January 25, 2013
Richard E. Porter, Professor Emeritus
Department of Communication Studies
California State University, Long Beach
2552 Downeyville Avenue
Henderson, Nevada 89052
(702) 614-7899
Ph.D. degreeUniversity of Southern California, 1974 Major: Speech Communication
Minor: Educational
M.A. degreeSan Diego State University, 1968Major: Speech Arts
B.A. degreeCalifornia State University,Major:Speech and
Long Beach, 1956 Drama
1996-Professor, Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach
1992-1996Professor, California State University, Long Beach
1989-1991Acting Associate Dean, College of Humanities California State University, Long Beach
1978-1989Chair, Department of Speech Communication, California State University, Long Beach
1979-1991Professor, California State University, Long Beach
1974-1979Associate Professor, California State University, Long Beach
1970-1974Assistant Professor, California State University, Long Beach
1969-1970Lecturer, California State University, Los Angeles
1968-1970Teaching Assistant, University of Southern California
1967-1968Teaching Assistant, San Diego State University
1-1967Commissioned Officer, United States Navy.
Served in various administrative, training and operational assignments in the ranks of Ensign through Lieutenant Commander. Assignments included Enlisted Personnel Officer and Enlisted Rate Training Officer, at Naval Air Stations, Pensacola, Florida and Seattle, Washington; Airborne Electronic Intelligence Evaluation Officer and Aviation Intelligence Officer, USS KITTYHAWK (CVA-63).
A. Books and Articles
Samovar, L., R. Brooks, and R. Porter, "A Survey of Adult Communication Activities," Journal of Communication, 4 (1969), 301-307. [Reprinted in Bernard and Huckins (eds.), Dynamics of Effective Behavior, Holbrook Press, 1971, pp. 495-501 and in Gibson (ed.) A Reader in Speech Communication, McGraw-Hill, 1971, pp. 129-134.]
Porter, R., "An Overview of Intercultural Communication" in L. Samovar and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, Wadsworth, 1972, pp. 3-18.
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, Wadsworth, 1972.
Applbaum, R., K. Anatol, E. Hays, O. Jenson, R. Porter, and J. Mandel, Fundamental Concepts in Human Communication, Canfield Press, 1973.
Porter, R. and L. Samovar, "Intercultural Communication Research: Where do we go from here?" in D. S. Hoopes (ed.), Readings in Intercultural Communication, Vol. III, Regional Council for International Education, 1973, pp. 1-14.
Porter, R. (co-author) "Receiver Variables in Human Communication" in Conley, Juegli, and Minter (eds.), Perspectives on Administrative Communication, Kendall/Hunt, 1976.
Porter, R. and L. Samovar, "Communicating Interculturally" in L. Samovar and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 2nd. ed., Wadsworth, 1976, pp. 4-24. [Reprinted in J. Civikly (ed), Messages: A Reader in Human Communication, 2nd. ed., Random House, 1977.]
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 2nd. ed., Wadsworth, 1976.
Samovar, L., R. Porter and N. Jain, Understanding Intercultural Communication, Wadsworth, 1981.
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and N. Jain, Understanding Intercultural Communication, Japanese language translation edition, C. Seibunsha Co., Ltd., 1983.
Porter, R. and L. Samovar, "Approaching Intercultural Communication" in L. Samovar and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 3rd.ed., Wadsworth, 1982, pp. 26-42. [Reprinted in 4th ed., 1985 and 5th ed., 1988.]
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 3rd. ed., Wadsworth, 1982.
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 4th. ed., Wadsworth, 1985.
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 5th. ed., Wadsworth, 1988.
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 6th. ed. Wadsworth (1991).
Porter, R. and L. Samovar, "Basic Principles of Intercultural Communication" in L. Samovar and R. Porter (eds.) Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 6th. ed. Wadsworth (1991), pp. 5-26.
Samovar, L. and R. Porter, Communication Between Cultures, Wadsworth (1991).
