United States History I (1763-1877)
Malden High School
Academic Year 2012-2013
Course Syllabus
Level: College Prep Instructor: Dana Marie Brown
Room: Boyle 234 Email:
Tel.: 781-397-7223 x1234
Before/after school office hours:
7:30-2:45 Monday-Thursday
*You may also schedule any additional time before or after school in advance.
Wikispace/Class Website:
Course Description:
In United States History I, students examine the historical and intellectual origins of the United States developed from Western Europe through the Revolutionary and Early Republic eras. Students study the framework of American Democracy; analyze key documents including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the basic concepts of the American Government. The course then traces America’s westward expansion, the establishment of political parties, economic and social change, sectional conflicts, the Civil War and Reconstruction periods.
Honors Level
The honors level is designed to prepare you for an advanced placement US history class next year, which provides a college-level experience along with taking a national college credit exam in the spring. An emphasis is placed on interpreting documents, mastering a significant body of factual information, and writing critical essays including document based questions (DBQs). This class will move at a fast pace and you will be expected to complete independent work at a high quality level.
Community Service Learning:
As a part of the United States History I curriculum, students will engage in a Community Service Learning project in the 2nd (Spring) semester of the school year. In collaboration with the nonprofit organization, Generation Citizen, students will discover, research, plan, and implement a project with assistance from college mentors. The goal of this curriculum piece is to help foster civic participation. In doing so, students will become skilled in the areas of democracy, governmental process, public policy, advocacy, and action. The project is closely aligned with the content of the USI curriculum and will be an integral part of the student’s assessment and final grade.
In preparing you for a 21st century society, we will incorporate technology-rich lessons into the curriculum. You will have the opportunity to work with school laptops and computer labs and will learn many Web 2.0 tools. In addition, you may have the opportunity to work with a virtual notebook and experience a digital classroom. More information on this will be provided in the future. As always, the school-wide Acceptable Use Policy should be followed at all times and technology should only be used for school-related assignments.
Binder: one 2 inch, 3 ring
Pens: blue or black, and one red
Suggested: Small Flash Drive
Text: American Anthem
Distribution of quarterly grading components:
Chapter Tests and Major Projects: 35%
Section Quizzes, Minor Projects and Minor Writing Assignments: 15%
Daily Homework: 15%
Daily Pair/Share Grade, Preparedness, Class work and Binders: 35%
Make-Up Work Policy:
Late Work: Students are expected to hand in all work on the day it is due. The most you can earn from handing in late work is a 3 (75%). This includes major and minor projects.
Absent Work: If you were absent, you have until the next school day to make it up.
All Work: I will NOT accept any make-up work for a chapter any later than the scheduled date of the Chapter Test. This is because homework and class work are used to practice a skill, learn a concept or assess what you know about a concept. If you do the work after a test, you will not be able to get misinformation cleared up before you take the test.
4 (100%) / Demonstrates an exceptional level of quality and effort. Work is completed to exceed expectations. Mastery in applying the concepts (or principles).
(75%) / Demonstrates proficient knowledge with a good effort and quality of work. Assignment is complete. Demonstrates the ability to apply the concepts (or principles).
(50%) / Demonstrates proficient knowledge and the ability to apply concepts (or principles). Work shows average effort.
(25%) / Work shows minimal effort. Demonstrates a basic or surface understanding of recalling or comprehending concepts (or principles).
(0%) / Understanding is below basic in relation to understanding concepts (or principles). Work is of poor quality and does not meet standards or expectations.
Key Topics and Pacing Quarter 1
Key Topics
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4The American Colonies
Political Life in the colonies
Colonial Economy
America’s Emerging
French and Indian War / The United States Constitution
Bill of Rights / Reforms of the 19th Century
New Movement in America
Early Immigration and Urban Reform
Women and Reform
Fighting Against Slavery / The Civil War
Preparing for War
Fighting Erupts
War behind the Lines
The War Continues
Final Phase
The Revolutionary Era
Road to Revolution
Politics in the colonies
Declaration of Independence
Revolutionary War and American Victory / The New Republic
Washington Becomes President
Challenges of the 1790s
Jefferson’s Presidency
War of 1812 / Manifest Destiny
Westward Migration
Texas Independence
Mexican American War / Reconstruction
Plans for Reconstruction
What was implemented
Creating a New Government
Articles of Confederation
Drafting the Constitution
Ratifying the Constitution
Constitution of the United States / From Nationalism to Sectionalism
Rise of Nationalism
Age of Jackson
Industrial North
Land of Cotton / Nation Splits Apart - Secession
Politics of Slavery
Sectional Conflicts and National Politics
Lincoln’s Path to the White House
South Secedes / An Industrial Nation
Economic impact of Civil War
American West
Midterm Exam / Final Exam Preparation
Classroom Expectations
ü Respect all people, including themselves, and all property, including their own, at all times.
ü Come prepared to class every day with your binder, pens or pencils, your homework, your textbook and anything else needed for the day.
ü You may not go to your locker during class so make sure to bring everything you need when you arrive.
ü Using the restroom should happen at appropriate times. Only one student may leave the room at a time. Never interrupt a teacher or other student to ask unless it’s an emergency.
ü No use of electronics unless instructed by the teacher. You will have ample opportunity to use technology so please do not abuse your cell phone, iPods, etc.
ü This is a “can’t free” zone. You must try everything (even if it seems too difficult). You will benefit in the long run!
ü No food is allowed in the classroom. You may chew gum as long as I don’t hear it, see it, or smell it!