Unit name: Develop teams and individuals

Unit code: BSBLED401A

Student’s name: Xinyang Yu

Student ID: C62253



Sherman Pty Ltd is a multinational organization operating at the Information Technology market and its sales department has been recently experiencing some problems affecting its outcomes. The reason behind this situation might lie in the lack of inter-personal skills of the team leader Ann.

Task 1


Develop a learning plan for individual base on above scenario.

Key issue:

²  Identify the learning needs of individual

²  Identify the learning needs of individual in above scenario

²  Procedure of identified learning needs

²  Interview checklist

²  Importance of asking the individuals to self-assess their own performance

²  Self-assessment form

Learning plan for individual

Identify the learning needs of individual

Identifying the current skill and knowledge set for individuals is often at the core of a learning needs analysis. It is normally the responsibility of the line manager to identify the skill and knowledge their people already have.

Identify the learning needs of individual in above scenario

Sales department of Sherman Pty Ltd:

The skill and knowledge they already have

Usage of a skill review

The learning style of the individuals

Team leader Ann:

Leadership and influencing

Motivates others to work towards an agenda for change

Directs and co-ordinates activities of others

Accepts responsibility/delegates authority to others

Procedure of identified learning needs

l  Identify what skill and abilities employees already have

l  Identify what skills and abilities are required but are not available

l  Identify what current training and development opportunities are available

l  Identify gaps in the current training and development options

l  Identify what new learning and development is required to address the gaps

l  Increase the sense of ownership and involvement of employees in their own learning and development

l  Maximise the effectiveness of the training and development budget

Interview checklist

Think outside the box about how to accomplish the workload by hiring the least number of employees.

Determine whether there is a need for a new position.

Hold a recruiting meeting and have the hiring manager, recruiter, etc.

Develop the key requirements.

Determine the position’s salary.

And some questions that are helpful to get more information.

“Tell me about yourself.”

“Tell me about (our company.)”

“We’ve lined up several candidates who are qualified for this position. Why should we hire you over other well qualified candidates?”

“What would you do during your first 90 days on the job?”

“what will you choose if you have a chance to improve yourself”

Importance of asking the individuals to self-assess their own performance

l  Have a better understanding of their career options

l  Make realistic choices about their career aims

l  Identify what they have already learnt and what they need to learn

l  Understand themselves better through knowledge of their strengths and development needs

l  Take responsibility for their own learning

Self-assessment form

Self-assessment from
Career preferences and suitability?
Qualifications and achievements?
Aptitude and potential?
Prior learning and experience?
Basic skill needs?
Key skill needs?
Learning difficulties?
Learning style?
Job role?
Personal effectiveness?
Personal circumstances which may effect learning?






Task 2


Develop a team learning plan.

Key issue:

²  Identify the learning needs of the team

²  Identify the learning needs of the team in above scenario

²  Feedback on the team’s performance

Develop a team learning plan

Identify the learning needs of the team

Analysing teamwork requires a slight different approach to analysing individuals performing tasks on behalf of the team.

l  Participating and sharing in the team’s leadership

l  Supporting team roles and norms

l  Participating by contributing data and knowledge

l  Sharing the decision-making process with the goal of reaching consensus

l  Communicating, providing feedback, and interacting openly with the team members

Identify the learning needs of the team in above scenario

Sales department of Sherman Pty Ltd:

Cooperate with each other

Discuss with the team members

Assists with the team members

Team leader Ann:

Keep the employees informed

Involve the employees in important decisions

Be interest in and encourage the employee’s development

Feedback on the team’s performance

Make feedback form and collect the feedback. It is important to better the develop the team’s performance.





Task 3


Propose appropriate training and other development opportunities that would help to develop teams and individuals..

Key issue:

²  Individual development plan

²  Team development plan

²  Goals and objectives of development program

²  Learning program activities

²  Importance of demonstration of activities

Develop a team learning plan

Individual development plan

EMPLOYEE / Perform duties according to established job standards,
Improve job performance,
Set reasonable goals,
Assess particular strengths and weaknesses Schedule and plan own individual development each year.
SUPERVISOR / Aid in the development of their employees to achieve the knowledge, skills and competencies according to their performance standards,
Accurately document the current developmental needs of their employees and ,
Consider the unit's and/or agency's organizational needs, mission changes, changes in technology, expected turnover, staffing needs, program plans and future needs for particular skills.

Team development plan

1.  Personal relationships – the leader has known the subordinate for a long time and finds it difficult to separate personal relationships from professional relationships.

2.  Inability to deal with conflict – the leader believes that asking a leader to raise his/her game will cause a conflict.

3.  Inability to deal with change – the leader does not want to deal with change even though the subordinate is not performing.

4.  Inability to effectively recruit top talent – the leader is unwilling or unable to recruit talent that will upgrade performance.

5.  Executive lacks sound judgment – the leader falsely thinks the subordinate is better than they are.

Goals and objectives of development program

Give Impression to all staffs about individual and team development program

Identify the learning needs of individual and team

Delivery project to all staffs

The staffs improved learning needs of individuals and teams

Collect the feedback of development plan

Learning program activities

The learning program activities can take many forms from e-learning and seminars through to one to one coaching.

Outline of e-learning:

Establish a online study system, all staffs could look through and download the study materials anytime. And they also could contact with trainer via email.

Outline of seminars:

Seminars is a good way to develop the individual and team learning skills. The trainer could provide presentation to all staff and share more information via text, picture, video and so on.

Importance of demonstration of activities

Demonstration of activities is very important for develop the individual and team learning needs. It notarizes the delivery of training materials. Therefore realize the goals and objectives of development plan.





Task 4


Develop a plan to monitor and evaluate learning process for individuals and team.

Key issue:

²  Feedback of training

²  Evaluate of training

²  Further learning needs and further improvements

Develop a team learning plan

Feedback of training

What extent is the content of the training related to your job?

Is the content of the training based on an appropriate standard?

What extent did the training meet your actual training needs?

What topics of the training were irrelevant to your job?

Were learners assessed in terms of learning outcomes?

Did learners have the opportunity to apply the skills in the workplace?

Evaluate of training

Evaluation is an important phase in the development of individual and team learning skills, used to gauge the degree to which the desired learning outcome has been met in terms of individual and business benefits.

Evaluation could carry out via survey form, case study and so on.

Further learning needs and further improvements

To determine where you can go, focus on these major areas:

Positions in which you are interested

Short-range goals and

Long-range goals.




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