UNIT C Test Review
Rome & The Byzantines
A. republicB. Latins
C. Etruscans
D. Greeks
E. patricians
F. plebians
G. tribune
H. consul / I. senator
J. dictator
K. legion
L. Hannibal
M. Tarquin the Proud
N. province
O. Scipio
- In the early Roman republic, this was someone whose power was absolute but whose time in office was limited to a six-month period.
- This is one of two officials who shared the powers of ruling the republic and whose time in office was limited to one year.
- These are the people who first settled the land on the bend of the Tiber River that was to becomeRome.
- These people gave the Romans their alphabet and their knowledge of architecture, including the arch.
- These were the wealthy, aristocratic landowners who held most of the power in the early republic.
- The Romans based their gods on the gods of these people.
- This was a military division of the Roman army.
- This was someone elected to represent the lower class of Roman citizens.
- This was someone chosen to represent the upper class of Roman citizens.
- This person was a daring Roman general during the Second Punic War.
A. Julius Caesar
B. Cicero
C. Octavian
D. Mark Antony
E. Augustus
F. Cleopatra / G. Pompey
H. Pax Romana
I. Triumvirate
J. absolute ruler
K. gladiators
L. paterfamilias
- For the next several years, the armies of these two generals fought in various parts of the world. ______was victorious in these conflicts and had himself appointed dictator, or ___.
- On the Ides of March, March 15, 44 B.C., ___ was assassinated in the Senate by a group ofconspirators.
- The Second ___ was made up of three of Caesars's supporters: Lepidus, ___, and ___. Theywould rule for ten years.
- Later, ___ forced Lepidus to retire. Then he defeated the combined armies of ___ and ___.
- Under the rule of ___ as emperor, Rome entered a 200-year period of peace and great prosperityknown as the ___.
16. The people of the Roman town of Pompeii were killed by
A. a flood.
B. a volcano.
C. an earthquake.
D. a Hun invasion.
17. The accurate histories of Rome, Annals and Histories, were written by
A. Livy.
B. Tacitus.
C. Ovid.
D. Vespasian.
18. The design of the Roman aqueducts made significant use of the architectural structure of the
A. arch.
B. turret.
C. dome.
D. trapdoor.
19. The art form called bas-relief is a type of
A. mosaic.
B. engraving.
C. painting.
D. sculpture.
20. All of the following were important principles of Roman law EXCEPT for the idea that
A. a person is innocent until proven guilty.
B. actions are punishable; thoughts are not.
C. all citizens have the right to freedom of religion.
D. all citizens have the right to protection under the law.
21. The triumvirate of Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey ruled Rome for 10 years before___.
A. Caesar disbanded his legions in Gaul.
B. Caesar and Pompey clashed and went to war.
C. Crassus demanded that Caesar not cross the Rubicon.
D. the senate appointed Pompey dictator.
22. The major power struggles in the early Roman republic were between ___.
A. military and civilians.
B. citizens of Rome and citizens of the provinces.
C. members of the aristocracy and common citizens.
D. the executive and legislative branches of government.
23. After the Romans drove the last Etruscan monarch from power, they established a republic, agovernment in which ___.
A. power rests with citizens who have the right to select their leaders.
B. power rests with a small minority who are supported by the military.
C. power rests with citizens who participate directly in law-making.
D. power rests with the nobility and the wealthy.
24. Roman rulers opposed Christianity because Christians ___.
A. were mostly Jews.
B. called for the overthrow of Roman rulers.
C. ignored wealth and status.
D. would not worship Roman gods.
25. All of the following except ___ had their roots in the Latin language.
A. Spanish
B. German
C. French
D. Italian
26. As a result of 207 years of Pax Romana, the Roman Empire ___.
A. experienced continuing hostilities among neighboring regions.
B. survived invasions from barbarian tribes.
C. shrank in size and wealth.
D. experienced peace and prosperity.
27. Under Roman law, all persons had the following rights except for ___.
A. the right to receive equal treatment under the law.
B. the right to be punished only for actions, not thoughts.
C. the right to seek immediate justice without consulting the law.
D. the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
28. The Jewish Diaspora refers to ___.
A. the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.
B. the years the Jews were slaves in Egypt.
C. Jerusalem.
D. the forced dispersal of Jews.
29. ___ was NOT a reason for the decline of the Roman Empire.
