UNIT 7.2 Assignment Sheet

Unit 7
1920s, 30s, & 40s / -Ch 26: The Modern Temper (p. 968 – 989)
  • Skip p. 979-80 the women’s movement - already read
-Ch 27: Republican Resurgence & Decline (p. 991 – 1020)
  • P. 991-1011 = 1920s
  • P. 1012 – 1020 = start / causes of the Depression
-Ch 28: New Deal America (p. 1022 – 1061)
  • Will have a quiz over this chapter!!
-Ch 29: From Isolation to Global War (p. 1063 – 1089)
  • Can skip “attempts at disarmament p.1065-1067
  • Skim because from World History (start of WWII Europe) “War Clouds p. 1069-1078
-Ch 30: The Second World War (p. 1091 – 1130)
  • Can skip “the allied drive toward berlin” p. 1102- 1110 (pick up at D-Day and After)
  • HINT: focus most on the war in the Pacific

Project/ Review
Assignment / -Unit 7 Folder Assignment (covers all of unit 7) will be due the day of the test (bring this to all classes – there may be time in class to work on this on some days)
9th – 13th / Activities 1920s:
-Watching in class (5th & 6th): 10 days that Unexpectedly Changed America: Scopes – The Battle over America’s Soul – The History Channel
-Read ch 26 & start of 27 (1920s topics)
  • Identify the terms listed for the 1920s (will make activities in class easier)
-1920s group activities in class (9th & 10th)
16th – 20th /
Activities 1930s:
-Read the 1930s chapters (end of ch 27 and all of ch 28)
  • Identify the terms listed for the 1930s
  • 1930s quiz (remember can use notes & terms on the quiz as long as hand written)
  • Quiz: A = Thurs 19th & B = Fri 20th

23rd – 27th /
Activities 1940s:
-Read the 1940s chapters (ch 29 & ch 30) (you are skipping a lot!)
  • Identify the terms listed for the 1940s
  • Japanese Internement Article with questions (blog)
  • Mobilizing the homefront article with questions (blog)
  • Due: A = Mon 23rd & B = Tues 24th
Unit 7.2 Test (unit folder project due same day)
-A = Fri 27th
-B = Mon 30th

1920s: Textbook = Ch 26 & 27 Review book = Ch 23

Terms to Master:

1)Warren G. Harding

2)“return to normalcy”

3)Ohio Gang

4)Calvin Coolidge

5)Teapot Dome scandal

6)Scopes Monkey Trail

7)F. Scott Fitzgerald

8)Kellogg-Briand Pact

9)Earnest Hemingway

10)Charles Lindbergh

11)Sacco and Vanzetti

12)The Jazz Singer

13)Babe Ruth

14)Alfred E. Smith

15)Henry Ford; Model T

16)Assembly line

17)Signmund Freud

18)Margaret Sanger



21)Lost Generation

22)Frank Lloyd Wright

23)Harlem Renaissance

24)Langston Hughes

25)Zora Neale Hurston

26)Duke Ellington

27)Louis Armstong

28)Marcus Garvey

29)Clarence Darrow

30)William Jennings Bryan (new items)

31)18th amendment; Volstead Act (1919)


33)Tin Pan Alley

34)Immigration quota laws (1921 & 1924)

35)Ku Klux Klan

36)Dawes Plan (1924)

37)Herbert Hoover

1930s: Textbook = Ch 27 & 28 Review book = Ch 24

Terms to Master:

1)Smoot-Hawley Tariff

2)Bonus Army

3)Franklin Delano Roosevelt

4)Bank holiday

5)Frances Perkins

6)“fireside chats”

7)First 100 days

8)Unemployment Relief Act

9)Civilian Conservation Corps

10)Agricultural Adjustment Act

11)Tennessee Valley Authority

12)National Industrial Recovery Act

13)National Recovery Administration

14)Public Works Administration

15)20th amendment; “Lame-Duck”


17)Securities and Exchange Commission


19)Buying on margin


21)Black Tuesday

22)Eleanor Roosevelt

23)“relief, recovery, and reform”

24)Bain trust

25)(FDIC) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

26)First New Deal

27)Court Packing scheme

28)Fair Labor Standards Act (1938)

29)John Maynard Keynes

30)Scottsboro Case; Norris v. Alabama

31)Dust Bowl; Okies

32)John Steinbeck; the Grapes of Wrath

33)Indian Reorganization Act (Wheeler-Howard Act)

34)Second New Deal

35)Wagner Act (1935)

36)Social Security Act (1935)

37)Father Charles Coughlin

38)Francis Townsend

39)“share the wealth”

40)Huey Long

1940s: Textbook = Ch 29 & 30 Review book = Ch 25

Terms to Master:

1)Good-neighbor policy

2)Soviet Union


4)Benito Mussolini

5)Nazi party; Adolf Hitler

6)Winston Churchill

7)Arsenal of democracy

8)Axis Powers

9)Allied Powers


11)Neutrality acts



14)Cash and carry

15)Four freedoms speech

16)Lend Lease Act 1941

17)Atlantic charter

18)Pearl Harbor; Dec. 7th, 1941; “a day which will live in infamy” speech

19)Office of Price Administration

20)Korematsu v. US

21)Harry S. Truman

22)Dwight D. Eisenhower


24)Battle of the Bulge


26)Battle of Midway

27)Battle of Iwo Jima

28)Douglas MacArthur

29)“island hopping” or “leapfrogging”

30)Manhattan Project

31)Los Alamos

32)J. Robert Oppenhemier

33)Hiroshima; Nagaski; Enola Gay

34)Big Three

35)V-E Day

36)V-J Day

37)Potsdam Conference

38)Yalta Conference

39)United Nations

40)War Production Board

41)“Rosie the Riveter”

42)“zoot suit” riots

43)A. Philip Randolph; March on Washington 1941; “Double V Campaign”