March 30 – Exodus 39
Let me begin today with broad strokes. Typically, the garments described in chapter 28 and actually created in chapter 39 foreshadowed the manifold glories of Christ, the great High Priest. The details, quality and even glories of the garments are intended to reveal His fitness for that office. The holy garments of Aaron were "for glory and beauty"; they gave dignity to his person, being suitable apparel for his position. In imagery they pointed to Christ in all His perfections with the Father before He was "consecrated" to His work for us. I know this can be confusing but just keep in mind that all of this imagery points to the person of Jesus Christ.
Note how this expression, "and the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did they” occurs eight times in this chapter: vv. 1, 5, 7, 21, 26, 29, 31, 43. The Lord had given the most minute instruction concerning the entire work of the tabernacle. Every pin, every socket, every loop, every stitch, was accurately set forth. There was no room left for man’s imagination, his reason, or his common sense. God did not give a great outline and leave man to fill it up. He left no margin whatsoever in which man might do his own thing. “See that you make all things according to the pattern showed to you on the mount” (Ex. 25:40). There is a valuable lesson here for the church! There are many things in the history of Israel which we should earnestly seek to avoid,—their impatient murmurings, their legalvows, and their idolatry; but in two things in this chapter we may imitate them - may our devotedness be as whole-hearted, and our obedience too. Yes, the obedience of Israel is recorded for our learning. We too have received commandment from the Lord concerning the work which He has given us to do. His complete Word is now in our hands. It is to be our guide and authority in all things. It is given that "the man of God may be complete, thoroughly furnished to all good works" (2 Tim. 3:17). If we desire God’s blessing, then His work must be done according to His ways and means. Human “smarts”, convenience, originality, are to have no place. The approval of God, not that of others, is what every servant of the Lord must continually aim at. Faithfulness, not success, is what our Master requires. The quality of service is to be tested not by visible results, but by its conformity to God’s Word.
I want to close this day out with a more devotional thought. At the end of this chapter, the Bible says that Moses examined their work and found it to be in accord with God’s commands. As a result of that obedience, the final words are, “So Moses blessed them” (v.43). Brothers and sisters, please don’t forget that one day we will all stand before the Lord Jesus at which time He will examine our work here on earth (1 Cor. 3:12-15, 2 Cor. 5:10). If what we did with our lives and His gifts are pleasing to Him and in step with His ways, we will receive a reward. If not we will suffer loss. Beloved, may we all be “into the details” of God’s perfect Word given to us for teaching, reproof, correction, and training so that we may become mature and adequately equipped for all that He calls us to (2 Tim. 3:16-17).