Unit: Early Explorers to America

Standards Addressed:

Alabama Social Studies Fifth Grade:

4. Determine the economic and cultural impact of European exploration during the Age of Discovery upon European society and American Indians.

Alabama Reading CCRS Fifth Grade:

16. Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate

an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem efficiently. [RI.5.7]
18. Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the

subject knowledgeably. [RI.5.9]
23. Write informative or explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information

clearly. [W.5.2]

25. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate

to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in

standards 22-24 above.) [W.5.4]

26. With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by

planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. (Editing for conventions

should demonstrate command of the first three Language standards in Grades K-5). [W.5.5]

27. With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce

and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient

command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting. [W.5.6]
28. Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through

investigation of different aspects of a topic. [W.5.7]

29. Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and

digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in notes and finished work, and provide a

list of sources. [W.5.8]

35. Report on a topic or text or present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate

facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an

understandable pace. [SL.5.4]

36. Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations

when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. [SL.5.5]

37. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, using formal English when appropriate to task

and situation. (See Grade 5 Language standards 38 and 40 for specific expectations.) [SL.5.6]
38. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when

writing or speaking. [L.5.1]

39. Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling when writing. [L.5.2]

40. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.

Alabama Technology COS Grades 3-5:

2.) Use various technology applications, including word processing and multimedia software.

5.) Practice safe use of technology systems and applications.

12.) Create a product using digital tools.

Explorer Wax Museum Project

Essential Question: What has been the impact of early explorers on American History?

Unit Question: What were the reasons for, obstacles to, and achievements of the French, Portuguese, English, and Spanish explorations?


At one time, the western hemisphere where we live was completely unknown to the eastern hemisphere. Most of us have heard that Christopher Columbus discovered America, but there were many explorers before him and after him that made the making of our nation possible. Explorers after Columbus raced to the New World to find riches, fame, and a place to spread their religion. Who were these explorers, and what contribution did they make?


You will be assigned an explorer to research and create a wax museum exhibit. Your exhibit will include:

  • yourself (dressed in costume as your explorer)
  • a memorized short (2-3 minute) oral presentation
  • a poster display
  • a timeline to display
  • map with the explorer’s route/discoveries

You will also be required to turn in a written five (5) paragraph report about your explorer.

TaskDue Date

Complete research and Explorer organizer10/3/2014

Complete 5 paragraph rough draft10/7/2014

Complete 1st Reflection10/8/2014

Complete final copy of 5 paragraph report with bibliography10/10/2014

Complete 2nd Reflection10/13/2014

Complete timeline and map of explorer10/16/2014

Complete poster display of explorer10/17/2014

Costuming and props identified and completed10/21/2014

Complete note card for oral speech10/22/2014

Complete speech button for presentation10/23/2014

Present memorized speech to class10/23/2014

Present memorized speech, in costume with props10/24/2014

Complete 3rd Reflection10/27/2014

Research Report:

  • Students will complete a graphic organizer (provided) where they will take notes as they research their explorers.
  • Students will complete a 5 paragraph rough draft of their report. Paragraph contents will be: (1) Introduction (2) Family history (3) Adult life (4) Significant life events that led to exploration (5) Conclusion
  • Students will include a cover page for the report that consists of: a hand-drawn or computer generated picture of the explorer, title of report, student name, and date of report (month and year only)
  • Students will include a bibliography pagethat includes at least four sources used for research. There must be at least one book source. The bibliography should be on a separate page with sources listed in alphabetical order by author’s last name. Bibliography guidelines include.
  • Students will submit a final 5 paragraph report in publishable form typed in Microsoft Word.

Wax Museum:

  • Using information from their report, students create a 2-5 minute speech as if they were their explorer. It should include the pronouns “I”, “me”, and “my”.
  • The speech will be written on a note card that may be used for reference, but not read from, during the event. The speech must be memorized!
  • For the Wax Museum event, students are to dress up like his/her explorer plus have at least 1 prop related to the person they are portraying.


  • Students will create a poster of their explorer that contains the timeline, the map of his route, a picture of the explorer, and the main reason he/she is remembered in history.

Explorer Report Organizer

Use the planner below to create a rough draft for your paper. This is an outline/planner to help you organize your ideas. Just list the important facts – these do not need to be in complete sentences.

