Telephone: 040-23878437
Tender No. HAL/HD/TPT/21/C/17-19 Due Date: 18.07.2017
1. HAL AVIONICS DIVISION invites quotations in Two Bid System (Part – I – Credential Bid and Part-II – Price Bid) from bonafide experienced Registered Travel Agencies of good financial standing and reputation, having their separate PF Code Number ESI Code Number and fulfilling the qualifying requirements, stated here under, for supply of cars, on Hire and Need Basis, i.e., whenever required for Local and outstation trips in prescribed proforma, as enclosed.
2.Filled in quotations should be submitted in separate sealed covers, addressed to The Dy. General Manager (HR), Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, HAL Post, Balanagar, Hyderabad – 500042, duly superscribed “Tender for supply of Cars”, Tender No. (mentioned above) with due date on top of the envelope may be dropped in the Transport Tender Box No.7, placed at Reception Hall in the HAL North Gate Security Building. Quotation submitted at any other place, other than the place mentioned above, will not be considered. Tenders will be accepted by Post / Courier also. Tenders should reach us on or before 18.07.2017. HAL will not be responsible for postal / courier delays and Quotations received after 18.07.2017 will not be considered. The Part-I of the quotation (Credential Bid) will be opened at 19.07.2017 at 1400 hrs in the presence of the contractors or their Authorized Representatives, who may like to be present. The Price Bid, Part- II will be opened in the presence of the successful Tenderers or their Authorized representatives who have qualified in the Part-I. The date of opening Price Bid Part-II will be intimated to qualified Bidders. The authorized representatives shall bring authorization letters to witness the Credential Bid and Price Bid Opening.
3.The requirement will be for one or more cars per day. Approximate volume of business would be around Rs.56.21 Lakhs for Two years. However, this does not guarantee minimum business value of Rs.56.21 Lakhs for Two years. The Contractor should provide cars as and when requirement arises.
4. The period of Contract is for Two Years from the date of award of Contract & can be extendable for one more year based on performance.
5.The Licensed Contractors having separate PF & ESI Code Numbers with minimum 3(Three) years of experience in supplying Motor Vehicles to reputed Industries / Organisations are eligible to participate in the Tendering process.
6.The documentary proof as required under Part-I (Credential Bid) of the Quotation should be enclosed while submitting the Part-II (Price Bid) of the Quotation in sealed cover.
7.The Rate quoted should be furnished in the Part-II (Price Bid) of the Quotation in a sealed cover separately. The quoted price shall remain valid for the entire period of Contract, including extension period, if any.
8.Tenders received without prescribed EMD will not be accepted.
9. Tenders received late on account of any reason shall not be considered. The rates quoted must be written in figures as well as in words. In case of discrepancy in rupees then rate written in words will be reckoned.
10.The Tender shall be valid for a period of 120 days, from the due date ofsubmission of the Tender i.e. 18.07.2017
11.Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is not bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.
12.The following requirement shall be strictly complied with:
- Tenderer shall fill all the columns and sign all pages of the Tender Documents before submission of theTender.
- All Tender documents should be submitted in the original form only, failing which tenders will not be considered.
- Tenderer shall ensure that their tender reaches this office before the time & date stipulated in the Tender Documents.
- Sealed Credential Quotation (Part-I) & Sealed Price Bid (Part-II) should be put in a single cover and to be sealed. The said cover should be superscribed with Tender No. HAL/HD/TPT/21/C/17-19, Due Date 18.07.2017 on top of the cover.
13.The successful tenderer is required to submit 5% of total contract value as per Work Order / Purchase order towards security deposit either in the form of Demand Draft / Bank Guarantee drawn in the favour of HAL, Hyderabad from any Nationalised / Scheduled bank within 15 days of commencement of Contract. The security amount will bear no interest.
14.The acceptance of the Tender will rest with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Avionics Division, Hyderabad, which reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Tenders without assigning any reason at its absolute discretion and will not be responsible for any delay or loss of Tender Forms in transit. The Tenders which are not fulfilling any of the prescribed conditionsor incomplete in any respect are liable to be rejected.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Credential Bid (PART I)
1.Name and address of the Contractor:
2.Person/Person(s) to be contacted:
3.Phone No.:
4.Previous experience in the line for the last :
3 years
(Proof is to be submitted. The documents such as
Work Orders, Experience Certificates issued by
5.PF Code No. allotted by PF Authorities
(Proof to be submitted):
6.ESI Code No. allotted by ESI Authorities
(Proof to be submitted):
7.Copy of Income Tax Returns for the:
Financial Year 2013-14, 2014-15 &
8.Copies of Audited financial statements
indicating a Minimum Turnover of
Rs.20 Lakh per year during last
Three financial years i.e 2013-14, 2014-15 &
9.EMD of Rs. 75,000/- (to be enclosed):
a) Name of the Bank and Branch:
b) DD / Bankers Cheque No.:
(DD/BC shall be from any National / Scheduled Bank and the same to be drawn in favour of HAL, Hyderabad)
10.No. of Vehicles owned by the firm / in the :
Name of Owner in each category as per
Annexure-III (Copies of RC, Fitness & Road
Permitsare to be submitted. At least 5 vehicles
in each Category C D should be in the
Name of the firm / Owner)
Certified that all the Terms & Conditions of the Tender, which are enclosed as Annexures, have been read, understood and are acceptable to us. All pages of Tender Forms have been duly signed and submitted herewith. Further, it is certified that all the information provided in the Tender Documents is true and correct.
