KS3 NC Scheme of work
YEAR 7 - Religious Studies
Unit title: Why have I got to do RE? I don’t want to be a vicar.
I am grateful to the Rachel Haig and the staff at AbbeyfieldSchool for sharing their introduction to RE unit
Unit title:
Lsn / Intended Learning Objective/Key question / Suggested activities / Resources required / Time (mins) / Extension/G&T/SEN ideas & notes / X-curricular links / Key subject specific skills1 / Introduce aim of lesson.
- Learn/clarify what we study in RS. Why we study it and what skills are necessary to be a successful student in this subject.
Perhaps you could explore what they understand about religious studies, what religions they know about, their preconceptions and why they may have negative views.
- Show video/DVD about religious buildings.
- Pupils complete activity (true/False) about religious studies and then feedback.
- Ext: Can our beliefs have a positive/negative impact on ourselves and others. If so, which beliefs do you think may cause negative behaviour and why? Which beliefs do you think bring about positive behaviour and actions and why? Can you believe in something and not allow it to effect your behaviour?
- Discussion. Plenary: revisit opinions at beginning.
- Opinion line/human bar graph etc.
2 / Religion in the News / Starter: Provide controversial news item e.g. Teddy bear (Muhammad)
Newspaper sampling. Pupils sift through different newspapers over last couple months to identify stories with a religious basis.
ICT: Could use ICT web sites for newspapers. Differentiate!
Structured task
- Find story
- Prepare report
- Feedback
Writing frame required (60 second news report) / Literacy link. Analysis of Newspapers, awareness of bias
Critical thinking / Investigation
3 / RE is the first two letters of REspect / Starter: Optical illusions and discussion (max 2)
Pick controversial issue highlighted from previous lesson.
Outline rules for discussion.
Phrases must be constructive, e.g. I disagree with that because or I can see what their saying but. These gain points!
Every time someone says ‘That’s a load of rubbish’ or jeer or shout someone down, they loose points.
Use writing frame to write up their thoughts and views.
Plenary: How might you apply this more widely? / PHSE: Developing skills of respect , disagreeing respectfully
ECM: Responsible Citizens / Expression of own beliefs and ideas.
4 / What do you already know about the religions you have studied in Primary school. / Starter: Mind map what are the six religions and key features of. Feedback on board.
Divide class into groups/teams possibly based on their feeder/primary schools.
Ask them to choose a religion they have studied.
Provide them with suitable textbook/crib sheets.
Design ‘who want to be a millionaire’ for that religion either using ICT or suitable hard copy templates.
Feedback next lesson or done as project for parents evening or part of ELP / ICT using programmes to communicate / investigation
5 / Maria Gomez / Starter: Card sort. Which of these are fair?
Read story of Maria Gomez.
Use worksheet ‘What does justice mean to Christians?’
Plenary. How effective is the cross in telling the story? (subversive) / Evaluate 2.1d
2.2a reflect ion
6 / Assessment task
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