Building Disability Inclusive Businesses and Organisations
Funding Application Guidelines
Applications for grants of up to $500 are invited from businesses or community organisations to assist them to increase the number of people with a disability as customers, members or employees.
To be eligible for a grant, a business or community organisation must:
- Be located in the East Gippsland Shire.
- Develop a plan listing intended actions (see details below).
- Work in partnership with the Rural Access Project Officer
Applicants will be required to contribute to the proposal either financially or by providing other in-house resources.
Priority will be given to proposals which demonstrate a genuine commitment to improving access and inclusion of people with a disability and an ongoing impact on increasing the number of people with a disability as customers, visitors or employees.
The funding for the grants has been provided by the Victorian Department of Human Services and Rural Access East Gippsland Shire.
Examples of Proposals
- Undertake a process to develop a Disability Action Plan.
- Undertake an Access Appraisal of your shop, service, business or building to identify ways to improve access for people with a disability.
- Make some alterations to your premises to provide improved access for employees, customers or visitors who have disability.
- Deliver disability awareness training to your staff or members.
- Provide information to your customers in different formats (e.g. large print, pictures, audio or electronic formats).
Plan Listing Intended Actions
This plan does not need to be complicated. All that is required is a list of intended actions be included in your application (see Application Form).
Criteria for Allocation of Grants
All funding applications will be assessed against the following criteria and will be allocated within the available budget until funds are exhausted.
Genuine commitment to increasing access and inclusion of people with a disability
Ongoing impact on increasing the number of people with a disability as customers, members or employees.
Located within the East GippslandShire.
Demonstrate the actions can be completed by 30th June 2015 and provide evidence of the completed action/s.
Applicants are required to partner with the RuralAccess Project Officer.
Application Process and Closing Date
The application form is attached to these Guidelines.
Fill in the Application Form and send or email it to:
RuralAccess Project Officer
East Gippsland Shire Council
P.O. Box 1618
Bairnsdale Vic 3875
Applications close at 5.00 p.m. Wednesday30 April 2014
Contact details of East Gippsland RuralAccess Project Officer and Inclusion Project Officer:
Donna MrazJaquie Nethercote
Rural Access OfficerInclusion Project Officer
Phone: 51539500
Building Disability Inclusive Businesses and OrganisationsEast Gippsland Funding Application Form
Business / Organisation ………………………………………………………………...
Contact Person …………………………………………………..
Address ………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………. Postcode ………………..
Phone …………………….. Email ……………………………………………………….
Funding Requested $ ……………….. (Up to $500)
Brief Description of Your Proposal
Plan and Costing
Please list the Intended Actions below with the amount of grant money allocated and the contribution you will put towards the action.
Intended Action and Date of Completion / $ Grant Allocation / Your ContributionTotal
How will your proposal have an ongoing impact on increasing the number of people with a disability as customers, members or employees?
Name …………………..…………. Date ……….………Signature …………………….