Unit 9 Looking to the 21St Century

Unit 9 Looking to the 21St Century

Unit 9 Looking to the 21st Century

Text structure analysis

Main idea of the text ?

The author looks into the 21st century from eight different angles of view and predicts the important roles computer will play.

Structure analysis:

The writer presents the prediction for the 21st Century with general statements, which are supported by details. Each general statement has been numbered for quick scanning.

Just look at Number 6 of the reading passage. We find that the topic for this part is “the changing face of work and the workplace”. To describe the changes, the writer organized five short paragraphs in this part.

The first paragraph is about the general statement.

The second paragraph is about the women’s role in work.

The third paragraph is about people’s changing career.

The fourth paragraph is about the role of information and knowledge at workplaces.

The fifth paragraph is about the role of specialists.
And from second paragraph to the fifth paragraph are details to support the general statement in the first paragraph.


impose vt.

  1. (on) put (a load, or punishment) on把...... 强加于 加负担惩罚等

impose a light sentence on a first offender 对初犯从轻处罚

2. (on) establish (an additional bill) officially征(税等),处以(罚款、监禁等)

The company refused to pay the taxes imposed on them. 公司拒绝支付强征的税款。

vi. 利用,占便宜,麻烦

impose on sb’s naïve

I don’t want to impose on you.

performe n.

  1. the action or way of doing something 表现

The teacher praised him for his performance in class. 老师因他在课堂上表现好而表扬了他。

  1. a show of music, a play, etc. 表演

There were quite a few good performances at the party last night. 昨晚的晚会有不少好节目。

analysis n.

examination of something; analyzing 分析

This article is an analysis of the main character in the novel. 这篇文章对小说的主人公作了分析。

He based his decision on an analysis of the figures. 他的结论是在对数据进行分析的基础上做出的。


analyze a sentence对句子作语法分析

treatment n.

  1. the act or way of dealing with a disease 治疗

My cold won't respond to treatment. 治疗对我的感冒没有什么作用。

Many patients are not getting the medical treatment they need. 许多病人没有得到他们需要的治疗。

  1. dealing with 处理;对待

All visitors should receive proper treatment. 所有来客都应得到良好的接待。

His treatment of the problem doesn't satisfy his boss. 他对问题的处理没能使他的老板满意。

alternative a.

giving a choice from among more than two things可选择的

They had a right to seek alternative employment. 他们有权选择另一项工作。

n. a serious choice (必须作的)选择

If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight, he has no alternative but to go by plane.


You have no alternative about whether or not to work, but you do have a choice of jobs.


connection (英connexion) n.

  1. joining; uniting连接

computer connections 电脑网络

  1. relations between two things, people, or groups 关系;联系

He refused to admit any connection to the bombing. 他否认自己与那起轰炸事件有关。

There is no support of a connection between AIDS and smoking.


household n.all the people living in a house 家庭

Many poor households are experiencing real hard times.许多贫困家庭正过着极度艰难的生活。

a. concerned with the management of a house 家庭的

household costs 家庭开支 household business 家庭企业

facility n.

  1. [pl.] useful things 设施

shopping facilities 采购设施 sporting facilities 体育设施 teaching facilities 教学设施

2. an advantage or opportunity便利,容易,方便

A free bus to the airport is a facility offered only by this hotel.


globe n.

1. the Earth 地球

About 70% of our globe's surface is water. 地球表面70%是水。

2. an object in the shape of a ball, especially one with a map of the Earth painted on it球状物地球仪

Three large globes stand on the floor. 地板上立着三个大地球仪。

The ceiling light is now covered with a white globe. 现在那盏吊灯上装了一个球形灯罩。

management n.

  1. [C] the people who are in charge of a firm, industry, etc. 管理人员

The management of the store decided to increase the size of the parking lot.


  1. 2. [U] the act of controlling a business 管理

Bad management caused the company's ruin. 管理不当导致了公司的破产。

survive v.

  1. continue to live especially after coming close to death幸免于难

The crops survived the drought.

