Unit Code: JSB980
UNIT TITLE: Professional Placement
Credit Points: 12
Semester(s) of Offer: 2
Year(s) of offer: 2007
Prerequisite(s): Completed 240 credit points with a GPA of 5
Corequisite(s): Nil
Incompatible: JSB934
Coordinator: Dr Sharon Hayes
Phone: 3864 3166
Fax: 3864 3992
1 Rationale
In order to operate effectively in the workplace you will need to be able to connect and apply the knowledge and theory you have gained from the other units in the course to the practice of the profession in which you gain employment.
Successful running of this unit will depend on the number of professional practices that are willing to participate.
2 Aims
This unit aims:
* To allow you the opportunity to focus aspects of your coursework and professional interests by comparing and contrasting the theories learnt in the course work with the realties of professional practice.
* To develop skills relevant to the practice of the chosen profession.
3 Objectives
Upon the successful completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate:
1. An understanding of some aspects of professional practice and the relevance of a theoretical framework to that practice and the graduate attribute of problem solving.
2. An ability to work constructively individually, in a group and/or as a member of team as directed by the workplace supervisor and the graduate attribute of self motivated learning.
3. An ability to write a report synthesizing practical experience and abstract knowledge and the graduate attribute of research
4 Content
You will work on a project in a placement organisation, that you, your academic supervisor and your professional supervisor have agreed adequately addresses objective 1.
The project will as closely as possible involve you in the day to day operation of the work place organization and require you to work under the supervision of a workplace supervisor to ensure you achieve objective 2.
5 Teaching and Learning Approaches
You will learn by undertaking your work as directed by your work place supervisor and reflecting on this experience with your academic supervisor. The writing of a report of your placement will assist you to synthesize theory and practice.
You will be required to attend at the placement organization for at least one day per week for 12 weeks.
You will be required to meet with your academic supervisor at least once per fortnight whilst undertaking the unit to discuss your progress in the unit, including the insight you are developing into how the knowledge you have gained in earlier units assist your critical awareness of the working of the organization in which you are undertaking the placement. This will help achieve objective 1 and assist you with objective 3
6 Assessment
- Assessment for the unit consists of one written assignment, worth 100% of the mark for this unit. Both the academic and professional supervisor will mark the project out of 50 and the mark will be the sum of the two marks.
The Work-Based Project (100%)
This addresses objectives 1-3 - You will negotiate The Work-Based Project with your Placement Supervisor and academic supervisor. This should be a relevant project which introduces you to the workplace organisation and which produces a quantifiable product at the end of semester. The work produced in the project might consist of a number of formats, as outlined in the Roles and Responsibilities of Placement Supervisor (Host Organisation). The Work-Based Project is due at the end of the Professional Placement and is assessed by the Placement supervisor and the academic supervisor according to the Marking Criteria (see Unit Information, Appendix 2.)
7 Resource materials
Procedures manual of Justice Studies professional placement.
Any policy or procedures manual that the employer supervisor considers relevant
8 Risk Management
As the unit will require the student to attend at the workplace of the employer there is a risk of injury to the students and a risk that the student may injure others and/or damage the property of the employer. QUT will cover you and documentation regarding this insurance cover will be taken to your placement supervisor prior to commencement.
Students may gain access to confidential information, the disclosure of which could cause harm or injury to the employer or others. To address this risk the agreement setting out the obligations of the parties to the placement will bind the student to maintain confidentiality. This will be stressed by the academic supervisor when providing guidance to students.
There is a risk that poor performance by the students could damage the reputation and standing of the School. To protect against this only final year students with a GPA of 5 or better will be admitted to the unit and the responsibility of the student to guard against such harm will be stressed by the academic supervisor when providing guidance to the student.