Questionnaire for parents and carers - September 2012
403 returned
Please read the following statements and tick the answer which best fits what you think about the Academy. Please only tick one box per statement. If you cannot answer leave it blank.
(Please tick) / Overall View %1 / My child enjoys school / 95
2 / The school keeps my child safe / 97
3 / My child is making progress at this school / 98
4 / The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle / 96
5 / The school informs me about my child’s progress / 92
6 / The school expects my child to work hard and do his or her best / 99
7 / The school sets appropriate homework for my child / 96
8 / The school makes sure that my child is well prepared for the future (for example changing year group, changing school, and for children who are finishing school, entering further or higher education, or entering employment) / 99
9 / There is a good range of activities including trips or visits for my child to take part in / 95
10 / The school treats my child fairly and with respect / 97
11 / The school meets my child’s particular needs / 97
12 / Parents and carers with children who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities
The school informs me about the types of support available for my child’s particular needs / 95
13 / Parents and carers with children who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities
The school provides specialist support for my child’s particular needs / 97
14 / Parents and carers with children who have learning difficulties and/or disabilities
The school informs me how the specialist provision is helping my child to progress / 95
15 / The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour / 96
16 / The school has appropriate procedures for dealing with complaints / 94
17 / The school takes account of my suggestions and concerns / 97
18 / The school is led and managed effectively / 96
19 / Overall, I am happy with my child’s experience at this school / 97
20 / Any additional comments please write below;
- Can’t comment as child has only been here a short while but like Kaleidos.
- Child has settled in well and is enjoying her variety of lessons.
- Meeting teachers and visiting the Academy helped a great deal. Child felt much better about moving from primary to academy because of visits.
- Positive transition from primary to academy, child leaves for school on a morning happy and enthused.
- Happy that she chose this school, child has settled in very well.
- Happy with progress that daughter is making both academically and self confidence. Well done to all staff, keep up the good work.
- Son feels safe and secure in school.
- So nice to see Castle View making so many changes to the pupils and community.
- Very impressed with the school, excellent opening evening.
- An excellent school.
- My son gets an A* in GCSE maths in Yr 10 – will he now be doing A level work and undertaking A level exams?
- Need more homework.
- Pleased with the Academy.
- Pleased with child’s progress.
- Would like to thank staff for the high standards of teaching they have given our son.