Regional Management System Overview
The state is currently separated into two geographic regions comprised of 50-53 local programs, with a field services director for each region.
The field services director has several responsibilities. These include:
· Being the liaison for the local program and the chapter and ensuring that the coordinator has the information they need to successfully implement the Special Olympics program.
· Assisting the local program by providing technical information, guidance, and training for a variety of issues, such as fundraising, public relations, sports rules, volunteer recruitment, and committee training.
· Processing all paperwork such as local program accreditation, pooled accounting forms, and fund raising applications.
· Implementing various types of area wide events such as area meetings, committee training, and grant projects
For a local program, the field services director is their primary contact within the organization. They are available to answer your questions about anything from competition to fund raising to media relations and everything in between. If you have any questions at any time, please contact your field services director first.
Lindsay Waldron, VP Field Services
Michael Garguilo, Field Services Director – West
Wendy Miller, Field Services Director – East
Relationship Among Special Olympics Incorporated,
US Program, Regional Management and Local Programs
In order to meet the future challenges of Special Olympics, it is essential that the various organizational levels within the Special Olympics system work together. There are thousands of Special Olympics area and local programs and by combining ideas and resources and through cooperation, the positive impact of Special Olympics will be felt in all communities.
To effectively work together, organizational levels must understand and abide by established communication networks and lines of authority.
In Special Olympics, the lines of authority run from:
Special Olympics Incorporated (SOI)
Regional Special Olympics
US Program, State, Province, or National Special Olympics
Regional Special Olympics
County (Local) Special Olympics
Neither sponsoring nor subordinate organizations should violate the line of authority except that general information materials (newsletters, general announcements etc.) may always be passed down or up in the interest of improving knowledge and understanding.
Final authority in major decisions rests with SOI as the creator, developer and international sponsor of the program. The rights of the US Program to influence policy decisions and to assist in the guidance of the program are never denied. Many opportunities are provided whereby opinions and information are conveyed to SOI for review and inclusion into the policies and practices of the program. For example, SOI has established many committees and a variety of task forces for the purpose of obtaining field input on issues of importance to Special Olympics. Also, the positions of Special Olympics Regional Directors were established to provide for on-going regular communication between the field and SOI Headquarters.
Within the lines of authority, SOI issues general rules and regulations covering the entire range of the program in the best interest of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Special Olympics Incorporated accredits US/National Programs based upon their demonstration to follow the SOI policies and procedures. Ample flexibility is allowed the accredited organizations for circumstances and situations related to the program in the US/National Program while still fulfilling the obligations to SOI.
The authority to conduct a Special Olympics program within the US Program boundaries is delegated to the US Program Executive Director and the accredited US Program organization. All communications, dissemination of materials and information, problems and decisions are handled at the US Program level and through the US Program’s organizational network down to the local level.