Unit 7 Test Review – Chapters 27-28-29-30 in text/27-31 on Digital Edition

Multiple Choice Ideas:

What was the most controversial aspect of the Treaty of Versailles/--specifically with the League of Nations…to the “irreconcilables?”

Name the four (4) most prominent candidates in the Election of 1912 and their political parties they represent?

Under Which President and for what purpose was the Federal Reserve Act passed?

In Woodrow Wilson’s first term as President to which countries did he send the US Army?

What was George Washington’s warning in his farewell address concerning Foreign Nations?

What “closing” in 1890…was a major factor in the shift in Foreign Policy towards Imperialism in the late 19th century?

Alfred Thayer Mahan in his famous book argued what?

Alice Paul led which Women’s organization?

The 1848 Seneca Falls Convention was a protest against what?

Which region in the United States did not oppose Women’s Suffrage, generally during the Progressive Era?

What was the original purpose of Settlement Houses like “Hull House,” run by Jane Addams in Chicago?

“Yellow Journalism” was one of the causes of which war?

In which War do many prominent Americans exhibit Jingoism?

Which U.S. Senator was a prominent Jingo?

What did the decision in the Supreme Court case called the “Insular Case” discuss?

Which Amendment gave the United States a virtual right of intervention in Cuba?

The conflict between Germany and the United States before War was declared was most similar to which previous War?

What is the Two (2) word term used to describe Woodrow Wilson’s legendary Foreign Policy philosophy introduced in his War Message and finalized in his 14 points speech?

During WWI was the Mobilization of our Counties resources for the most part a voluntary process or mandatory process?

Which of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points was established to provide “collective security?”

After what German actions does the United States declare war, specifically?

Which specific action of the US Government undercut’s the message of Liberty during WWI?

According to Woodrow Wilson’s War Message—For what reason/purpose does the Unites States intend to go to war…WHAT does the USA want to accomplish, according to Wilson?

What is the nickname of the “investigative Journalists” who TR named from a character in the book “Pilgrim’s Promise?”

What act of congress is most associated with Upton Sinclair’s book “The Jungle?”

Which of the Acts that came from Wilson’s attack on the “Triple Wall of Privilege” most directly helped organized labor… Samuel Gompers calls the act the “Magna Carta of Labor?”

What do the 16,17,18, & 19th Amedments (The Progressive Era Amendments) each do exactly?

What is the title of the Environmental Theory created by Teddy Roosevelt and his friend Gifford Pinchot?

John Muir, the preservationist, helped to found what club?

What was the “Real Heart” of the Progressive Movement? (for what to be used for what)

These groups inspired the progressive movement --the PM’s roots or origins can be found in these groups?

According to the Progressives the “cures for America’s ills” was more what?

Of the Progressive Movements reforms which promoted “active citizenship”—was political?

What is the most glaring example of the “limits” of Progressivism…or that it was exclusionary?

The Motivation for Progressive’s political reforms was due to corruption by corporations of what?

(the Rockefeller Cartoon or the Octopus Cartoon)

Teddy Roosevelt’s New Nationalism proposals promoted a broad program of what category of reform generally?

What was TR’s label/slogan for his reform proposals while he was President…the most significant two words in the quote that begins a chapter?

What was TR’s most enduring, tangible achievement?

What was TR’s “real purpose” in busting trusts…who was in charge?

What is the name of the Philippine Nationalist who led the insurrection against the United States?

Which President is most associated with the term “Dollar Diplomacy?”

The initial “Open Door Note” was essentially an argument generally for what economic idea?

Why did the Filipino’s rebel against the USA?

What was the purpose the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?

As a result of the RC to the MD ….what does the USA do several times in the next 30 years in the “Americas?”


  1. Teddy Roosevelt and his relationship with trusts-show examples

Differences between Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson dealing with trusts

  1. Teddy Roosevelt and his policies on Imperialism, as President, and how he influenced the future-show examples in your short answers
  1. Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles and how Wilson’s policies changed over time-Show examples (What we discussed in class)
  1. Woodrow Wilson’s policies toward Latin America and compare them to Teddy Roosevelt and William Taft