HEA Welsh Institutional Group
First Year Experience Initiatives
Title of initiative: Online learner support tools – ‘Early Days’ and ‘Study Health Check’
Contact Name: Julie Prior
Phone:01443 482992
Institution: University of Glamorgan
Theme: Student Engagement
Key Words:
orientation, integration, student retention, student achievement
Was the initiative introduced: Available to all students throughout the institution.
Aim: Please include details of your specific target audience
Students who may be reluctant to seek help from support services, as well as all students who were interested in monitoring their own integration to HE and approach to study.
Two online learner support tools were developed, one for orientation in the first few weeks of term (Early Days) and one later in the academic year to encourage students to assess their motivation levels and extent of their integration with their studies (Study Health Check).
The questions were taken from a range of experienced academic staff and were informed by the Yorke and Longden First Year Experience Project questionnaire.
The online tools were developed using QuestionMark Perception which provided us with an opportunity to give immediate personalised feedback to students.
Anticipated outcomes:
We want to encourage students to seek support if they feel they would benefit from it, as well as use the tools to provide information which will help assist their orientation to He and to develop good study habits.
Evidence of actual outcomes:
Approximately 1200 students have accessed the two learner support tools and the data gathered has helped us understand more about how our students integrate with their studies and with the university experience.
Reflection/impact: include reference to environmental factors such as empowerment, autonomy, approach to innovation which proved influential.
So far, we are delighted with the way students have engaged with the tools. The feedback has been very positive, with just over 80% of respondents saying the exercises have been useful. The level of mature reflection from the students about their own approach to their studies and how this could be improved has been a very positive outcome.
The University’s approach to encouraging innovative use of technology-enhanced learning has certainly helped with this project, as has the support of colleagues in the University’s Learning and Corporate Support Services.