Science 7Name: ______

Unit A: Interactions and EcosystemsClass: ______

Endangered Species Project

Create a poster that will showcase an endangered animal. You will need to do some research and tie in what you have learned in Science so far this year. Your poster must include the following:

Level 1

■The name of the animal you are researching (common name and Latin)

■A description/diagram of the animal’s ecosystem

■A food web diagram and the animal’s place in it

■A brief description of how the animal’s basic needs are met

Level 2

■A brief description of how the animal has adapted to its environment.

■A brief description of why is the animal is important to its ecosystem?

■An explanation of why is the animal endangered (is it because of bioinvasion, human impact, climate change, pollution, etc)?

Level 3

■An explanation of how humans have impacted the animal’s ecosystem

■An explanation of what is being done to help save the animal from extinction; and your opinion of whether or not you think these actions are enough and why.

All projects must be neat, organized and contain all of the following:

●Name of animal (common and Latin)

●headings and subheadings to each answered question

●a bibliography of where you got your information



●a detailed food web

Example of possible layout

Endangered Species Project RubricName: ______

Class: ______

4 / Proficient
3 / Developing
2 / Emerging
Depth of Information and Understanding
(x2) / Student displays complete and detailed understanding of information and how it connects to the Specific Learning Objectives
(All of Level 3) / Student displays complete understanding of information but lacks detailed explanation and/or connection to Specific Learning Objectives
(Beginning Level 3 and all of Level 2) / Student displays an incomplete understanding and/or fails to make connections to Specific Learning Objectives. However, student still maintains a basic understanding.
(All of Level 1 and some or all of Level 2) / Student displays little to no understanding and shows no connections to Specific Learning Objectives. It cannot be said that the student understands the topics.
(Level 1 only)
Organization of Information / Poster displays all information in a manner that is clear, easy to read, and easy to understand. Each question is addressed with its own heading or title. / Poster displays information in a way that is mostly clear and easy to understand. Some flow of information is interrupted. / Layout of the poster is difficult to understand and useful information is difficult to find. / Layout of poster displays little to no organization and flow of information is nonexistent.
Overall Presentation / Poster is clean and full of color. Pictures are used to help with explanations. The poster’s purpose is clear and visible. / Poster is mostly clean but lacks some color and neatness. Poster’s purpose is visible after taking closer look. / Poster lacks color and useful pictures. Purpose of poster is unclear. / Poster is dull and lacks purpose.