Unit A A Diversity of Life Notes

  1. Scientific Method
  2. Observe
  3. Ask a question to be answered through the process
  4. Hypothesis an educated guess
  5. Test the question
  6. Change the variables and test again
  7. Record the results of each test
  8. Conclusion
  9. Should answer your hypothesis
  10. Ask another question
  11. Plants
  12. Vascular
  13. A plant with vessels
  14. Xylem carries the minerals and food up the vessel to the leaves
  15. Cambium separates the xylem and phloem
  16. Phloem carries the food and water to the other parts of the plant
  17. Nonvascular
  18. Doesn’t have vessels or veins
  19. Cells
  20. Chloroplast
  21. Chlorophyll
  22. Cell wall
  23. Nucleus
  24. Mitochondria
  25. Vacuoles
  26. Cell membrane
  27. cytoplasm
  28. Gymnosperm
  29. A male plant without flowers
  30. Doesn’t produce fruits
  31. Usually evergreens
  32. Angiosperms
  33. Female plant that produces flowers
  34. Produces fruits
  35. Roots
  36. Prop such as corn
  37. Ariel never touches the ground-rain forests
  38. Fibrous thin stalks usually on top of ground
  39. Taproots single main root potato, carrot, onion, beet
  1. Photosynthesis
  2. Process of making food
  3. Uses sunlight, water and carbon dioxide
  4. Made in the plants leaves
  5. Makes sugar and oxygen
  6. Transpiration
  7. 99% of water is loss through the leaves in this process
  8. The stomata opens on bottom side of leaf and water escapes
  1. Animals
  2. Vertebrate
  3. An animal with a backbone
  4. Humans, frogs
  5. Nonvertebrate
  6. Animal without a backbone
  7. Spider, butterflies, housefly
  8. Asymmetrical body
  9. Can’t be divided into mirror images
  10. Radial Symmetry
  11. All body parts arranged round central point
  12. Bilateral
  13. Produces 2 mirror images
  14. Cells
  15. Nucleus-control center of the cell
  16. Vacuoles-stores the food
  17. Cytoplasm-jelly like substance that protects
  18. Cell membrane-protects everything inside the cell
  19. Mitochondria-makes the food
  20. Smallest living thing that carries out life’s processes
  21. Organisms
  22. All living things(plants and animals
  23. Life’s Processes
  24. Reproduce
  25. Get rid of waste
  26. Breathing through the lungs
  27. Sweating
  28. Get rid of waste through kidneys
  29. Grow or adapt to the environment
  30. Eat, drink, breathe
  31. Multicellular
  32. Made up of more than one cell
  1. Human Body Systems all work together to function
  2. Skeletal
  3. Bones
  4. Tendons
  5. Ligaments
  6. Protect the organs in our body
  7. Heart, kidneys, brain, lungs, liver, intestines
  8. Muscular
  9. Power to produce movement
  10. Voluntary
  11. You tell your body to do it
  12. Pick up something
  13. Jump
  14. Walk
  15. Run
  16. Talk
  17. Involuntary
  18. Your body does it automatically
  19. Breathe
  20. Heart beats
  21. Pumps blood
  22. Blink
  23. Feel emotions
  24. Grow
  25. Digestive system
  26. In the long tube food is broken down
  27. Into nutrients to be used
  28. Stomach
  29. Esophagus
  30. Excretory System
  31. Removes waste from the body
  32. Get rid of waste
  33. Breathing through the lungs
  34. Sweating
  35. Get rid of waste through kidneys
  36. Respiratory System
  37. Provides oxygen and food to the cells
  38. Through breathing in the lungs
  39. Circulatory system
  40. Consists of the heart and blood vessels
  41. Circulates blood throughout the body
  42. Nervous system
  43. Sense organs
  44. Nerves
  45. Nerve cord, spine backbone
  46. Brain
  47. Sends messages to each part

iv. Endocrine System

glands that produce hormones(chemicals) released into the bloodstream that changes body activity in females and males

deep voices

hair on the arms, arm pits, legs and other parts of the body

female parts

male parts

  1. Fungus Kingdom
  2. Gets it food from other organisms
  3. Mold, mushrooms, yeast
  4. Protist Kingdom
  5. Unicellular organisms
  6. One celled

