Unit 8 Test Review—Chapters 31,32,33 –digitally—32,33,34 

60 questions -- 


Ohio GangKKK

Teapot Dome LeasesAmerican Liberty League

Black Star LineNew Immigrants (geography)

Anarchists & A. Mitchell PalmerNational Origins Act (3 in 1920’s)

Sacco & VanzettiBlack Nationalism

NAACP Black Separatism

UNIA Pan-Africanism –“Back to Africa” movement

Laissez-Faire CapitalismBuying on Margin

Keynesian EconomicsTrickle-Down Theory

Rugged IndividualismGross National Product

Bonus Army-MarchAdjusted Compensation Act

Federal Farm Board—Grain and Cotton Stabilization Corporations

Installment PlansCCC

Buying on CreditFERA

AAA I & IISchenk Poultry Case

WPAWages and Hours bill (FLSAct)

FDICGlass-Steagall ACT

21ST AmendmentWagner Act

Unemployment Insurance-NDNew Deal Political Coalition-groups-effect

Francis PerkinsMargaret Sanger

Harlem RenaissanceRed Scare

Great Migration The “Lost Generation”

Black TuesdayEmergency Banking Act

National Bank HolidayFordney-McCumber Tariff

Hawley-Smoot TariffScopes-Monkey Trial

“This Side of Paradise”Dr. Francis Townsend

Upton Sinclair- EPIC Campaign


How do the Conservatives and the Supreme Court both react to the NEW DEAL?

What specific group benefits from the exceedingly high tariffs of the 1920’s?

What is the origin of the “Lost Generations” disillusionment in the 1920’s?

Which earlier “era” –movement influenced many of the New Deal programs?

How could people buy the many consumer goods of the 1920’s without cash?

What new idea/business rapidly advanced the sociological trend towards Consumerism in the 1920’s?

Which Group/economic sector begins its Great Depression in the 1920’s?

Which law passed by Congress in 1935 was influenced strongly by Dr. Townsend and Upton Sinclair?

The “Palmer Raids” in 1919 attacked which two (2) groups?

What three (3) letter-agency is created by Herbert Hoover and Congress to lend $$$ to Insurance companies, Banks, and other businesses to aid during the Great Depression?

What effect does the Hawley-Smoot Tariff have on international trade and the Great Depression?

What does the Dawes Plan 1924 – do? Purpose?

In the Washington Naval Conference, 1921-22, Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes masterly maneuvers the world powers to sign the 5-4-9 Power Treaties—What does each do?

What is the name of the author & book that describes the plight of the “okies’ and their migration to California during the Great Depression and Dust Bowl?

What group(s) made up the long lasting dominant “New Deal Political Coalition?” (it even included conservative southern democrats, unusually )

What two groups receive limited benefits, if any, from these two (2) New Deal Programs—the (wages and Hours bill) Fair Labor Standards Act & Social Security Act—due to their primary employment being exempted from both bills?

Huey Long’s “Share our Wealth” program wanted to ______the wealth of the Rich to the middle-class and poor people?

What was the one (1) prime objective of those African-Americans who came north during the 1st Great Migration during WWI?

Which President believed in the concept of “Rugged Individualism?”

What was the purpose of the Three (3) restrictive Immigration laws of the 1920’s?

Why was 1919 called the “Bloody Year?”

What was the effect of the Great Depression on the Average Farmer or Industrial Worker?

What were the great technological inventions of the 1920’s and how do they turn the focus to Consumerism?

Henry Ford’s use of what two (2) principles of mass production allows him to capture the lead in the Auto Industry until 1929 when General Motors becomes the dominant Auto company?

Charles Evans Hughes-Harry M. Daughter- Herbert Hoover-Calvin Coolidge

What job did each hold in the Harding Administration—Which Corrupt?

How was Harding and U.S. Grant’s Administrations similar?

Which Industry dominates the 1920’s?

How does Advertising Count on the concept of Materialism?

What two (2) factors cause every depression in American History?

What two (2) groups criticize the New Deal from the “left” politically?

Eleanor Roosevelt’s actions in Birmingham, Alabama was in opposition to what philosophy that was throughout the South most specifically?

Eleanor Roosevelt’s actions in Birmingham also put her husband, FDR, politically in a difficult position due to his dependence on this political group to pass much of the New Deal legislation in Congress?

Due to the political realignment that occurs after FDR’s election which political party dominates American politics for the next 40 years?

The Materialism of the 1920’s—buying goods to reflect social status—is the theme of which of Sinclair Lewis’ books?


Does FDR or Hoover support direct aid to individuals by the US Government during emergencies?

How is Keynesian Economics applied to solving the Great Depression—and by whom?

We strongly suggest you do these questions in preparation for the Multiple Choice Test 