Paragraph One (Introduction)

Explorer’s name:

Date of Birth:Date of Death:

Country where born:

Paragraph Two (Family History)

Dad, mom, brothers, sisters, anyone important to early life:


Significant events during childhood?:

Paragraph Three (Adult Life)



Family of his/her own:

Influences and role models:

Significant events during adult life?:

Paragraph Four (Significant life events that led to exploration)

Any accomplishments made by explorer:

How did their actions change things and/or affect others:

Paragraph Five (Conclusion)

What impact on America they will most be remembered for:

Your opinion about this explorer:

Use this organizer to write your rough draft. Make sure you grab your reader’s attention with a creative introduction. Use all the skills we have learned in writing.

Explorer Report Checklist

I have a cover page that is neatly done and includes a picture of my explorer, a title, my name, and the month & year.

I wrote a creative introduction that hooks the reader!

I wrote an introduction that lets the reader know the name of the person I am writing about. It also included date of birth, death, and country of origin.

I wrote a body paragraph that includes information about my explorer’s family and early life.

I wrote a body paragraph that includes information about my explorer’s adult life such as jobs they held, a family of their own, and major accomplishments.

I wrote a body paragraph that includes all accomplishments made by my explorer.

I wrote a concluding paragraph that includes how my explorer impacted America and my opinion of this explorer.

Bibliography Guidelines

When putting your final bibliography together, be sure and list the sources in order according to the author’s last name. If there is no author (website without an author), list by name of article or website.

How to put it together:


Author(last name, first name). Title (underlined). City where the book was published: Publisher, copyright date.


Jones, Mary. Explorers to North America. Boston: Mays and Kenton Publishing, 2011.


“Article Title” (in Quotes).Title of Reference Book (underlined). Volume number, page. Date published.


“Stuyvesant, Peter.” The World Book.Volume 18 So-Sz, pg. 935.1995.


If possible, find out who wrote the article or who is responsible for the website. This cannot always be found. Do your best.

Last name, first name. (date published on the web). Complete web address. Date looked up.


Wikipedia, no author. (21 June 2004). 27 june 2014.

Explorer Speech Reminders

  • You will be giving your speech in front of people who will be visiting our Explorers Wax Museum. This includes me when I will be grading you on your speech.
  • You need to write your main points on note cards so you can peek at them if you need to during your speech. Your speech will be a mini-version of your research report.
  • Your speech should not go over five minutes and should be at least two minutes long.
  • Remember to dress up like your character and when talking about the explorer, use “I”, “me”, and “my” in your speech. On the other hand, your paper will be written in third person, using “he”, “she”, and “they”.
  • Make sure you speak in a loud and clear voice and maintain eye contact with your listener(s). Pay close attention to your speaking speed and don’t rush your speech.
  • Be as still as possible when not speaking! Remember you are a wax figure! Find a focus point to help with this.
  • Have fun! Enjoy your speech and be ready to answer any questions people may ask you about “you”.

Explorer Wax Museum Project

Student Checklist

So, you think you’re done? Use the checklist below to make sure you are completely done!

______Complete research and Explorer organizer

______Complete 5 paragraph rough draft

______Complete final copy of 5 paragraph report with cover page and bibliography

______Complete timeline and map of explorer

______Complete poster display of explorer

______Costuming and props identified and completed

______Complete note card for oral speech

______Complete speech button for presentation

Wax Museum Narrative

The following should be the most important and interesting facts that you have learned about your person. Remember it must be 2-5 minutes long!

Hello! My name is ______. I ______(Add any important details here) I died on ______. Thanks for your interest in my life.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Be creative! Maybe learn a couple of words in your explorer’s language!
  • Use different tones of voice and hand gestures.
  • Pick only the things you think are MOST important to include. Your listeners will not want to stand at your presentation for long.
  • Practice your speech ahead of time in front of a mirror or to a classmate.

Wax Museum Speech Button

Because we are going to be part of a Wax Museum, you will need to develop/create a button that people will “push” (touch) in order to hear you speak. Remember that you are going to be still like a statue until someone pushes your button!

Your button must be:

  • Relevant (related) to your explore
  • Created/Made/Drawn by you

Ideas for Buttons:

  • Compass
  • Astrolabe
  • Small Globe
  • Journal Book

Poster Checklist

The poster should be creative and colorful. It may contain visuals that have been printed from the computer or hand drawn visuals. It should be neat and eyecatching.

______Timeline of explorer’s life

______Map of explorer’s routes and discoveries with a map key

______Picture of explorer

______Name of explorer

______Reason explorer is remembered

______Any “extras” that will make my poster unique and eyecatching

Use the World Map provided to show the explorer’s route. The map should include the continents and oceans labeled, countries involved outlined and labeled, a compass rose, a title, and the explorer’s route clearly marked. If your explorer made more than one voyage, show each route in a different color. A map key should be included to show voyages and dates.

