Title of Lesson:Learning About Personal Career Interests and Skills (Kuder®) / Total Time on Task: 50 minutes
Content Standard:
3.Analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities.
a.Participate in assessments that identify personal areas of interest and aptitude including utilizing results to develop a four-year high school educational plan.
b.Explore individual career options from the 16 National Career Clusters to examine specific job descriptions, requirements, salaries, and employment outlooks.
c.Identify safety and health standards in the workplace for daily procedures, emergency procedures, equipment/tools, dress, use of technology, and work area maintenance.
Lab Access:Required for Students☒
Optional for Students☐
Not Needed for Students☐
Students take two online assessments in the Alabama Career Planning System (ACPS) and examine their results.
Essential Question(s):
How do I identify ways to develop the skills to pursue careers of interest?
Learning Objective(s): The students will:
- Explore careers aligned with their interests.
- Explore careers aligned with their skills confidence.
- Identify occupations that utilize both their interests and skills confidence.
Conceptual Outline:
- Gain Self-Awareness
- Analyze Skills and Interests
- Skills
- Abilities
- Interests
- Career Pathways
Materials, Equipment, and Technology Resources:
- Student user names and passwords for Kuder® (Have a uniform procedure set for user names and passwords.)
- Assignment#1:Interests Skills: Student Worksheet
- Other Teacher Guides and Student Worksheets available at ACPS Kuder tab then administrator login. Look for Lesson Plans under Alabama Activities.
- Individual student computer access
- LCD projector
- (Click on ACPS Kuder tab)
- Preparation: Students must create an individual account on If they forget their login information, obtain it from your Kuder® Administrative Database Management System™ (ADMS) or site administrator (typically your careers teacher or school counselor). If students only know their user name, they will be able to reset their password. However, you might want to require a specific format on usernames and passwords to simplify the process. Although Assignment#1: Interests Skills: Student Worksheet is self-explanatory, you may want to walk through the activity yourself prior to administering to students.
- Student Activity: Students will follow the steps on Assignment#1: Interests Skills: Student Worksheet to navigate through the assessment and complete the worksheet.
- Teacher Information: This activity will require you to continually walk around and help students navigate through the website. If an LCD projector is available, it would be a good idea to demonstrate using a “student” account while you are explaining the activity.
- Assignment#1: Interests Skills: Student Worksheet