Today is Wednesday December 16, 2015


On this date in 1773, the Boston Tea Party took place as American colonists boarded a British ship and dumped more than 300 chests of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest tea taxes.

This Week:

A special bulletin from the Media Center: An elf has been spotted on the shelf! Use the daily clue to find the elf, write down her secret message, and enter the daily drawing for a holiday treat. Today’s “elf on the shelf” clue is: The elf wants to read a holiday romance by the authors of Looking for Alaska, 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and TTYL.

When you stop by to search for the elf, you can also enter the Media Center’s “Count Your Lucky Stars” contest. Correctly guess the number of Starburst candy’s in the jar, and you’ll win prize package of Star Wars swag, including a $25 Visa gift card.

Lose something? Can’t find your favorite sweatshirt? Why not check out the Lost and Found pile in the Attendance Office. Anything remaining at the end of the day Friday will be donated to those in need. – FC

The Say It in Sign club will meet TODAY in Room 010. All students and faculty are welcome. Join the club and learn this amazing language.-CM

There will be a Holiday Party for Debate Club TODAY after school in room 111. Bring your friends, there will be tons of food! –AA

The Thespian Honor Society will present a workshop for lighting and sound in the theater TODAY, from 2:30 to 3:10. All students interested in learning about lighting and sound for theater are invited. - MM

All interested students are invited to join stage crew for the winter musical. The first stage crew meeting will be held on Monday, December 21 from 3:15 to 5:15 in the Theater. Students can sign up on the NHTO bulletin board outside Cafeteria A, or just show up at the meeting. - MM

There is an FBLA meeting today after school in room 128. – MC

The Key Club is sponsoring a 30 Hour Famine drive from this Sunday, Dec. 20th into Monday, Dec. 21st. Sign-up/donation sheets can be found in the History Hut. Please see Mr. Rotondo if you have any questions.

Mock Trial will meet in room 250 TOMORROW after school. – MB

The ESL Buddies Club will be having a special breakfast meeting with chocolate con churros this Friday morning before school. Check your email for your pass and come to Café A at 7:20 AM. Looking forward to seeing you then! – RN

Girls of Faith is having a Christmas Party on Monday 21 Dec after school in room 205. There will be food and fun. Please join us. – ST

Attention Seniors, local scholarships are now posted on Naviance. Additional scholarships will be added over the next few weeks, so check frequently. See Ms. Gorton with any questions about the applications. – JG

Want a stylish, artistic, eye catching shirt...well show your support for our school and class, order your NHHS Art History t-shirt today for yourself, family or friends! Orders will be collected until Wednesday, December 16th, please come to room 129 (the photo room) and see Mrs. Kirby for an order form!– ZK

With a number of soldiers being deployed to foreign lands, The Patriotic Youth Club along with the Future Teachers of America would like to make their “Little Soldiers,” who are left behind, smile for the holidays. You can help too by bringing in gift cards, toys, sporting equipment, and children’s clothing and dropping them off in the boxes found in your history room. – MP

Send your friend a bear-gram....stuffed animals will be sold in the mall after school this week to be delivered to classes next week. Buy one before stock runs out! $3 and $5 each. - KN

The North Hunterdon Boys Fencing Team will be holding a bake sale after school TODAY. Grab a snack before you head home or to sports practice. They’ll be in the mall from2:25 to 3:10. All items are a $1.00. – LS

Attention all students interested in gaining some extra practice with the new SAT: The English department will be holding a FREE SAT verbal prep class leading up to both the January and March SATs.

The class will run from 3:15-5:00 on Mondays starting January 4 and ending February 29.

Sign-ups will be in the RWL (room 106) from December 3 through January4.

North Hunterdon will be offering math SAT review classes beginning January 13th, running every Wednesday from 3:00 – 5:00 in room 207 for six weeks until February 17. Please sign up in the Math Resource Center (Room 215) by January 11th if you are interested in attending. There will also be another class offered in the spring. - MG


Lunch Menu 12/16:

Ham and Cheese Calzone

Pasta with Pink Sauce and Chicken Fingers


If you have any questions pertaining to the web posting of the announcements, please contact Frank Cierech at .