Timeline: Information should include the explorer’s birth and death dates, as well as at least 6 other important events. Timeline should be neatly written or created online and printed out. It can include pictures if you want.

Include at least one picture of your explorer. You may include others, but make sure to include a caption for each one. (They should not all have the same caption!)



During this project, you will complete three reflections on Padlet.

The first reflection will be after your research for your paper. It will answer the question:

What did you find most interesting about your explorer?

The second reflection will be after you have turned in your research paper. It will answer the question:

What did you learn about researching? What do you need to do differently next time?

The third reflection will be at the end of the project. It will answer these questions:

What was the impact your explorer made to the settlement of America? What was the most important thing you learned about yourself? What was the most enjoyable thing about this project?

Research Paper Rubric

Requirement / Teacher Comments / Points
Includes cover sheet with picture of explorer, title, student name, and date / ______/10
Written in 5 paragraph format including introductory paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion paragraph that addresses the essential question / ______/20
Includes Bibliography with at least 4 sources. One source MUST be a book / ______/20
Bibliography is in format on handout from teacher / ______/10
Paper is typed with a font no bigger than 14 (Times New Roman) / ______/10
Writing has correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. / ______/20
Rough draft is submitted with final paper / ______/10
Total / ______/100

Poster Rubric

Requirement / Teacher Comments / Points
Includes explorer name / ______/5
Includes timeline to specifications / ______/10
Includes map with route(s) clearly marked, compass rose, key, and oceans &continents colored and labeled / ______/10
Includes picture of explorer / ______/5
Includes importance of explorer / ______/10
Is colorful and creative / ______/10
Total / ______/50

Wax Museum Oral Presentation

Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Information Accuracy / All information appears to be accurate and in chronological order. / Almost all information appears to be accurate and in chronological order. / Most of the information was accurate and in chronological order. / Very little of the information was accurate and/or in chronological order
Role-play / Presentation was delivered from the character’s point-of-view. Student was consistently in character and loud enough to hear. / Presentation was often delivered from the character’s point-of-view. Student was often in character, but drifted occasionally. (talking to classmates out of character)Student was loud enough to hear. / Presentation was sometimes delivered from character’s point-of-view. Student was in character some of the time. (continually talking to classmates out of character)Student wavered between loud enough and too soft. / Presentation was rarely (or not at all) delivered from character’s point-of-view. Student was rarely, if at all, in character. Student was too soft to hear.
Costume / Student’s costume accurately fits time period and/or character, shows considerable work/creativity which makes the presentation authentic. / Student’s costume accurately fits time period and/or character and is adequate for the presentation. / Student has a costume, but it is limited and shows minimum effort. / Student has no costume or the costume detracts from the presentation in a negative way.
Props / Student used more props than were required. / Student used all props required. / Student didn’t have all props. / Student had 1 or no props.
Speech Memorization / Student’s speech was entirely memorized. It was delivered without looking at notes and in an expressive manner that made the character come alive. / Student’s speech was partially memorized. The student had to occasionally look at their notes, but it was expressive. / Student’s speech was not memorized. The student need to look at their notes often to deliver the speech, and it was not expressive. / Student’s speech was not complete or was extremely too short. The student didn’t have any eye contact and had difficulty reading the speech.
Participation / Student presented information on the day of the Wax Museum.

Total ______/24

Student Self-Reflection

  1. The best thing about this project was ______


  1. One thing I learned about research was ______


  1. The best thing about this project was ______


  1. If I had to do it all over, I would change ______


Wax Museum Due Date Schedule 2014

Check off when completed

TaskDue Date

______Complete research and Explorer organizer10/3/2014

______Complete 5 paragraph rough draft10/7/2014

______Complete 1st Reflection10/8/2014

______Complete final copy of 5 paragraph report with bibliography10/10/2014

______Complete 2nd Reflection10/13/2014

______Complete timeline and map of explorer10/16/2014

______Complete poster display of explorer10/17/2014

______Costuming and props identified and completed10/21/2014

______Complete note card for oral speech10/22/2014

______Complete speech button for presentation10/23/2014

______Present memorized speech to class10/23/2014

______Present memorized speech, in costume with props10/24/2014

______Complete 3rd Reflection10/27/2014

Wax Museum Social Studies Project

Dear Parents:

This is just a note informing you of our upcoming project. There are many people who have been influential in the history of our nation. As a final project activity to our study of European exploration, each student is required to complete this Wax Museum project.