Name ______
Unit Three Review Guide (Keep in Notebook)
- Review Vocabulary terms, Maps completed during this unit
- What type of impact did geography have on early Greece? (think mountains and seas)
- What kind of climate does Greece have?
- Describe the Mycenaeans.
- In what ways did the Minoans influence the Mycenaeans?
- What two groups fought the Trojan War, why were the fighting, and what was the outcome of the war?
- What two epics is Homer best known for, and who were the heroes of his stories?
- Name three Greek gods and their roles.
- What is the polis, the agora, and the acropolis?
- Greek city-states developed differently because of geography, what types of government did the Greek city states have?
- What city-state was the first to move towards and develop Democracy?
- Describe life in Sparta for young boys, women, and men.
- Why did the Greeks compete every four years in the Olympics?
- Name three battles of the Persian Wars and their outcomes.
- What leader contributed the most to Athens during its “Golden Age”? What three goals did he have for Athens?
- What is the name of the most important building at the top of the Acropolis in Athens?
- What two cities fought in the Peloponnesian War, why did they fight, when did they fight, and who won?
- Name three Greek philosophers, and know what they were known for and accomplished.
- After Greece was weaker for fighting the Peloponnesian War, what Macedonian King conquered Greece?
- What kingdoms did Alexander the Great conquer?
- What city in Egypt became the foremost center of commerce and achievement of Hellenistic civilization?
- Describe the geography of Rome, and its location.
- Describe Roman government, Roman classes, Roman law.
- What two cities fought the Punic Wars, who won, and what impact did this have?
- Why were Rome’s roads so important?
- Why was Julius Caesar assassinated? After his death, what leader becomes the first Roman Emperor?
- What types of activities took place in the Roman Colosseum?
- Describe Jesus.
- Who and what did the teachings of Jesus challenge?
- What man has an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and becomes one of the most influential apostles?
- What Roman Emperor divided the Roman Empire into two parts, and which Roman Emperor moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium?
- List one political, social, economic, and military cause for the fall of Rome.