SUSD Hotline: 661-294-5354

Disaster Plan Procedures

Goal: A rapid, safe and orderly release of every student to calm, cooperative authorized adults in the case of an emergency.

Preparedness: Santa Clarita Elementary has a clearly defined Evacuation/Disaster plan that focuses on proper planning and action before, during, and after a severe earthquake or disaster. This plan is evaluated and updated annually. The Santa Clarita Evacuation/Disaster Plan provides the necessary information to ensure the safety of students and staff.

Emergency Information: If we are directed to evacuate Santa Clarita Elementary, we will be under the direction of the Saugus Union School District and the Sheriff’s department. In the case of an emergency, the District’s “Alert Now” communication system will be activated (if possible) to contact Santa Clarita parents by phone to inform them of the emergency situation and instructions of what to do. Parents can also call the District emergency phone number at (661) 294-5354 to receive an updated recorded message about the emergency and actions to take.

Where will your child be located if students are to be released from Santa Clarita School? Students will be seated in classroom groups on the upper playground providing the area is safe. This emergency assembly procedure will be practiced several times throughout the school year. All students will be required to wear nametags to help the staff ensure the safety of all students. Our monthly emergency drills will assist students and staff in quickly providing accurate accounting for students and adults. Students will learn to rapidly proceed in an organized manner to their assigned assembly areas to wait for further instructions or release to an authorized adult.

* In the event of a disaster we will do our best to follow our plan of action. However, due to the nature of the disaster we will need to remain flexible so we can respond in the safest manner.

Where will your child’s teacher be? Santa Clarita staff members have been assigned to one of several duties: student supervision, first aid, search and rescue, command post recorder or student reunion gate. In order to provide for each of these important functions, your child’s teacher may or may not be with your child in his/her group. However, over time, as we practice our drills, students will become familiar with the faculty supervisors in their assigned area.

What about Injuries? When needed, injured students will be taken as quickly as possible to the first aid staging area. If your child is in this area, you will be encouraged to join him or her. You will be notified at the time you check in at the gate inside Santa Clarita Park. This gate is located next to the upper playground and will allow for easy access to students and staff.

What do Parents need to do?


In any emergency release, our staff is required to check ID against the “Disaster Release Card”. Please bring your ID even if you are well known to most adults at Santa Clarita. Be sure other authorized adults on your child’s Disaster Release Card know:

1.That they are listed on the card

2.To bring ID such as a driver’s license

3.Where the release gate is located

4.Santa Clarita’s student release procedures

It is important to understand that we are required by District policy to obtain the signature of an authorized adult prior to releasing any child in an emergency. If there is a possibility that you will not be able to pick your child up during an emergency situation, please add all possible adults to the release card that you would possibly contact to pick your child up during a disaster.

Step 2: Go to the tables that will be set up at the park gate that is located next to the upper playground. Student release check-in tables are organized alphabetically by student last name. Look for the appropriate table for the name of your child(ren). Staff will check your ID against the Disaster Release Card, ask you to sign the card, then call for your child(ren) to meet you at the Reunion Gate.

Step 3: Once you meet your child(ren) at the “Reunion Gate” please be sure to leave your child’s nametag at the table. Leaving your child’s name tag will allow your spouse or other authorized adult from the Disaster Release Card, who may arrive after you, to check to see if your child(ren) has/have been picked up.

Step 4: Immediately exit the campus with your child. The more rapidly we are able to clear the campus of non-injured students, the more personnel we will have available to assist in search and rescue, first aid, student supervision and student release.

Volunteer Help: After you have taken your child(ren) safely off-campus, adults are welcome to return to campus as volunteers. Those parents who have specialized training in the medical or law enforcement fields are encouraged to return and help volunteer with first aid, search and rescue and crowd control. Other parent volunteers can also be of great assistance. They can space themselves along the drive and outside the release gate to direct parents of where to go and remind them of what they will need before standing in line. Parent Volunteers can also help calm parents down who are experiencing high anxiety.

What is the most important way I can help? Every parent can make a positive contribution by remaining calm and cooperative. Following the procedures that we have in place will assist us in reuniting families as quickly as possible. Working together is key!

The procedures above, along with the cooperation of our parents, community and the District staff, will make our goal of a rapid, safe and orderly release possible.