover Blankets
Fear of Socialism
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Trickle-Down Economics
Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930)
Veteran’s Bonus March (1932)
Election of 1932
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Lame-Duck Session
20th Amendment
Eleanor Roosevelt
The New Deal
The Forgotten Man
Relief / Recover / Reform
Brain Trust
The Hundred Days
21st Amendment
Radio Fireside Chats
Bank Holiday
Alphabetized Agencies
Glass Stegall Banking Act (1933)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Harry Hopkins
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)
Dole Payments
Civil Works Administration (CWA)
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
National Debt
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Boulder (Hoover) Dam
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Hydro-Electric Dams
Rural Electrification Administration
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
Dust Bowl
John Steinbeck – Grapes of Wrath
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Blue Eagle – ‘We Do Our Part’
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
Collective Bargaining
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
John L. Lewis
Fair Labor Standards Act – Minimum Wage
Social Security Act (1935)
‘Dependent Children’
Workers / Employers ‘Contributions’
Frances Perkins – Secretary of Labor
Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) (1934)
Father Charles Coughlin
Senator Huey Long (The Kingfish)
Share the Wealth Movement
Election of 1936
Alf Landon
Schechter Poultry Corporation vs. U.S. (1935)
Court Packing
Checks and Balances
Separation of Powers
Deficit / National Debt
Recession of 1937
British Economist John Maynard Keynes
Keynesian Economic Theory
Full Employment
Deficit Spending
Government Expansion
Government’s Economic Responsibility
World War II
World War II
Japan / Italy / Germany
Adolf Hitler
Good Neighbor Policy
Nye Committee (1933)
Neutrality Acts
Picasso’s Guernica
Roosevelt’s Quarantine Speech (1937)
Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia
Munich Conference
Neville Chamberlain
Policy of Appeasement
Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact
Sept. 1, 1939 Invasion of Poland (Blitzkrieg)
Cash and Carry Neutrality Act of 1939
Winston Churchill
Destroyers for Bases Deal
Election of 1940 (Roosevelt vs Willkie)
Two Term Tradition
‘Arsenal of Democracy’
Lend-Lease Act
Four Freedoms
Selective Service Act of 1940 (Peacetime Draft)
Atlantic Charter (1941)
Embargo of Strategic Materials to Japan Act (1941)
General Tojo
Attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941(
Executive Order 9066
Japanese Internment
Korematsuvs U.S. (1944)
‘Military Necessity’
Internment Reparations (1988)
Segregated Units
War Savings Bonds
Rationing Stamps and Tokens
War Production Board
United Mine Workers / John L. Lewis (CIO)
‘Rosie the Riveter’ Poster Image
‘Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters’
A. Philip Randolph
Executive Order 8802
Double V Campaign
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality)
Zoot Suit Riots / Los Angeles
Bataan Death March
James Doolittle’s Attack on Tokyo
Battle of Midway / Turning Point
Two-Prong Island Hopping Campaign
Guadalcanal / Iwo Jima / Leyte Gulf / Okinawa / Philippines
Hollywood Films
North Africa Campaign
Casablanca Conference (1943)
Eastern Front / Western Front
‘Unconditional Surrender of Axis Powers’
Battle of Stalingrad
June 6, 1944 – D – Day (Operation Overlord)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
GI Bill (1944)
Election of 1944 (Roosevelt vs. Dewey)
Vice President Harry Truman
Holocaust - Hitler’s Final Solution for the Jews
Yalta Conference February 1945
Self Determination
United Nations
Death of Roosevelt April 1945
Suicide of Hitler April 1945
Surrender of Germany - May 1945
Potsdam Conference - July 1945
Manhattan Project / Los Alamos New Mexico
Robert Oppenheimer
Colonel Paul Tibbets / Enola Gay
Hiroshima / Nagasaki
Surrender of Japan - August 1945
Nuremberg Germany Trials
‘Crimes against Humanity’
The two ‘Super Powers’
Cold War
Winston Churchill
From Stettin . . . to Trieste
Iron Curtain
George Kennan
Containment Policy / Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
West Germany Miracle
Berlin Blockade
Berlin Airlift
Second Berlin Crisis (Berlin Wall)
Election of 1948
Thomas Dewey
Strom Thurmond / States-Rights Democratic Party
Fair Deal
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Collective Security
Warsaw Pact
Second Red Scare
Hiss-Chambers Case
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Richard Nixon
Hollywood Ten
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Senator Joseph McCarthy (McCarthyism)
McCarthy-Army Televised Hearings
‘Censured’ for recklessness
United Nation’s Security Council
Veto Power
North / South Korea Divided at 38th Parallel
Two ‘governments’ of China
USSR Boycott of the United Nations
“Police Action’ (Undeclared Korean War)
General Douglas MacArthur
Pusan Perimeter
Inchon Amphibious Assault
Question …to go beyond Containment?
Chinese Counter-Attack
Limited War vs. Massive Retaliation
‘Civil Control of the Military’