Year 9/10 Unit: Audpod Length of Topic: 4/5 Weeks Subject Area: Technology & Design
Description of Unit: The aim of this unit is to design and manufacture a product that will solve the problem of earphonestorage. This task is designed to allow the pupil opportunities to:Break a problem down into manageable aspects;Solve the problem with the aid of
research;Pull these solutions together in the generation of an effective outcome;Generate a wide
range of open-ended outcomes.
Learning Intentions / Learning and teaching activities / Opportunities for Skills and Capabilities development / Resources
Activity 1 - How do you begin to solve this problem? / Pupils are encouraged to identify aspects to be considered when solving a problem. This allows them to break the problem down focusing on solving all it aspects and making the problem manageable. / Select a focal point or area as to which the project is aimed at.
Design individual set criteria for the specification of the project. / Activity sheet – Design Brief page
Activity 2 –To produce quality research and information about a product/problem. / Pupils will research a range of existing, similar or inspirational products with a focus on colours, features, form, and materials.
Good research is key in developing a successful outcome. / Select, classify, compare and evaluate information.
Use own and other’s ideas to locate sources of information.
Use a range of methods for collating, recording and representing information. / Activity sheet – Design Brief page
Activity 3–To generate effective solutions to the problems identified. / The teacher will demonstrate how research can be used to inspire the generation of solutions to a problem.
Pupils will produce a range of ideas to resolve the problems posed. / Generate possible solutions, try out alternative approaches, and evaluate outcomes.
Demonstrate creativity and initiative when developing manufacturing skills. / Activity sheet – Design page 1
Activity 4–
Developing, styling and presentation of a product.
Produce a model to assist with product development and the arrival at a final solution. / The teacher will demonstrate how the ideas generated can be pulled together in a final solution.
The teacher will also demonstrate how card can be used as an effective/efficient/low cost way to model/trial an idea enabling pupils to produce a highly developed product / Make ideas real by experimenting with different designs, actions, outcomes
See opportunities in mistakes and failures. / Activity sheet – Design page 2
Modelling using card, scissors, rulers, pencils, glue, tape.
Activity 5– The manufacture of a quality product. / The teacher will demonstrate the correct and safe use of workshop tools and equipment.
Pupils will manufacture their product using a range of workshop skills and techniques with a focus on accuracy and finish. / Take personal responsibility for practical work.
Focus, sustain attention and persist with tasks
Seek advice when necessary / Tools and equipment: Pillar Drill, Coping Saw’s,
Line bender, Files, glasspaper, polisher e.t.c.
Activity 7 – The evaluation of the outcome. / Teacher and pupil review of the outcome, this can take place in peer groups or as a whole class group.
Followed up with teacher/pupil individual assessment.
Note: Pupils should be made aware of the respective assessment criteria at the start of the design assignment and manufacturing assignment. / Respect the views and opinions of others.
Learn from and value other people’s ideas. / Teacher/pupils design and manufacture assessment sheets