Appendix 1. Medical student survey

1.At your medical school, isdedicated imaging training (such as a rotation, clerkship, elective / selective) required or not required?


b.Not required

2.(If answer to 1 was b) Even though dedicated imaging training (such as a rotation, clerkship, elective/selective) is NOT required at your medical school, did you elect to do it anyway?



3.(If answer to 2 was a)Why did you choose to take a Radiology elective/selective? Check all that apply.

a.Considering Radiology as a specialty choice

b.Not considering Radiology as a specialty but want to learn about it for my chosen specialty

c.Recommendation of mentor, faculty advisor or family/family friend

d.Other (please specify) ______

4.(If answer to 1 was a) How long was your required imaging training?

a.Less than one week

b.1 week

c.2 weeks

d.3 weeks

e.4 or more weeks

5.(If answer to 1 was a) Is your required imaging training taught by Radiologists?



6.When can/do you takeyour required imaging training? Check all that apply.

a.Preclinical (traditionally 1st and 2nd year)

b.3rd year

c.4th year

7.(If answer to 1 was a) Did your required imaging training turn you towards or away from Radiology as a possible specialty choice?




8.Comments regarding last question: ______

9.What is your anticipated future specialty?


b.Surgery or surgical subspecialty

c.Medicine/primary care


e.Other (psychiatry, pathology, radiation oncology)


10.(If answer to 9 was a) Please rank the order in which the following influenced your choice of Radiology as a specialty.(N.B. The order of answer choices was randomized for each respondent)

a.Experience on Radiology rotation/clerkship/selective/elective

b.Experience with Radiology during a non-Radiology rotation/clerkship/elective/selective(s) (i.e., Medicine, Surgery)

c.Radiology lectures during pre-clinical years (traditionally 1st and 2nd year)

d.Radiology experience outside of medical school

e.Radiology research/mentor

11.(If answer to 9 was a) Pleaserate how important each of the following were towards your decision to choose Radiology as your specialty. (1=not important, 2=somewhat important, 3=important, 4=very important)(N.B. The order of answer choices was randomized for each respondent)

a.Degree of patient contact

b.Impact on patient care

c.Intellectual challenge

d.Role models (mentors, faculty advisor, dean, family member)



g.Experience on Radiology rotation/clerkship/elective/selective


i.Experience with Radiology during a non-Radiology rotation / clerkship / elective / selective

j.Job market


l.Advanced/cutting edge technology

m.Work environment

n.Shadowing a radiologist

o.Online curricula (such as self-directed computer based models or prerecorded didactic lectures)

p.Radiology interest group

q.Radiology residents

r.Being involved in radiology research

s.Participating at a recruitment event (e.g., residency fair)

t.Live didactic lectures

u.Being involved in professional Radiology organizations

12.(If answer to 9 was b, c, d, e, or f) Please rate how important each of the following were towards your decision NOT to choose Radiology as your specialty. (1=not important, 2=somewhat important, 3=important, 4=very important) (N.B. The order of answer choices was randomized for each respondent)

a.Degree of patient contact

b.Impact on patient care

c.Intellectual challenge

d.Role models (mentors, faculty advisor, dean, family member)



g.Experience on Radiology rotation/clerkship/elective/selective


i.Experience with Radiology during a non-Radiology rotation / clerkship / elective / selective

j.Job market


l.Advanced/cutting edge technology

m.Work environment

n.Shadowing a radiologist

o.Online curricula (such as self-directed computer based models or prerecorded didactic lectures)

p.Radiology interest group

q.Radiology residents

r.Being involved in radiology research

s.Participating at a recruitment event (e.g., residency fair)

t.Live didactic lectures

u.Being involved in professional Radiology organizations

13.Other responses to question 12: ______

14.For each of the following statements, indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, are neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree. (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neither disagree nor agree, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree) (N.B. The order of statements was randomized for each respondent)

a.Radiologists have patient contact.

b.Radiologists are exposed to a significant degree of radiation over the course of their careers.

c.Radiologists play a vital role in diagnosis and patient management.

d.Radiologists have a “controllable” lifestyle (i.e., relatively predictable work hours).

e.Radiologists’ compensation (salary) is greater than many other physician specialties.

f.New techniques/technologies are frequently being developed in the field of Radiology.

g.Radiology is monotonous.

h.In the future, most radiology studies will be interpreted from off-site locations (i.e., national or international).

i.The Radiology job market is shrinking.

15.What is your gender?



16.Please identify your race/ethnicity (answering the question is entirely voluntary, the information is confidential, and it will be used for statistical analysis only).

a.Prefer not to answer

b.Hispanic or Latino


d.Black or African American

e.Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


g.American Indian or Alaska Native

h.Two or more races