Unit Title: Exploring Poetry Week: # : 3

Unit Title: Exploring Poetry Week: # : 3

Unit Title: Exploring Poetry Week: #: 3

Teacher: Subject: English Grade: ___6______Date: From _______to ______20____

Desired Result
Durable Comprehension (Key Understanding)
Example: Students will understand that ...
Challenges are opportunities for new learning.
Poets write poetry about their personal challenges from everyday experiences.
Our approach to reading poetry affects our understanding.
The best poetry evokes critical thought and emotion in readers.
Assessment Evidence
Summative evaluation
(unit projects, exams, etc.)
  1. Attachment: 6.5 Writing Tool – Poetry Prompt List.

Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Language Listening / Language Listening Writing / Writing Listening Language / Writing / Language
Expectations / 6.LA.5a / 6.LA.5c / 6.L1 / 6.LA.5a / 6.LA.5c / 6.L1/ 6.W.8 / 6.W.7 / 6.L.1 / 6.LA.5 / 6.W.7 / 6.W.8
Academic Strategy
Objective / The student will identify different types of poems according to structure. / The student will write a short poem following correct structure. / The student will make connections to personal experiences as a tool for writing. / The student will use personal experiences to write prompts. / The student will demonstrate understanding of how reflecting on experiences can help us learn.
Initial Activities / Set Daily Goals
__Routine Activities
__Day before class review
_X_Skill or theme review: Poetry Structures
__Homework Discussion
__Open questions
__ Vocabulary discussion
__Presentation of exercises
Others______/ Set Daily Goals
__Routine Activities
_X_Day before class review
__Skill or theme introduction
__Homework Discussion
__Open questions
__ Vocabulary discussion
__Presentation of exercises
Others______/ Set Daily Goals
__Routine Activities
__Day before class review
X Skill or theme introduction: Connections
__Homework Discussion
__Open questions
__ Vocabulary discussion
__Presentation of exercises
Others______/ Set Daily Goals
__Routine Activities
_X_Day before class review
__Skill or theme introduction
__Homework Discussion
__Open questions
__ Vocabulary discussion
__Presentation of exercises
Others______/ Set Daily Goals
__Routine Activities
__Day before class review
__Skill or theme introduction
__Homework Discussion
X Open questions
__Vocabulary discussion
__Presentation of exercises
Development Activities / The teacher reads several types of poetry to continue demonstrating different structures poetry can take. Students will work with partners to list types of poems and their main characteristics. / After seeing examples of a particular type of poetry, the teacher leads the class in writing an original poem of the same type. The teacher posts these poems around the room as anchor charts for reference throughout the unit. / The teacher discusses with students that poets often write about what they know and what they have experienced in their own lives. The teacher arranges students in small groups to brainstorm ideas for poetry prompts. / Each students will create writing prompts that connect to experiences from his/her life. The student evaluates his/her prompts. / The student will write in their journals to reflect on challenges or personal experiences that have become an opportunity for learning.
Closing Activities / Group discussion to identify types of poems from a chart. / Gallery walk of poems written by students. / Discussion of group work and summary. / Attachment: 6.5 Writing Tool – Poetry Prompt List. / Think, Pair, Share
After writing the students will pair up and share their thoughts.
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection