Vashon Community PTSA Board Meeting Agenda

Date: September 12, 2016

Time: 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.

I.  Call Meeting to Order

Ashley reported that Sherrie (Region 6 PTA director) offered to meet with us Thursday (9/15) to go over PTA rules etc. – help us figure out the finances (taxes, insurance)

·  Sherrie suggested that it may be time to change banks to make financial portion easier.

·  Sherrie said any one person could go to the “PTA and the law” course – next one will be in Yakima

·  Sherrie is also putting together a program to reach out to the Latino community. She could tell us how to get more involved with this.

·  Would be good to have as many board members as possible at the meeting with Sherrie. Will have the meeting at John L. Scott conference room.

·  Sherrie said could make a council of any 3 PTSA members to do a financial review of the last 6 months and turn it in. This could count and our audit. Sherrie will help us w/ the formatting for this.

·  Jenny will wait until after the meeting w/ Sherrie and then do the Secretary of State filing and payment.

·  Meeting with Sherrie will be at 6:30pm on Thursday 9/15.

II.  Approval of the Minutes – motion made to approve the minutes. Motion passed.

III.  Officer Reports

A.  President’s Report

·  Welcome picnic – Susan Laughland was there. She raffled off the museum pass

·  Jenny held the PTSA otter pop welcome at the Chautauqua open house.

·  Jenny is working with Danny Rock on high school volunteer childcare at PTSA events.

·  Book fair – ready to go

·  Spirit wear is ready. Need to do the launch and promote the order forms. Could have one of the days of spirit week be for wearing your spirit wear or your spirit colors. Maybe could use orca readers as a way to earn spirit wear.

·  Spirit wear is ready for sale. Can order them online, but that needs to be set up.

·  One of the goals of this year is to get the site councils in order. The principals will be running the site councils. The PTSA will send a representative to all the site council meetings. PTSA does social stuff/ events – Site council does educational outreach.

o  Site council meets once a month (usually right after school). Includes one teacher, principal, and PTSA representatives. Would also be valuable for parents to be there and students.

o  Site council meetings currently right after school, but may work better to have them in the evening.

o  Chautauqua currently doesn’t have a site council

·  Jenny is still working on the newsletter.

·  Chautauqua curriculum night on Sept 21 at 6:30. Will have a PTSA table. Erika and Jenny to be at the table. There will be childcare available, but will not be heavily promoted. Jenny still talking with Danny Rock about having high school volunteers there for childcare.

·  VHS open house on Sept 22

·  MCM open house on Sept 23

Jenny nominated Erika Davidson to be vice president. Motion passed.

B.  Vice President’s Report

·  Erika is the doors of opportunity chair person. People can nominate a VSD staff member – anyone who goes above and beyond to win $1,000 for personal use, $1,000 for classroom or professional development, and framed photo of door. Announce the winner at teacher’s luncheon at end of year. PTSA holds the money, but Charlie donates the money. Voted on by 2 parents, the chair, and 2 principals. Chelsie will check if the deposit for this has been made.

C. Treasurer’s Report

·  Chelsie has printed out the bank statements and started working on the books.

·  Erika did an audit about 2 years ago.

IV.  Site Council/Committee Chair Reports

A.  Membership Report

·  We need a way to know who the PTSA members are. Website is Vashon Island Community PTSA – this is where we need to direct people. Right now Bruce gets an email. This will be changed so that Ashlee gets the membership emails. PT Avenue is WA State’s PTA website. Current membership cost is $40 for the family (up to 4 members). All students are already honorary members for the local PTSA.

·  If membership paid via check, we have a P.O. box for that. Jenny has the key. Moving forward, Chelsie to check to P.O. box. Two memberships have already been paid by check in June. There is a deposit box at Chautauqua too – Chelsie has the key for this.

·  Ashley to email all the people who signed up for more info at Chautauqua open house about PTSA membership.

B.  Communications Report

·  Bruce made new logo and brochure.