Porter, R. and L. Samovar, "Communication Within Multicultural Groups" in R. Cathcart and L. Samovar (eds.) Small Group Communication: A Reader, 6th. ed. Brown (1991).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 7th. ed. Wadsworth (1994).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter, Communication Between Cultures, 2nd. ed. Wadsworth (1995).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 8th. ed. Wadsworth (1997).
Porter, R. and L. Samovar, "Cultural Influences on Emotional Expression: Implications for Intercultural Communication" in P. Andersen and L. Guerrero (Eds.) Handbook of Communication and Emotion: Research, Theory, Applications, and Contexts. New York: Academic Press, (1998), 451-472.
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and L. Stefani, Communication Between Cultures, 3rd. ed.,
Wadsworth 1998).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 9th ed., Wadsworth, (2000).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter Communication Between Cultures, 4th ed., Wadsworth (2001).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 10th ed., Wadsworth (2003).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter, Communication Between Cultures, 5th ed., Wadsworth (2004).
Samovar, L. and R. Porter, Intercultural Communication: A Reader, Chinese language edition, Thomson, International (2004).
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and E. McDaniel, (eds.), Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 11th ed., Wadsworth (2006).
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and E. McDaniel, Communication Between Cultures, 6th ed., Wadsworth (2007).
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and E. McDaniel, Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 12th ed., Cengage/Wadsworth (2009).
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and E. McDaniel, Communication Between Cultures, 7th ed., Cengage/Wadsworth (in press).
Samovar, L., R. Porter, and E. McDaniel, Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 13th ed., Cengage/Wadsworth (2012).
Samovar, L., R. Porter, E. McDaniel, and C. Roy, Communication Between Cultures, 8th ed., Cengage/Wadsworth (2013).
Ssmovar, L., R. Porter, E. McDaniel, and C. Roy, Intercultural Communication: A Reader, 14th ed., Cengage/Wadsworth (in press).
B. Convention Papers
Porter, R. "Intercultural Communication Research: Where do we go from here?" paper presented at the Western Speech Communication Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 1972.
Porter, R. "Toward Communication About the Future" invited paper presented at
the keynote panel, Society for International Training, Education, and Research,
Long Beach, California, March 1982.
Porter, R. "Problems with the Current Trends in Intercultural Communication." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Speech Communication Association, San Diego, California, February 21, 1988.
Porter, R. "Who Makes the Rules in a Multicultural Society?" Paper presented at the California State University, Fullerton Conference on Communication and Cultural Diversity in American Institutions, Fullerton, California, October 3, 1992.
C. Grants and Awards
Fall 1977Granted 2 units of assigned time to investigate interexperimental
consistency in construct operationalization in Speech Communication
empirical research.
Fall 1980Granted 3 units of assigned time to develop an Interpersonal and
Organizational Communication undergraduate degree option.
Spring 1983Granted 3 units of assigned time to develop Speech Communication 405, Computer Applications in Communication Research.
Spring 1984Granted 3 units of assigned time to investigate the prospects of
establishing an interdisciplinary linguistics degree program at CSULB.
Fall 1986Received Speech Communication Association Award for the outstanding
anthology in intercultural communication.
Spring 1987Received Meritorious Performance and Professional Performance Award
Spring 1988Received Meritorious Performance and Professional Performance Award
1992Listed in Who's Who in the West
1993Listed in Who's Who in American Education
Spring 1995Sabbatical Leave
A. University Service
1977-1978Member, University Advisory Board for International Student Center.
Chair of a University Grievance Committee.
Member, University Matriculation and Registration Committee.
1-1979 University Scholarships and Loan Committee.
1978-1981Member, University Graduate Council.
1980-1981Member, WASC Task Force on Accreditation--Academic Planning.
Chair of a University Grievance Committee.
1981-1982Chair, University Graduate Council Ad Hoc Committee on Responsibilities of Thesis Committees
1983-1989Member, University Academic Appeals Committee.
