Palencia Elementary 2018-19 Kindergarten Supply List
Additional Supplies May Be Requested By Your Teacher As Needed.
- Set of sturdy headphones- NO EAR BUDS
- 1/2” 3 Ring Binder with Clear Front Sleeve
- 1 Supply Box- Standard Size Pencil Box
- Zippered Pencil Pouch with a clear front
- 2-POLY folders with 2 pockets and three prong fasteners,
*1 RED (Plastic and Durable)
*1 Green (Plastic and Durable)
- 1 PRIMARY-style Composition Notebook: Also called a Primary Journal
Top half blank, bottom lined, can be found at Office Depot or Walgreens
- 3 Pack of 24 count CRAYOLA Crayons
- 1 pair of Fiskar Scissors (5-inch blunt)
- Pack of EXPO Dry Erase Markers- BLACK ONLY- Skinny
- 1 Roll of Paper Towels
- 1 Box of Tissues
- 1 Pack of Card Stock
- 1 Adult Sized Shirt to be used for an ART Smock
- Baby Wipes
- Quart sized Ziploc bags
- Hand Sanitizer
Optional technology purchase: iPad
Palencia Elementary is a technology school. See link on PES homepage for district specifications.
Palencia Elementary 2018-19 First Grade Supply List
- 2 boxes of CRAYOLA crayons (24 Count)
- Elmer or Scotch Glue Sticks (x8)
- 4 packs of 12 count #2 SHARPENED Pencils
- 1 WHITE binder (1 inch with clear cover)
- 2 Primary Journals (handwriting lines on bottom, blank on top)
- 1 wide ruled composition notebook
- 4 PLASTIC prong folders with pockets (red, blue, green and yellow)
- 2 wide tip yellow highlighters
- Headphones –not ear buds
Optional technology purchase: iPad
Palencia Elementary is a technology school.
See link on PES homepage for district specifications.
Palencia Elementary 2018-19Second Grade Supply List
- 1 Box of CRAYOLA Crayons (24-Count)
- 1 Pack of Colored Pencils
- 8 Glue Sticks
- 4 Packs of Sharpened #2 Pencils (12- Count)
- 3 Wide-Rule Composition Notebooks
- 2 Packs of Black Expo Markers (1 Pack of thick and 1 pack of thin)
- 2 Plastic Folders with pockets (1 Red and 1 of your choice)
- 1 Pack of Crayola Markers (thick or thin)
- 1 one inch White Clear Vinyl Cover Binder
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 9 x 12 Multi-colored Construction Paper
- Dry Eraser (Felt)
- Headphones, not ear buds
Optional technology purchase: Laptop
Palencia Elementary is a technology school. See link on PES homepage for district specifications.
Palencia Elementary 2018-19 Third Grade Supply List
- 24 Pack Unsharpened Pencils
- Pencil Box
- 1 Pair of Scissors
- 5 Pack Glue Sticks
- 24 Pack Crayons
- 1 Pack of Colored Pencils
- 2 Expo Markers
- 2 Highlighters
- Index Cards
- 5 Composition Journals
- 1 Pack Notebook Paper
- Headphones, NO Buds
Optional technology purchase: Laptop
Palencia Elementary is a technology school. See link on PES homepage for district specifications.
Palencia Elementary 2018-19 Fourth Grade Supply List
- 3 Plastic (poly) folders with prongs and pockets
1 of each (Blue, Green and Red)
- 4 Black and White Composition Notebooks
- One 1” White Binder with clear front pocket
- Small Pencil Box
- 2, 4 Packs of Dry Erase Markers
- No. 2 Pencils (pre-sharpened)
- Colored Pencils
- 2 Highlighters
- 2 Glue Sticks
- Headphones
- Box of Tissues
- Lysol Wipes
- Index cards
Optional technology purchase: Laptop
Palencia Elementary is a technology school. See link on PES homepage for district specifications.
Palencia Elementary 2018-19 Fifth Grade Supply List
- Headphones
- 16 Glue Sticks
- 5 Packs of 12 count sharpened #2 Pencils
- One 1.5” Binder with a clear cover
- 5 wide ruled composition notebooks
- Green plastic pocket folder with three hole punch
- Plastic pocket folder (any color)
- 1 yellow highlighter
- 1 pack of wide ruled notebook paper
- 1 pack of dividers
- 3 hole zipper pencil pouch
- 1 pair of scissors
Optional technology purchase: Laptop
Palencia Elementary is a technology school. See link on PES homepage for district specifications.