·  Bruce first came to PTSA b/c he started extracurricular robotics program in the school district. So the robotics program is under the PTSA umbrella.

·  Bruce has an IT background so he runs the website.

·  There is an IT budget.

·  There is a way to do Orca readers logs online. Isn’t available now, but could add it to the IT budget and add it. Anna and Karen to assess to see if this would be helpful.

·  $40/ year to add on auto upload for local PTSA to national level

C.  Fundraising Report

·  Still deciding if we’re going to do an auction – could potentially hire an auction committee. Could do a celebration of schools. Or could do a family event dinner. Need to figure out the finances to see if we need a fundraiser.

·  Ashley and Jenny working on fundraising moving forward.

D. Council Reports

1. VHS

2. McM

3. CES

V.  Unfinished Business

A. Curriculum Night – will have membership forms available at a PTSA table.

B. Harvest Festival – big fundraiser. Made $2,000 last year. Julia will chair it. Stacy, Jenny, and Ginger to help.

C. Volunteers to organize CES supply room – Jenny still working on this.

D. Jenny and Chelsie still working on getting PTSA items out of MaryAnn’s barn

E. Jenny still coordinating w/ Danny Rock about getting high school volunteers for child care at the meetings and fall festival

VI.  New Business

A. VHS popcorn Friday – to be addressed at site council meeting

B. Grant Request- Physical Science – budget needs to be figured out first

C. Grant Request- McM parent weekly coffee hour – Want $150 for supplies. Will be starting next week. Budget needs to be figured out first.

D. Parent Social- October 3 at 6:30 – motion made the Parent Social will be a PTSA event – motion passed. This event will be a place to learn about site council and PTSA

·  Rebecca (principal) will speak at it (she is orchestrating getting site council organized)

·  Can talk about what PTSA is and our events

·  A time/ place for parents to mingle

·  At social can take a pole of the topics that parents want site council to cover, and a site council meeting can be dedicated to each of those topics. Then could have a teacher come and teach skills about this topic.

·  Will launch spirit wear.

·  Will have a PTSA board meeting right afterwards and parents can stay to see what it’s like.

·  Ginger will ask Yesenia to translate Parent Social flyer in Spanish and see if she is interested in getting further involved with PTSA.

·  Could also potentially get the Spanish-speaking interns to be at the meetings as support.

VII. Announcements

Orca readers – Anna and Karen will be working on this. Goal for this year is to continue the program and to do some surveys to figure out how to make it better. Want to figure out how to best reach the most kids. Looking for 6 volunteers (one from each grade) to be involved.

·  Will be connected with the book fair to get scholastic money, so that the book fair pays for Orca readers. And possibly have books be the prizes.

·  Motion made that from the book fair profits, $2500 goes towards Waskowitz and any extra profit supports the orca readers program. Motion passed.

·  Stuffed orcas were a big hit in the past.

Standing rules – meant to be a reflection of PTA bylaws. Bruce revising these and will be reviewed and approved at the next meeting. Jenny will discuss these with Sherrie on Thursday too.

*On 9/29/16 the minutes were amended to include the following addendum: Jenny Wegley (President), Ashley Lisenby (Membership) and Chelsie Irish (Treasurer) spoke with representatives at several local banks and determined Our Community Credit Union (OCCU) best meets the needs of the Vashon Community PTSA. They will open a new checking and savings accounts at OCCU as soon as these minutes have been approved and signed by the board. The signers on the new account will be: Jenny Wegley, Erica Davidson and Chelsie Irish.

The existing US Bank account will be closed as soon as all outstanding checks have been cleared. In the meantime, the following current board members will be made signers on the account as soon as possible: Jenny Wegley (President), Ashley Lisenby (Membership) and Chelsie Irish (Treasurer).


Ginger Hamilton

Katie Simpson

Ashley Lisenby

Bruce Johns

Mary Papa

Kebbie Bedard

Erica Davidson

Jenny Wegley

Stacy Kihlstrom

Chelsie Irish

Anna Pekoz