1984-1986Chair, University Ad Hoc Committee for the Development of an M.A. Program in Liberal Studies. This committee worked toward the development of a curriculum proposal for an M.A. degree in Liberal Studies.
1984-1989 Member (Chair 1984-1987), Liberal Studies Committee.
1984-1987Director, Liberal Studies Program.
1984-1987Member, University Teacher Preparation Committee.
1985-1987Member, University Committee on the Preparation of Teachers for Multicultural
1986-1986Member, University Alumni Survey Advisory Committee.
1987-1989Member, University Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee.
1988Member, University Ad Hoc Planning Council
1988Member, University Organizational Issues Study Group.
1988-1989Secretary, University Faculty Personnel Policies Council.
1990-1992Member, Dean's Technical Committee.
Member, California State University, Long Beach Press Editorial Board.
1991Chair, Graduate Council Ad Hod Committee for Graduate Accountability, College
of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
1992-Member, University Planning and Educational Policies Council.
B. School/College Service
1-1978Secretary and Acting Chair, School of Humanities Faculty Affairs Committee.
1-1979Member, Dean of Humanities Research Committee.
1977-1979Chair, Humanities Curriculum Committee.
1978-1983Vice Chair, School of Humanities Council.
1-1982 Chair, Dean of Humanities Task Force on the Future of the School of Humanities.
1982-1983Chair, Dean of Humanities Search Committee.
1982-1984Member, Ad Hoc Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee for the Department of Communicative Disorders.
1-1989Member, School of Humanities Faculty Council.
Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Revise the School of Humanities RTP Document.
1984-1989Chair, School of Humanities Faculty Council
1986-1987Chair, Dean of Humanities Periodic Review Committee.
1987-1989Member, School of Humanities Campus Resource Planning Committee.
1988-1989Member, School of Humanities Outstanding Professor and Distinguished Teaching Award Screening Committees.
1989Chair, School of Humanities Meritorious Performance and Professional Promise Screening Committee.
1989Chair, Special Review Committee
1990Dean of Humanities designee on Department of Communicative Disorders
department chair impasse committee.
C. Department Service
1971-1973Member, Ad Hoc Committee for Pre-Legal Advisement.
Member, Committee for Minority Advisement.
1972-1973Member, Instructional Research and Facilities Planning Committee.
1973-1976Chair, Fiscal Affairs Committee.
1973-1976Member, Department Council.
1976-1978Chair, Curriculum Committee.
1977-1978Member, Graduate Committee.
1978-1989Chair, Department of Speech Communication. In addition to the normal day-to-day activities of managing the department, serve as an ex-officio member of all standing committees, prepared undergraduate and graduate program self-study performance review reports, developed a new undergraduate degree option in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication, developed a new graduate degree program in Communication and Human Information Systems, and began an annual Distinguished Visiting Professor program. Conducted national searches for probationary faculty including operation of a placement center booth at Speech communication Association meetings; conducted national and regional searches for temporary full-time lecturers; conducted regional and local searches for temporary part-time faculty including teaching assistants and graduate assistants.
1991-1996Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Speech Communication
1992-1994Chair,Department of Speech Communication Personnel Committee.
1992-1993Member, Department of Speech Communication Retention, Tenure, and Promotion Committee.
1995-1996Chair, Department of Speech Communication Personnel Committee
1979-Member, Board of Directors, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, CSULB Chapter
1979-1982Treasurer, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, CSULB Chapter.
1982-1984President, Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, CSULB Chapter.
1985-1994Faculty Adviser, Acacia Fraternity
1972-1973Editorial Consultant to Wm. C. Brown Publishing Company.
1972-1973Invited consultant on intercultural relations in the U.S. Navy, Naval Training Center, San Diego, California.
1972-1974Editorial Consultant to Dickenson Publishing Company.
1973-1976Editorial Consultant to Wadsworth Publishing Company.,
1975-1976Editorial Consultant to Wm. C. Brown Publishing Company.