NOTE :In case, all the above items are not filled up or all required documents are not enclosed, the Tender is liable to be rejected.
Signature of the Contractor
(with Seal)
Encl: Terms & Conditions of the Tender
JOB DESCRIPTION : Rate Contract for supply of Cars with Taxi Number Plates on hire on Need Basis for Local and Out Station Trips.
- The cars should not be more than 05 years old at the time of hiring of vehicles in all the Category of Vehicles and in good engine condition, upholstery and exterior appearance. The cars should be trouble free and should always be kept clean and hygienic. Cars registered as Taxis only should be offered.
- The cars should be registered in the name of the Contractor (Refer Para No.17) as on the date of submission of Tender. In case of Partnership Firms, the cars should be registered in the name of the firms and not in the name of the individuals. The copies of RC should be submitted along with Tender Papers.
- The Contractor should provide vehicles with fuel and Driver. A log book should be maintained in each car to record mileage covered and time taken. The Contractor should ensure that unauthorized passengers are not picked up by Drivers during transportation of HAL Officers/Staff/Guest.
- All cars should be registered with appropriate RTO Authorities for movement and should have Yellow & Black registration boards.
- The Contractor should obtain, at his own cost all Road Permits, Driving Licenses etc., to run the cars and pay taxes on his own. All the cars should be covered under Insurance coverage, which should include Passengers / Occupants and Third Party and Documentary Proof of the same should be submitted to HAL.
- The Contractor is solely responsible for attending to any kind of formalities with the Traffic Police and also under the Motor Vehicles Act.
- The Contractor should comply with all the statutory rules in force of the State and Central Government to operate the Cars. The Drivers should be polite with pleasing manners, co-operative and disciplined. The Drivers should have five years of experience with proper valid licenses.
- When a car is allotted to an Officer/Guest, the Driver should report to the Officer/Guest either personally or through telephone and intimate the Guest about his name and car number etc., at least Ten minutes in advance of the allotted time and also state that the car is waiting outside and such location. They should be properly dressed in white uniform and shoes.
- The Driver shall display the placard prominently showing the Name of the Officer/Guest whom he requires to receive at Railway Station/Airport/Bus Station etc.
- The Driver shall receive the Officer/Guest politely. If the Officer-In-Charge is not satisfied with the conduct of the driver or if the Driver misbehaves, the Contractor shall have to replace the Driver forthwith as per the advice of the Officer-In-Charge.
- Against each booking for deploying a vehicle, the Contractor shall send a TRIP SHEET/LOG SHEET in duplicate, along with the Driver, recording therein the name of the Driver, vehicle No. and starting KM reading, starting time etc., On completion of the Trip the Driver shall obtain the signature of the Official/Guest on the Trip Sheet or obtain the signature of the officer in-charge of Transport Dept.
- The requirement of the Vehicles will be intimated to the Contractor through the Officer-In-Charge, HAL Transport Department or any Authorised Representatives of HAL, Hyderabad Division over phone.
- Damage to Persons & Property
a)The Contractor shall be responsible for all injuries to persons, animals or things and for all structural and decorative items, damage to property of HAL which may arise during the execution of the Contract due to neglect, carelessness, accident or any other cause whatsoever in any way connected with the carrying out of this Contract of himself or of any of his/her nominated representative or Employees.
b)This clause shall be held valid inter-alia for any damage to the building whether immediately adjacent or otherwise, any damage to roads, streets footpaths, as well as all damages caused to the buildings and work area forming the subject of this Contract. The Contractor shall indemnify the HAL and hold it harmless in respect of all and any expenses arising from any such injury or damage to persons or property as aforesaid and also in respect of any claim made in respect of injury or damage under any Act of any Legislature or otherwise and also in respect of any award of compensation or damage consequent upon such claim.
c)The Contractor shall indemnify against all such damages mentioned in the above clauses, so as to deliver up the whole of the contract works complete and perfect in every respect and so as to make good or otherwise satisfy all claims for damage to the property of third parties.
d)The Contractor shall also indemnify the HAL against all claims which may be made upon the HAL under the Workmen’s Compensation Act or any other Statutes in force during the currency of this contract.
14 The requirement will be for one or more cars at a time. Approximate volume of business would be around Rs.56.21 Lakhs for Two years. However, this does not guarantee minimum business value of Rs.56.21 Lakhs for Two years. The Contractor should provide cars as and when requirement arises.
