20th Century History through Film
2017 Course Syllabus
BarnegatHigh School, Mr. Parrott
This is a ½ year College Prep elective course. Students will be held to a higher standard than the average student. Coursework includes challenging assignments, reading, writing, as well as in-depth analysis of films. Grades are earned. Remember you are not given grades…. You earn them.Additionally, this syllabus must be signed by you and a parent/guardian in order to watch every film! Syllabus Must Be Signed in Order to Attend this Class!
Course Description
During this class, you will study the 20th centuryfrom the European imperialism of Africa and Asiauntil the issues facing the globe in the postmodern world. You will focus on acquiring a world view concerning the events of the 20th century through the analysis of various films, primary sources and teacher lectures. This course is comprised of individual work, group work, notes, videos, discussion, simulations and other activities. Assignments will be given for homework and students are expected to complete these assignments in order to participate in class and maximize learning. Course is divided into 3 units of study: (1) Imperialism, WW I, Great Depression (2) WW II, Cold War Politics (3) Vietnam Era, Genocide in Africa, Postmodern world.
Course Materials
Students are expected to bring the following items to class every day.
- Teacher provided materials. There is no set textbook.
- A notebook is required for all students- will be used for Do Nows, notes, and writing about the films.
- Pen or Pencil
- Assignments due on that day
Class Rules
Class rules can be categorized in 2 key points: Respect and Responsibility.
- Treat others as you would like to be treated
- Use appropriate language and behavior at all times( no cursing or ridiculing your fellow students)
- Comply with all school rules (no hats, food, water only, iPods, cell phones,etc.) Also, no purses on the desk!
- Wait to be recognized to speak in class
- The teacher, not the bell, dismisses class
- Do your own work! Plagiarism, copying and cheating will result in a ZERO on the assignment for all parties and a report to the administration.
- Be prepared (bring all materials necessary for class).
- Be present and on time, working on the “Do Now” when the bell rings (tardiness and cutting are not acceptable) Absenteeism is one of the leading causes of failure of this class.
- Participate in class discussions and activities.
- Make up any missed work (students are responsible for completing missed assignmentswithout being reminded. I will not chase after you for missed work).
The consequence for breaking school or class rules will be a teacher-assigned detention. Repeated violations will result in a call home and probable administrative referral.
It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed after an absence. The following is the procedure you should follow when absent. You have 2 class periods to turn in assignments given when absent, assignments due while out will be due the day you return. Frequent absences will surely result in poor performance in class.
1)Access assignments on Mr. Parrott’s school web-site (remember this site is there for your convenience and should NOT be the sole source for information and details on assignments, as problems may occur.)
2)When you return, check for missed assignments on the board.
3)Check the “absence” folders to get handouts.
4)Turn in assignments that were due when you were absent.
5)If you have any questions that cannot be answered by the above steps, ask me.
Absent for a test/quiz: Tests and quizzes will NOT be made up during class time. They will be administered after school. I will accommodate students with make-upquizzes/exams within 3 days of the students return to school. Students are responsible for scheduling the make-up appointment and for arranging transportation home.
Absent for a Project: If a student is absent the day a project is due, he/she must have someone turn in the assignment for them or email it to me prior to the end of the school day. Any project not received on due date will lose one grade level. Being absent is not an excuse for turning an assignment in late!
Extra Help
I will be available Tuesday & Thursdays every week for extra help. Prior to a test, I will be available on other days, usually the day prior to the test. Student should notify me the day before if they plan to stay for extra help. I am also available by appointment. Please do not use the excuse that you could not come on Tuesday or Thursday for extra help. Just ask!
Hall Passes
It is my goal to keep bathroom visits to emergencies only. Please do not ask to leave the classroom in the middle of a lesson unless it is absolutely necessary, as it is disruptive to the teacher and the other students. But if you must go, just please give me the thumbs up sign and sign out by the door and take the bathroom pass provided there.
Grading Requirements
I do not “give” grades, students “earn” them! The grades are calculated as follows:
Major Assessments– 50%
Tests will be given at the end of each section/film and will include multiple choice, true/false, matching, short answer and essay questions as well as maps, charts and graphs. Projects will be assigned quarterly and will include both individual and group components.
Homework – 10%
- Homework will be assigned a grade of 100-70(0 for no HW), based on completion and effort.
- Students should have homework on their desk to be checkedwhen class starts. It may be collected without notice, so be prepared to turn it in if asked.
- All homework must have a heading which includes Name, Date, Class Period and Assignment.
- Any assignment not turned in will be given a ZERO and no late work will be permitted. Students MAY NOT go to their locker to retrieve homework or use my computer during my class to print assignments.
Minor Assessments – 30%
You may have both announced and unannounced quizzes – for which you may or may not use notes, upon the teacher’s discretion. Studentswill also be given projects that will count as a quiz grade.
Class Participation – 10%
ALL students are expected to participate during each class, so expect to be called upon at any time. I will not give you a pen, book or paper, so be prepared. Students will not be permitted to leave the class to retrieve items from their locker. Participation, preparation and note taking, and paying attention to each film determine your class participation grade. Remember you are graded for all your activities during this semester.
There is a wealth of information for students to learn so staying up to date on assignments is extremely important. I am here to help you and I encourage you to come to me with any questions or concerns. Take responsibility for your learning, approach each day with an open mind and do your best!
Current Events: Students will periodically be assigned current events, which will count as a homework grade. For current events, students are to find a news article and write a summary.
Films: Each film will be either accompanied by a quiz or essay due after your viewing of the film.
Geography: Students are expected to be familiar with the geography of the world. Part of the coursework will include knowing the location of the continents, the oceans, and the major countries, as well as other major geographical landmarks. Students will be given homework assignments, classwork and quizzes related to geography.
For each marking period students will be asked to complete a project, paper or special assignment that counts as a test grade. More information on the assignments will be given at the appropriate time. All these assignments are tentative and could possibly be changed.
1st Marking period- To Be Determined
2nd Marking Period- To Be Determined
Below is a list of examples of writing that will be possibly be given during 20th Century History. They will count as either a quiz or a test grade. Specific instructions and due dates will be given at the time of the assignment.
Analysis Papers – using various films and documents including speeches, biographies and other sources, students will write an analysis of the document, describe the important points and indicate its impact on history or its refection of a particular event.
Primary Source Papers – students will read a primary source document related to a historical event and will analyze the author’s theme.
Current Event Comparison Papers – students will discuss a theme of a historical event (revolution, protesting, establishing laws and government, etc) and will then find a current event article on the same topic. Students will outline the similarities and differences in the two situations.
Document Based Question Papers (DBQs) – students will be asked to answer questions pertaining to various documents, and will be required to write an essay using all document material supplied.
Probable film list: (This list might change as course progresses) Paths of Glory (1957), Grapes of Wrath (1940),Buck Privates(1941), Swing Kids (1993), La Rafle (2010),Twelve O’Clock High(1949), Downfall (2004), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956), Thirteen Days (2000), Hotel Rwanda (2004), The Killing Fields (1984), Munich (2005), Black Hawk Down (2001). For parents- some of these films are rated “R” and contain some scenes of a sensitive nature. This class is intended for juniors and seniors so mature behavior is expected during the viewing of these films. Please contact me if you have any concerns.
Student Name ______Parent Signature______