Sell it! The Sales Call Presentation Group Role Play - for November 15
Submit a sales call plan as well as a script for the sales call. Include a discussion of how you would plan the sales call and set objectives. In the script include probing and anticipated objections (and responses). Include possible service and follow-up opportunities. Your ~ 2page paper should contain the following information with each part of the report clearly identified.
- Planning the CallHow you would prepare for this call. What added information would be most useful to obtain during the sales call, and why? Include these questions or however you would get the answer, in your script. Indicate the primary call objective, a secondary call objective, the minimum callobjective, and an optimistic call objective.
- The Script for the Sales PresentationInclude:
a. The opening
b. The body -the presentation itself
c. Two potential objections and how you would address them
d. The closing
e. Service & follow-up
- The Sales Presentation A representative or two from your group will make the presentation, Thursday November 15. During thispresentation, you will make your sales call based on your script, but you won’t use your script (since you would not use it in a realsales call).
You are Fred Pitcher, a 22 year old brand rep for Certified Angus Beef a recent UK grad.
- You met Martin Butcher at a trade show where he tried the meatloaf and wanted to know more about it so you had arranged this meeting.
- The meat loaf is Certified Angus. It is a two piece chuck, there are no added fillers, MSGs or other additives. It comes with the tray, lid and the sleeve, the meatloaf and the glaze (you brought with you). It has a brown sugar glaze, not like the ketchup glaze which is normally associated with meatloaf.
- Once a retailer receives the product all they have to do it put it in the microwave. It is extremely easy for workers to get ready. They take it out of the package, put it in the oven, wait until the meatloaf reaches 160 degrees, take it out and put the brown sugar glaze on it, then it goes back in the oven for about 5 minutes. Next cut into however the desired number of pieces and put it into the display tray. It is eye appealing and will draw costumers
Martin is:
- Very involved with family activities, enjoy cars is a UK basketball fan
- A Certified Angus Beef licensed dealer who carries some CAB products
- He has 2 locations, Bowling Greena new one in Louisville.
- CAB meatloaf is also offered cold to accompany other cold cuts in the deli case in larger package quantities. It is a bigger loaf then the non-deli version. That way it can be cut before freezing for selling one slice at a time.
- the advertising can be e-mailed to the marketing department
- Possible advertising aids
A sample newspaper ad that can have Martin's brand the Certified Angus brand, to show how they will look together.
There are "clings" that stick on to the deli case that don't melt deli case. They act as a visual aid, to help the customer see the final product.
There are stickers that go on the store windows. Also easily peel off.
A middle of aisle displays, to direct to the deli section
We have found that using our coupons increased other store's sales. The coupon offers a free side to go along with the deli meatloaf.
- You could put the meatloaf with other food products as a combo meal
- The cost is $3.99 with a pricing point of $7.99
- You have a schedule that shows that if an order is made today, the meatloaf shipment will arrives 11-22. Theycould run the Certified Angus meatloaf ad as soon as the shipment arrives.
For December, run the taste demos to compare to current meatloaf. Just prior to Christmas run the coupon ad.
Do the same process in February, except this time for Valentine's Day.