15Requirement of vehicle will be intimated to you by the Official of Transport Department, well in advance, at least 02 hrs before the time of requirement or at short interval over phone. Similarly any cancellation of booking already made shall be intimated to the Contractor/or his representative, at least 02 hours in advance or at short interval of the scheduled requirement over phone. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to provide the required number of taxies to HAL, Hyderabad so as to perform the work as per the requisition made by the HAL’s representative/s, HAL reserves right to charge a penalty of Rs.700/-per taxi not supplied on any day and/or get the work executed at the risk and cost of the contractor. Decision of HAL in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor.
16.In case of Breakdown / Accident enroute, the Driver should immediately inform over phone about the incident to HAL Transport Authorities as well as the Contractor and make immediate alternative arrangements to transport the Officials and for needful action. In such case, payment shall be made for one booking only.
- The Contractor should submit a list of Vehiclesowned by the Contractor as per Annexure-IIIwith registration numbers, copies of RC, Insurance, Road permits, Fitness certificates etc along with credential Bid (Part-I). The Contractor shall produce the vehicles along with Original Documents like RC book, valid Insurance Policy, Road Permit, Fitness Certificate etc. for physical inspection at HAL. The Contractor should have minimum 5 vehicles in their name / firm in the Category C & D. However, The Contractor should ensure to provide all the other category of vehicles as and when required without fail.
18Distance covered in KMs & duty timings (hours) will be certified by the Transport Officer-In-Charge at the beginning & end of each trip. The hiring charges shall be on the basis of zero based mileage i.e. mileage starting / ending from / at HAL / Residence (HAL premises) of the officers as the case may be, not on the basis of garage to garage. No mileage will be allowed for lunch / tea of the driver.
19HAL reserves the right to utilize the Vehicles provided by the Contractor for trips to any place within the State of Telangana or outside Telangana. The Contractor shall not refuse to send the Vehicles to such place/s as directed by the Officer-In-Charge/Authorised Representative/s of HAL.
20Liability of any nature arising under the Contract and due to running of the cars including the liability towards Drivers, Passengers and Third Party especially under M.V.ACT and TSMV rules or otherwise shall be borne by the Contractor. HAL will not be held responsible for any complications / liabilities under any circumstances.
21HAL reserves absolute right to appropriate, deduct, set-off or retainwith all / any amount payable to the Contractor or Contractor under any head of account, including Earnest Money, under this Contract or any other Contract or any other transactions against any sum, which in the opinion of HAL is due to HAL whether sub-Judice or not under any Contract, deal or transaction whatsoever.
22The successful Contractor will be:
a)The successful tenderer shall deposit the 5% of the total contract value (Two years value) in the form of DD/Bank Guarantee within 15 days.
b)Security Deposit will bear no interest and will be returned only after Contract is completed to the entire satisfaction of HAL.
c)The Contract cannot be executed until the Security Deposit is deposited.
d)Security Deposit will be released along with the final bill.
23The Security Deposit as a whole is liable to be forfeited in case the Contractor fails to discharge the contractual obligations and abandons the work during the course of the Contract period, including the extended period.
24Several Documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory to one another.
25Any mishap i.e. Accident, Fire or any such incident enroute is the complete responsibility of the Contractor and he is responsible for the commutation of HAL Officers / Employees / Guest. The Contractor should attend to the formalities with Traffic Police, RTO Authorities as well as Court Proceedings including MV Act Claims. HAL will not be a party to it and will not bear any expenses in this regard.
26Evaluation of L1
- L1 will be decided on rates quoted for Vehicles in CategoryB, C and D only. L1 will be evaluated considering thetotal value for Quoted Rate for 8 hours 8 kms package (including Drivers Bhatta) +4 hours 40 kms package (including Drivers Bhatta) + Rate forextra hour beyond 8 hours + Rate for Extra km only i.e Col. III to VI of Quotation Part-II (Price Bid). In case of Tie between the parties, the L1 will be decided on lowest quote for 8 hours 8 kms package (including Drivers Bhatta). In case of tie again then lowest quote for 4 hours 40 kms package (including Drivers Bhatta) will be considered. In case of further tie, the quoted Rate forextra hour beyond 8 hours will be considered. In case of further tie then quoted Rate for Extra km will be considered. However the numbers of vehicles indicated are tentative only and HAL does not guarantee the quantity. The requirement may increase or decrease depending on the situation.
- Rates quoted against per extra Km run of vehicle for each category and duration must commensurate with prevailing market rates & should not be exceptionally high or low.
27After due evaluation of the financial bids, the contract will be awarded to the lowest tenderer (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) / or empanel one or more tenderer if they are agreed to provide the taxi service to HAL to lowest evaluated rate. No conditional bid at financial stage will be considered.
28No request of the contractor towards enhancement of the rates of vehicle fixed will be entertained by HAL during the currency of the contract period, including the extension period, unless market rate of 1 litre diesel/petrol exceeds more than base rate (fuel price at the time of commencement of contract i.e Base Rate), the base rate will be taken for the calculation. Every increase or decrease in Petrol/Diesel price will lead to a corresponding increase or decrease of quoted rates. The revised rate will be rounded to a nearest multiple of 25 paisa only.