1978-1979Editorial Consultant to West Publishing Company
Editorial Consultant to Houghton-Mifflin Publishing Company
1979-1980Secretary, Intercultural Communication Interest Group, Western Speech
Communication Association
1980-1981Editorial consultant to Houghton-Mifflin Publishing Company.
1-1983Conducted external performance review of the Speech Communication Department,
Chapman College, Orange, California
Invited keynote speaker and participant in Faculty Development Center symposium on the
teaching of motivation, interpersonal communication skills, and cognitive skills, California
Sate University, Long Beach.
1983-1984Editorial consultant to Gorsuch Publishing Company
1985Guest lecturer in intercultural communication class, California State
University, Los Angeles
1990Guest speaker to Center for International Education Staff, CSULB, on current thoughts and trends in intercultural communication
Association of Communication Administrators
National Communication Association
Western States Communication Association
Pacific Area Communicator of Intercultural Affairs
World Communication Association
National Association of Multicultural Educators
1969Western Speech Communication Association, San Diego, California
1973Western Speech Communication Association, Newport Beach, California
1978Western Speech Communication Association, Los Angles, California
1982Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research, Long Beach, California
1984Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, Los Angeles, California
1985CSU Conference on Teacher Preparation for Multicultural California, San Francisco, California
1986Speech Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois
1987Speech Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts
1988Western Speech Communication Association, San Diego, California
1988National Conference on Racial and Ethnic Relations in American Higher Education, Norman, Oklahoma
1989Conference on transforming the Eurocentric University into the Multicultural University, Oakland, California.
1989Speech Communication Association, San Francisco, California
1990California State University Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences Deans Conference, CSU San Bernardino, April 20, 1990.
1990American Conference of Academic Deans, Stockton,
California, October 25-26, 1990.
1990Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, New Orleans, November 14-17, 1990.
1991California State University Humanities and Social and
Behavioral Sciences Deans Conference, CSU Los Angeles, March 29, 1991.
1991American Conference of Academic Deans, San Diego, California October 24-25, 1991.
1991Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, San Diego, California, November 7-8, 1991.
1992 California State University, Fullerton Conference on Communication and Cultural
Diversity in American Institutions. Fullerton, California, October 2-3, 1992.
1997 Western Communication Association, Pasadena, California, February 1997.
2000 Western Communication Association, Sacramento, California, February 2000
2004 Western States Communication Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
February 2004.
2005 Western States Communication Association, San Francisco, California, February
2005 National Communication Association, Boston, MA, November 2005.
2006 Western States Communication Association, Palm Spring, California,
February, 2006
2007 Western States Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, February
1983-1990Member, Seal Beach Yacht Club
1984 Radio operator and member of the race committee for the Los Angeles Olympic Games yacht racing competition
1985Chief Operator, Seal Beach Yacht Club Amateur Radio Committee
1987Member, City of Seal Beach Radio Amateurs Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
1988-1990Director, Seal Beach Yacht Club
1989Treasurer, Seal Beach Yacht Club
1990Rear Commodore, Seal Beach Yacht Club
1988-1996Member, Long Beach Yacht Club
1988-1996Member, Long Beach Yacht Club Amateur Radio Club
1989-1992Member, International Community Council
1990-1991Member, board of directors and scholarship committee, International Community
1991-1992Member, board of directors and member finance committee, International
1991-1993Member, board of directors, The Pacific Area Communicator of Intercultural
1991-1994President, board of directors, The Pacific Area Communicator of Intercultural
2000-2003 Member, Finance Committee, Sun City Anthem Home Owners Association.
2004-2005Vice Chair, Sun City Anthem Home Owners Association Transition Task Force for Management and Contracts.
2007-2008 Member and Vice Chair, Sun City Anthem Home Owners Association
Covenants Committee.
2009-2011 Member and Chair, Sun City Anthem Hdome Owners Association Covenants