Thankfully, my village survived the great flood. 谢天谢地,我的村庄在那场特大洪水中幸存下来。

  1. live longer than比...... 活得长

She survived her husband by three years. 丈夫死后,她又活了三年。

profit n.

  1. money gained 利润

Did you make any profit last year? 你去年赚钱了没有?

  1. advantage gained from some action 得益

Finishing college will be to your profit. 完成大学学业对你有好处。


gain advantage or learn from 得益(于)

You must learn to profit by experience. 你必须学会从自己的经历中获益。

He hoped to profit from loaning money to make money. 他希望从借贷中获利。

emit vt. 光,热,电波,声音,液体,气味等

send out 排放

The chemical plant emitted a cloud of smoke. 那座化工厂排放出一股浓烟。

emission n.

  1. something that is sent out 排放物

All cars must be equipped with parts to reduce emissions. 所有汽车都必须安装减少排放物的装置。

  1. the act or the action of sending out something 排放

The emission of smoke and ashes from that factory must be controlled.


permit n.

official paper allowing something 许可证, 执照,通行证

work permit 工作许可证 a gun permit a driving permit

They refused to grant him a travel permit to go to Australia. 他们给他到澳洲旅行的签证。

vt. allow 容许

Her parents did not permit her to go out with her boyfriend. 她父母不允许她和男友一道外出。

The law does not permit smoking in this store.


Time permitting, we’ll come and see you.

advertise v.

  1. seek to sell goods or services by giving public notice in newspaper, by TV, etc. 广告(销售)

It pays to advertise. 做广告是会有回报的。

  1. make public; give public notice in newspaper, by television, etc. 公告;广告

When people lose something valuable, they advertise it in the newspaper.


ban vt. prevent by law or power; not allow 禁止

Swimming is banned in this lake. 此湖禁止游泳。

n. not allowing an act or speech by power 禁止

The city has a ban on parking cars in this busy street. 该城市禁止在这条繁华街道上停车。


  1. 1. (a feeling of) nervous anxiety, worry, or pressure 紧张不安

Mother feels tension when her baby is sick. 孩子一病,母亲就感到不安。

2. the degree or tightness or stiffness of a wire, rope, etc.拉力

If the tension of this rope is increased it will break. 如果拉力增加,绳子就会断。

prescribe vt

  1. order as a medicine or treatment开处方

The medicine prescribed by the doctor produced no effect. 医生开的药没有效果。

2. state (what must be done) 规定

Good citizens do what the laws prescribe. 好市民依法行事。

diet n.

  1. food and drink usually taken 日常饮食

My diet is made up of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, water, and milk.


  1. any special combination of food eaten in sickness, or to increase or decrease weight


The doctor prescribed a juice diet for the sick child. 医生规定这个生病的孩子吃流食。

The doctor put me on a low-salt diet.

Go on a diet to lose some weight.

(喻)Noise pollution is a daily diet in big cities. 家常便饭

Language notes

1. (not) to be imposed upon/on us by fate(L. 6) (不是)是命运强加于我们的

Parents should not impose their wishes on their children.

2. beyond our control(our power/doubt/comparison/praise…) (L. 7)


My thanks to you are beyond any expression.


3. to predict their performance from the strength of the brain’s electrical activity (L. 14)


The economists predict the rate of inflation from the analysis of the domestic market.


4. to use visual information for diagnosis and treatment (L. 22) 运用直观信息进行诊断和治疗

Medical experts are using their intelligence and abilities to the fullest for diagnosis and treatment of the disease.医学专家们正在最大限度地运用他们的聪明和才智对此病进行诊断和治疗。

5. to become essential to home life (L. 42)成为家庭生活必不可缺少的东西

Being punctual has become essential to the human communication.


6. to be one of the most widespread influences (L. 53 ) 是最具深远影响的方面之一

The birth of cloning is widely thought to be one of the most widespread influences in the late 20th century.


7. to make it difficult for cities to survive and for businesses to make a profit (L. 66)


All the people in the room were affected to tears, making it hard for me to control myself.

8. to develop healthy lifestyles (L. 81) 养成健康的生活方式

Developing a good habit of studying is essential to your success in the future.