Unit Plan 1.

Year 7&8


UNIT OVERVIEW: Students will explore elements of art and use these in completing a series of developmental drawings based on insects and inspired by the work of artist Jenny Kitchener. From these they will develop a design suitable for lino printing. Using their knowledge of lino printing process, they will produce an edition of prints.


1. Visual Diary

2.Lino print

3. Exam

(I Know I’ve got it when I can …)
1 / Define lino-printing.
Describe and apply the elements of art. / Write a definition of lino-printing.
Applyunderstanding of the “Elements of Art” to successful completion of activity booklet.
2 / Evaluate the scientific, cultural, historical and religious significance of insects. (How insect’s magnificent design plays an important part in the planets ecology and has a positive effect on human well-being.
Investigate the artist Jenny Kitchener and Analyse Jenny Kitchener insect concepts. / Completeresearch questions on differing perspectives.
3 / Line/Tone/Texture
Investigate drawing techniques of stippling, shading, hatching and cross hatching.
Describe tonal value.
Apply understanding of tonal value to drawing. / Complete developmental design 1:
Apply the drawing techniques of stippling, shading, hatching and cross hatching to draw a half a bug.
Use tonal values to create insect shapes to create the illusion of texture.
4 / Shape/colour
Define abstract shapesand identify harmonious/contrast colour by using a view finder. / Complete developmental design 2:
Use the view finder to choose an abstract design.
Draw the organic design in a 10cm x10cm and apply Niko-pen to black and white shapes and colour
5 / Shape/colour
Define abstract shapesand identify harmonious/contrast colour by using a view finder. / Complete developmental design 2:
Use the view finder to choose an abstract design.
Draw the organic design in a 10cm x10cm and apply Niko-pen to black and white shapes and colour
6 / Define resolution.
Compare developmental Artwork and choose the most suitable one to resolve. / Completeresolved artwork design ready for lino-printing
7 / Describe purpose and appropriate use of tools, linocuts, inks.
Analyse A level exemplar / Appropriately uselino tools to produce printing block.
8 / Design a Composition printing techniques / Appropriately use inks and tools to print 5/5 edition series.
9 / Revise elements of art for exam / Successfully complete booklet
Accurately answer exam questions.
10 / Reflect and present / Successfully complete reflection.