A. A strong military
B. The huge amount of money spent on defense, coupled with inflation
C. The invasions by Germanic tribes and by Huns
D. The disruption of trade
30. The emperor's purpose for dividing the Roman Empire was ___.
A. to decrease the authority of the Senate.
B. to protect the west from Greek influences.
C. to make control of the Empire more efficient.
D. to separate groups whose conflicts threatened unity.
31. In the early Roman government, who were the consuls?
A. the chief executives of the government
B. the representatives of the common citizens
C. citizens of Rome and citizens of the provinces
D. the executive and legislative branches of government
32 What conflict of interests lay between Rome and Carthage?
A. control of Egypt
B. control of the Mediterranean Sea
C. control of Anatolia
D. all of the above
33. Which of the following is NOT true about the Roman code of laws known as the Twelve Tables?
A. It was written down.
B. It was publicly displayed.
C. It gave legal protection to all citizens.
D. It allowed for flexible interpretation of the law.
34. What were the reasons that Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire?
A. It embraced all people: men and women, rich and poor.
B. Rome's excellent roads encouraged the exchange of ideas.
C. Jesus promised eternal life.
D. All of the above are true.
35. Why did Germanic peoples invade the Roman Empire?
A. fear of attacks by the Huns
B. famines in northern Europe
C. a desire to settle the frontier regions
D. resentment over Rome's power and wealth
36. What is the main source of information about the life of Jesus of Nazareth?
A. the Nicene Creed
B. Augustine's book, City of God
C. the Epistles in the Christian Bible
D. the Gospels in the Christian Bible
37. What was significant about the "Five Good Emperors"?
A. They adopted the custom of selecting the next emperor themselves.
B. They were direct descendants of Julius Caesar, eliminating succession fights.
C. They ruled successfully as a triumvirate.
D. They doubled Rome's size through conquest.
38. Why was Augustus the most able emperor of Rome?
A. Augustus created a system of taxation that enabled Rome to accomplish many military andgovernmental goals.
B. He stabilized the frontier, erected splendid public buildings, and created an enduring
C. He reigned as an absolute ruler and people felt reassured by his leadership.
D. Augustus trained his own successor to prevent civil war after his death.
39. Which of the following groups of terms best summarizes the legacy of the Roman Empire?
A. philosophy, drama, architecture, religion
B. technology, law, philosophy, poetry
C. architecture, engineering, law, language
D. language, drama, art, religion
40. What regions of the world today are still strongly influenced by the achievements of Rome?
A. Europe and the Middle East
B. Europe and the United States
C. the Middle East and Africa
D. Africa and the United States
41. Justinian set up a panel of ten experts to
A. plan the construction of the Hagia Sophia.
B. compile laws to regulate a complex society.
C. create a Byzantine University.
D. negotiate with the Bulgar raiders.
42. Political instability was caused by all of the following EXCEPT
A. the Turkish acceptance of Persian learning.
B. the Nika Rebellion in Constantinople.
C. Yaroslav's division of his realm among his sons.
D. the large migration of Turks into the Abbasid Empire.
43. To prop up their shaky empire, the Byzantines did all of the following EXCEPT
A. use bribes.
B. use diplomacy.
C. reorganize the empire.
D. invade Rome.
44. Russian culture was strongly influenced by
A. the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet.
B. the architecture in the city of Isfahan.
C. the games at the Hippodrome.
D. the Sunni branch of Islam.
45. Justinian I and Yaroslav the Wise BOTH created
A. armies to fight the Mongols.
B. alliances with the pope.
C. effective legal codes.
D. conflicts with the Turks.
46. Marriage was used as a political tool by
A. Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan III.
B. Yaroslav the Wise and Saint Methodius.
C. the mamelukes and Alexander Nevsky.
D. Batu Khan and Alexander Nevsky.
47. Russia achieved liberation from Mongol rule after
A. the Russian and Mongol armies refused to fight, and both sides went home.
B. the Russian army defeated the Mongols after three days of fighting.
C. the Mongol Empire went bankrupt from maintaining its large army.
D. the Russian state paid a huge tribute to the Mongol Empire.
48. Orthodox Christianity became the state religion of all of the following EXCEPT the
A. Byzantine Empire.
B. Kievan principalities.
C. Seljuk Empire.
D. Moscow principalities.
49. The combination of church and state influenced all of the following EXCEPT
A. the Crusades.
B. Justinian's rule.
C. Vladimir's rule.
D. Viking journeys.
50. The Turks' political and cultural preference for the Persians caused
A. the Arabic language to flourish in Persia and spread into Russia.
B. the almost complete disappearance of the Arabic language from Persia.
C. a civil war between the Turks and the Persians which the Turks won.
D. the Seljuk Empire to weaken and Persian culture to flourish.
51. Who invented the alphabet that is used by many Slavic languages?
A. Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril
B. Saint John Chrysostom and Emperor Justinian
C. Emperor Leo III and the leading bishops
D. the Slavs and the Vikings
52. Under Mongol rule, which of the following happened to Moscow?
A. Moscow was destroyed.
B. Moscow gradually deteriorated.
C. Moscow grew in wealth and power.
D. Moscow became the capital of the Mongol Empire.
53. Which of the following titles did Ivan III use?
A. patriarch
B. khan
C. sultan
D. czar
54. Who were the mamelukes?
A. Vikings who became a powerful force in the Abbasid Empire
B. Slavs who were driven out of the Abbasid Empire
C. Turkish slaves who became a powerful force in the Abbasid Empire
D. Persian noblemen who were driven out of the Abbasid Empire