Unit A Diversity of Life Chapter 2 pg. 86

Experiments pgs. 89, 90, 113, 120, 127, 128

  1. Reproduction pg. 88
  2. Sexual Reproduction
  3. Production of a new organism from two parents
  4. Fertilization
  5. Sexual Reproduction
  6. Male provides sperm
  7. Female provides egg
  8. Join together
  9. Characteristics/traits of both parents are inherited by the new individual
  10. Height, eye color, flower color, nose shape, ears
  11. External Fertilization
  12. Joining of sperm and egg outside of body
  13. Internal fertilization
  14. Joining of sperm and egg inside the body
  15. Asexual Reproduction
  16. Production of a new organism for one parent
  17. There is no male and female sex cells
  18. Identical to parent

Bacteria, unicellular protest, fungi, jellyfish, worms, corals, lizards, frogs, fish and insects (some)

  1. Plant Life Cycles pg. 98
  2. Life Cycle
  3. Series of different stages of development
  4. Alternation of Generation
  5. Alternating between asexual and sexual reproduction
  6. Spores
  7. Cells that develop into new plants w/o fertilization
  8. Parts of a flower pg. 102
  9. Complete flower consists of
  10. Petals,
  11. Brightly colored outer parts of flower
  12. Sepals
  13. Green parts found below petals
  14. Stamen
  15. Male part of flower
  16. Pistil
  17. Center part of flower is female organ
  1. Anther
  2. Top of filament which contains sperm cells made by pollen grains
  3. Stigma
  4. Opening at top of the pistil
  1. Ovary
  2. Houses the egg cells
  3. Fertilization occurs here
  4. Incomplete flower
  5. Missing 1 or more of the parts
  6. Perfect flower
  7. Has both stamen( male) and pistil (female) parts

j. imperfect flower

i. Is missing a stamen(male) or pistil (female)

ii. it is either a male or female plant only

  1. Pollination
  2. Transfer of pollen from the stamen (male) to pistil (female)
  3. Pollen
  4. Yellow powder that contains sperm cells
  5. Nectar
  6. Sweet liquid produced by flowers to attract pollinators
  7. Self-pollination
  8. Perfect flower both stamen(male) & pistil (female) pollinates itself
  9. Cross-pollination
  10. Pollen from 1 plant pollinates flower on another plant
  11. Seed
  12. Embryo
  13. Beginning of a new offspring
  14. Becomes a fruit
  15. Seed coat
  16. Entire seed surrounded by a tough outer covering
  17. Germination
  18. Development of seed into new plant
  19. Conifer
  20. Gymnosperm
  21. Has seeds but no flowers
  22. Evergreens like pines, firs, cedars, redwoods
  23. Cone bearing trees
  1. Animal Life cycles pg. 112
  2. Metamorphosis
  3. Series of distinct growth stages different from one another
  4. Complete Metamorphosis
  5. egg
  6. Larva
  7. Immature stage –doesn’t look like its adult at all
  8. Pupa-cocoon surrounds organism nonfeeding stage

Iv. Adult

  1. Incomplete Metamorphosis-only 3 stages
  2. Nymph
  3. Lacks wings and reproductive structures
  4. Similar to an adult
  1. Traits and Heredity pg. 122
  2. Heredity
  3. Passing down of traits from parents to offspring
  4. Inherited
  5. Trait received from parents
  6. Dimples, facial features, hair/eye color, way you laugh
  7. Instinct
  8. Way of acting or behaving that animals are born with
  9. Spider spinning web, how to breathe, build nests
  10. Learned behavior
  11. Developed over time
  12. Dog learning to sit, bark, fetch
  13. Imprinting
  14. Animal forms a social bond w/ other organisms
  15. Gene
  16. Chemical instructions for inherited traits
  17. Stored on structures(chromosomes)
  18. Dominant trait
  19. Dominates or masks other traits
  20. Recessive trait
  21. trait that is hidden or masked by another trait